or how about a brief synopsis of your day.
what kind of vitamins How many?
what times?
Can someone give me a good detailed scenario of a fresh post op day?
what, when and how much.
I would really appreciate someone putting it in perspective for me.
Thanks Bunches.
Basically my day consisted of eating breakfast as soon as I got up. It was usually cream of wheat. Then I would chew up 1 Flinstone vitamin about 1/2 hr later. Then start sipping the protein drinks and fluids until lunch, I would also get 1 of my calcium in there. Then I would eat my lunch usually instant potatoes or a cream soup. Then my 2nd vitamin and start sipping again, same with supper. I would also do my Vit. B1 on a Sunday and my B-12 sublingual on a Sunday.
It was just a routine I got into, then after I got further out, I started taking all my Flinstone Vitamins at once. Some say this is ok, same say not. I guess you would need to ask your dietician.
You are not going to be able to get in everything in 1 day for a while. Just do the best you can and concentrate more on your protein and fluids try to eat a couple bites if you can. It will get easier to where you can get it all in, in 1 day. Good luck and dont be hard on yourself if you dont get it in. Its a learning process.
My vitamins consist of:
2-One Source Prenatal Vitamins
2-1000 mcg Biotin
2-iron tablets
2-Sublingual B-12 500mcg
As far as a fresh post-op day, I would do the following:
I would get up and start on my protein shake. The first week out, I would drink that all day long, and keep it in the fridge when I was drinking my other liquids.
For my meals, I would drink Carnation SF Instant Breakfast, a yogurt smoothie, make some homemade cream of potato soup, lots of SF Jello and cottage cheese, and cream of wheat or malt-o-meal hot cereal.
You will find, that as you are newly out, you will have to adjust to what your body is telling you, and not go by a very strict schedule. You will have to re-train your body eventually, but start out slow! Take it easy, and rest is one of the most important things to remember........don't overdo it! Walk and sip!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good luck, and Hang in there.
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!