its FRIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF
I love the rain everything smells so clean afterwards.
Im glad your mom is better Gail and sweetie you will do fine..
Sherri hope you are feeling better also.
Michelle i hope you feel better and your sleep pattern will get better(it did for me)..
Jennie it wa so sad about the helicopter crash.
I went grocery shopping last night and things are getting so expensive thank goodness for coupons. I bought a new mop and broom time to get cleaning..
We have a get together this Saturday and thats all we got scheduled.
Took the pup to the vet again(ear cropping gone bad)he put some stuff on there he said she wouldnt get
She was chewing on it like a chew toy this morin so i geuss we will go to see him.
Does any one have a dobie?what can i do with her?
everyone have a great day and stay safe..
So much going on here my head is spinning!

Penny, my daughter, is going to have to have some out-patient surgery the week of the 25th so I will be helping her with the grandkids- etc. Please keep her in your prayers.

Gail- woo-hoo, finally you are going to get that extra weight bearing issue taken care of! I am rooting for you girl! I know you will feel better & have better balance afterwards!!! Try to keep positive thoughts going, and know we are praying for you. Hope to see you next weekend, I miss our (((hugs))) & smooches!

Sherri- try to take it easy this weekend, and rest. I know how hard it is for you- you go getter

Lois- so glad to hear you are feeling better- YES, it does take a long time for your back & body to adjust, & feel 100%. You will get stronger & back to exercise- just don't pu**** Walking helped me. You are doing great

Karen, Have fun this weekend- and take time to enjoy all those little things. You deserve it

Here's a shout out to the rest of you- Hollar

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


There's not much Friday left, but hope everyone had a good day.
After thinking I was finally going to be able to keep up on the posts and what was going on with everyone life went hectic again. I've scanned some posts tonight to try and catch up.
Sherri, I am so sorry you are having such problems. I hope you can get some answers soon.
Ellen, have you posted directions to your house yet? I may be able to make the 13th after all. I intended to get to support group on Wednesday and once I left work got involved in something at home with the kids and spaced it. Sounds like I am missing some good stuff. I really need to get back in to the group on Wednesdays. I need to get back on track.
Shanna, the protein shake sounds great, thanks for posting the recipe.
Gail, glad your mom is doing better.
Sprat, I didn't recognize the picture, you look fabulous!!! I am so jealous.
May everyone have a happy, safe weekend.