hmmm...just wondering about body image
Now that I've been at a plateau for about a year and haven't reached my goal I see myself as fat again. Well, I still am. I'm physically much stronger and healthier than before so I "feel" thiner than I am and I hate pictures all over again becasue I feel I can't get a picture that makes me look as good as I feel. Anyway, excuse my ramblings. I think what I'm trying to say is we probably all have different versions and problems with our body image.
Sometimes I can't tell a change because, as you said, I just see me. I can tell in my face when I see pictures of the "old" me. We went to the family literacy event at Washington Square Mall on Saturday and while we were walking by a mirror I saw my reflection and told Troy, "Wow. I can really tell in that mirror that I've lost weight." It's strange how we don't see ourselves the way we are. I still turn sideways when going through places I think will be a tight sqeeze and it's not anymore. It's just who we are I guess. My sister, who had her surgery over 8 yrs ago, says "once a fat girl, always a fat girl." I think I know what she means. It's just in our heads. I know I'm healthier because I feel better. I can also do things I couldn't before so I realize I'm smaller that way too. Plus all the comments people make...that really makes me feel great. You'll soon find out what I'm talking about. I can't wait to have you and Kim together so we can support each other.
Love you my friend, Jacqui
Laundry day is my reality check. I used to fit only 4 pairs of my jeans in the washer, now I can fit 6 or more. When I would hold out my jeans to fold them before, I couldn't believe how W-I-D-E they were. I used to be able to iron my clothes on either end of the ironing board before. Now they don't fit over the big end. I was ironing a skirt Sunday and couldn't believe that little thing was going to fit - but it did!
I have always been a big ole, healthy girl. I still am...but now I really am healthy!
Take pictures on a regular basis along your journey, you won't believe the difference even a month can make.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...