Wednesday's Getting To Know You Questions!
1. What is your favorite love song? mind is going blank for some reason right now, so what is coming through is You Are My Sunshine. Does that count?! Sing with me....You are my sunshine, my only make me happy when skies are gray (when skies are gray), you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away. Smiles!
I also grew up thinking I would marry Jon Bon Jovi...that didn't somehow pan out...don't understand that one! Hmmm.....Maybe "livin on a prayer"
2. What about your relationship, something that you add to it, are you proud about?
Fun, spontaneity, ability to let my spouse be his own person. We love each other very much, however we're not joined at the hip.
3. Favorite hard candy?
Jolly ranchers, green apple flava for me!
As usual I'm late on this!
1. Favorite love song (right now): I'm yours by Jason Mraz
2. My husband says I'm evil (and he likes it! ) Really though I think we complement each other. And I do try to build up his self-esteem, he was really beaten down by his dad and sometimes I have to remind him that he is so much more than what his dad led him to believe!
3. Not a hard cand fan, but sugar free Dove chocolates... now that's my thing!
2- Mark and I truly understand each other and are our own best friends! We both give freely to the other and help encourage each other and support each other when it seems to be needed! He keeps me sane, I stress too easily and I am the one with the more common sense!
3-I never see them anymore, BUT- TOOTSIE POP DROPS! Tootsie roll suckers without the stick- it just isn't the same, even on the stick!
Thanks Jodi!
1. What is your favorite love song?
Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler. Someone sang that when I went out for Mrs. Boone County in 1990 while the judges were out and the contestants were on stage. I remember looking out at my husband and he had tears rolling down his face and I tried hard to keep my composure! He told me afterwards how proud he was to have me as his wife and that he loved me more today than when we first married and will love me more tomorrow. It was all I could do not to cry looking down at him in the audience! (He's such a sweet man!)
2. What about your relationship, something that you add to it, are you proud about?
A family that prays together stays together! We are a praying couple. I don't want to say "I'm PROUD of it", but want to say that has to be the secret to our success. Life is never easy. Why not prayer together?
3. Favorite hard candy?
Unfortunately, I like it all. That's what got me obese in the first place. The sugar alcohol in sugar free gives me gas and upset stomach so bad....but does that stop me? NO! When I start, I always eat TOO much!
1. Favorite love song "You Look Wonderful Tonight".

2.Since I am not in a relationship, I better not give advice

3.I liked apple & cherry Jolly Ranchers

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so lets see...
1. my favorite love song; i have 2. one is its your love by tim mcgraw and faith hill my husband and i always sing this one as loud as we can (and we arent that good, just having fun!!) and number 2 is you were always on my mind by willie nelson. my dad always sang that song to me when i was growing up, and now, when my dad sings it, no matter where we are, my hubby will dance with me and sing it to me too (he doesnt dance much!!)
2. what i bring: i guess being outgoing?!?!? at least out of the 2 of us i am. i am ready to do something all the time and love to be going and doing. some of my favorite things are when we just get up and say lets go and not even know where!
3. favorite hard candy: wow.... i love lots of them!! i guess i would have to saw cinnamon disk or wintergreen life savers. or lemon jolly ranchers or lemon heads... yikes, i btter stop or i will keep changing my mind!! :)