3 months post-op...pictures
The pre-op liquid diet isn't much fun, but hang in there it's almost done! I know what you mean about saving the nervousness for surgery day. I don't remember being nervous at all until it was time to walk to the OR. Be sure to let us know how you do after surgery. Do you have an angel or someone designated to let us know how surgery goes?
Linda Kay
You look incredible.. There is a huge difference for only three months. Don't be embarrased about posting pictures, Hey, We've all been there. I have many pictures I'd like to burn. One day you'll look back at these (as much as you may dislike them) and really appreciate the changes. Keep up the good work! Have you done measurments along with the weight? I'll bet the difference in those numbers is even greater than the pounds lost.
girl you wonderful.
Are you like me im my own worse critic..
Not only do you look wonderful i bet you feel so much better..
I ran into my moms friend whom i havent seen in 2 yrs and her reply was are you okay youve lost so much weight.
ummm yell im better than okay and i told her about the surgery..
its wonderful to get the compliments dont you agree.
Keep up the good work sweetie you look wonderful.....
I haven't ran into anyone yet that hasn't seen me for a while, so I'm still waiting for that WOW response. The compliments are definitely wonderful though and Linda Kay is right...if it keeps up I just might get a big head! lol.
I think it might be time we see a new avatar from you... maybe?? I met you at the clothing exchange, right? I don't even recognize you from your picture. Whatcha think??