Wednesday Morning
The crappy part is with my meds. I think I wrote the other day in a daily thread that I take meds for my mood disorder, and my NP had changed one of them. Well, she did it with good reason. I was starting to have side effects --- muscle stiffness and spasms. Not good. But I just don't feel right, now with the lower dose. I don't know if it's just my body getting used to the new dose, or if it's a sign of hey, this won't work for me. I had been at the old dose for several years. I feel downish and teary. I called the NP yesterday and talked to her. She's not ignoring or dismissing it, so that's good, and we have a plan to try --- alternating between the new dose and old dose every day for a couple of weeks, to try to wean down more slowly now. I hope that works. I just want to stay on track, because I've been doing really well, without many mood symptoms for about a year now. It makes life so much easier.
Well yesterday was Mikey's first football practice. Mike, who's coaching the team said it went well. And Maggie had dance class about that time too. She did a good job. She looks so cute in her little dance outfit, and I can't wait to see Mikey's first game on Saturday. My kids are starting to grow up, and sometimes I wish I could have another one. I miss having a baby, but I know deep down, that wouldn't be the best thing for my family. We really can't afford more children right now, and I think two children use most of my time and attention that I have to give now, what with working two jobs, too.
Well, I hope all of you have a great day. I'm going to try to have the best one I can have. Tonight is the night we get respite care for Mikey. No big plans, just going to the grocery store, since that's a chore he hates. But it will be nice to get it done without a fit!
Well, I hope everyone has a pleasant day! Take care of yourselves!
Linda - I hope they get your meds straightened out. This must be very frustrating for you. Glad to hear you have such a supportive doctor. Glad to hear your DH is getting a chance to sub today. Sometimes subbing gets their foot in the door for a future job. Enjoy shopping without kids tonight. Thank God for respite care for parents in need of such service. We have a fantastic respite center near us here and it is a great blessing to parents.
Well, time to hit the shower. School is going smoothly. Kids making good progress. I am so pleased. ISTEP testing starts next week so it should be a very busy week. Trust me the teachers hate that week just as much as the kids do if not more and this year we get to do it twice! Yippee!!! Hugs to all. Karen
I did happen to break down when we went to Value City. I saw a pair of jeans that were on sale for $5.99.......they are a size 9 juniors!!! Well, when I got home, I tried them on, and they fit!!! I can't believe it! I am in single digits!!! Holy Cow! That is so hard for me to believe! It is an awesome feeling tho!
Not much planned for today. Jimmy is working, and the girls are at school, so I will do the housework, and get supper started early. Molly wants lasagna this evening, so I may make that tonight. I just am not in the mood for pasta. Oh well. I will figure something out!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Prayers going out to those with surgeries today. I know we have a couple on here that will be joining us on the bench later today, so I am getting the dust bunnies out of the way, and clearing a spot! Prayers for all, along with lots of hugs! Have a wonderful and blessed day!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good morning everyone!
Happy, happy hump day!
Ok..kinda goofy I guess, huh? Ah well. It's another morning that I've been here at work since ~5-ish so after 2 hours, I guess I needed a 'be goofy' break! LOL!
What did you think about how chilly it was this morning? I had to wear a jacket into work AND run the heater!! I am NOT looking forward to winter. Last year, I went in the hospital on Oct. 6th and it was still warm and 'summery'. When I was discharged a month later, it was chilly..but not 'cold' yet. Then I was off of wor****il the end of April...and it was spring weather then. So I really didn't get out in the weather much last year except for doctor appointments. I can already tell that this winter is going to be hard on me temp-wise.
I got to see my Elvis buddy Mike yesterday. I hadn't seen him since I transferred to Indy in 1999. He (of course) didn't know me. When I told him who I was, he had a look of shock and then grabbed me & gave me a big old bear hug. Of course, he didn't know about my tummy so I didn't stay for his performance. I got back to our site/building/my desk so I could take some pain meds. My tummy wasn't too thrilled with the hug (or with his huge Elvis buckle. It didn't cause my tummy to bleed or anything. I think it was just the shock of being grabbed and pressure on my tummy....besides, it was past time for a pain pill anyway.). It was still nice seeing him anyway. He goes 'wow, you've lost some weight haven't you? I mean, there was something about your face that was familiar but I sure didn't recognize you!'. LOL! Yeah...only about 200 lbs less of me. No wonder he didn't recognize me, huh? He still looks the same...Elvis, his slimmer years. Only he had a really sharp black jumpsuit on instead of the traditional white one. We wrapped up the evening with dinner with Bill's Mom & her bf. It was nice visiting with them. I had gyro...I love the lean lamb! I brought the rest of it & some deviled eggs for my lunch today.
Linda....I hope your meds start kicking in the way they should soon & you start feeling better. I start the stronger dose of Cymbalta (30mg-->60mg) today. I'm hoping the nausea stays at a minimum. Enjoy your evening. I hope you are able to have a drama-free night. I hope Mike has a good day at his subbing today!
Jane & wishes today and to a speedy recovery! Welcome to the Loser's circle!
Karen...yeah, we all tend to forget what impact the testing has on the teachers..huh? I think it's unfair to test the kids right after they get back from summer break and then blame the teachers if they score badly. Shoot..if it's suppose to be an indicator of how well they learned things, then test them in February or March while it's all still fresh in their minds but the weather isn't so nice that all they want to think about is recess. Do they do the testing twice a year now instead of just the one time? Is it still not for every grade?
LaChelle..congrats on the single digit! Very, very happy for you! all have a very good day today! It's time to get some hot oatmeal in me and try to warm up!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I slept a little better last night. I only had to get up once in the night. I fell asleep on the couch last night by 9pm. Guess I was tired from all the getting up the night before.
Nothing planned today, just work, work, work.
Then home to that routine.
Best wishes to those having surgery today. May you have a speedy and painless recovery.
Prayers going out to all those in need of them.
Hope everyone has a great day and Michelle...I still have my fingers crossed for hubby! Would be nice to have you guys down here for awhile!

Not much today......
Went and joined Curves last night....hope it gets me closer to goal.
Tonight I am going to the fall preview at one of our local craft stores.....looking forward to that.
Then on Saturday I am off to Ellen's for Diva Purses!!!!! I am super excited about that.....
Off to get some hot is cold!!!!
Going to exercise in alittle while,

I'm glad to hear Mike is getting some work,Linda.You are doing a great job as parents.
I know how hard it is - my hubby was out of work for 18 months and we were really strapped for a long time yrs. ago.I did two jobs, he did odd jobs, and we worked hard to live- even picked up corn in the feilds to make $$ to pay utilities. Life does get better, we have to keep trying!
LaChelle, Glad you got some time out - and congrats on the new size!
Karen- I think of you every day- those children are so blessed to have you.
Lois, Lisa, Michelle, - So good to see you girls last night!!!!
Sherri- Sounds like Elvis was impressed- you gotta love a "Elvis hug" right? Glad it didn't hurt you. Hope to see you sometime soon.
Got to hit the road- have a great day everyone!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#