its FRIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF

Gail O.
on 9/4/08 2:46 pm - indianapolis, IN

Good Morning All,
I have so many things to be thankful for. My mom is doing so much better, thank you God and all the prayers you all sent.  you are all angels.
The second thing is Melissa aka MommyLissa updated my
profile. And it made me so happy  and today I recievd a call from Dr Bergman and Dr Huse , my surgery is set for October 2, I know God willing I will be alright.
I have had a siuse headache for a few days. INDIANA weather.
Special Prayers and Healthy Wishes to those in need.
I Love You All, Hugs and Blessings, Gail
Misty thank you the supportive & caring card. love ya Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

on 9/4/08 2:56 pm - Kempton, IN
Hi everyone! It is officially Friday but not by much! As happens every evening I fell asleep about 10 and woke up at midnight and have nothing to do so here I am again. I get so tired of not sleeping while most are. I had my glucose tolerance test and the doctor called yesterday and told me it was normal. I was hoping it would be what was causeing my "spells" but now I have to have more blood taken and a stress test echo cardigram. These didn't start until after my wls. It is a mystery.
 Gail I am glad to hear that you mother was doing better. I know that is a load off of your mind. Still I will be praying for her. Have a great day.
 Well got to go try to get some ZZZZZZZZZZ's. Everyone have a great day!!! Michelle
on 9/4/08 4:46 pm - Sheridan, IN

Hi Everyone,

It is Friday.  I am so glad it is.  I hope to get a little more sleep before the day actually begins.  Of course I have to work which I do every day.  But I do love what I do.

I am glad it's raining.  We need it where I am.

Gail I am so glad your mother is doing better.  My prayer is that she keeps on that trend.  Your sugery has to go well.  It's on my birthday.  So it has to go off without a hitch.

Michelle I feel your pain dear.  I have trouble sleeping at times too.  I have done better recently.

Everyone have a great Friday.


287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
on 9/4/08 6:48 pm - decatur, IN
Good morning!  Wow did this short week go fast for me!  I can't believe it is Friday already.  The hecticness of the scheduling started yesterday.  I had a faculty meeting right after school which ran later than I expected.  Thursday I go to the Amish Farmer's Market to replenish my fruit and veggie supply, and Emily had to be at gymnastics by 5:00.  I figured that Micah was studying so I didn't want to bother her to help, but I thought I'd try.  Since it was her birthday yesterday, she took part of the day away from the books and pampered herself with a manicure.  HMMM that sounds good....I have some cigarette $$ that I didn't spend this week and don't plan to spend next week....I think I could swing getting my nails done :)  Anyway, she picked up Emily from Latchkey and took her to gymnastics and I got to shop for bargains.  It was fun. 
Tonight we are going to a new restaurant (see Sherri I remembered, old dogs can learn new tricks!) for our birthdays (mine is next week).  Should be fun to dress up and go out to a nice place. 
Tomorrow Emily goes to her Dad's early in the morning.  Then Micah and I are headed up to Fort Wayne.  She is going someplace quiet to study and I'm going shopping.  I need some things for my classroom and I am on the hunt for a non-stick grilling pan for use on top of the stove.  Does anyone have one that they really like and that cleans up easily?  If so where did you get it and what kind is it?  I have one but it isn't really all that non-stick and is a bear to clean.  Let me know.  Then in the evening we are going to play Bingo.  I enjoy playing but don't go very often due to cost and the fact that I very seldom win anything.  The place we are going let's you play for free within a week of your birthday.  So Micah and I will both be playing for free.  And what's even better...the entire bingo hall is SMOKE FREE!  (I am sure some of you were thinking...ok here is a gal who is trying to quit and she's going to a bingo hall??? Is she nuts??)  Sunday I will have to catch up on all my household chores since I will be playing all day tomorrow.  Hope you all have a great day!  Hugs to all.  Karen
on 9/5/08 3:11 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Hi Karen,

I thought that I would share some info on the grill pan! I love my grill pan as well as the other pieces. I have the GREEN PAN by Todd English from! Non stick and can be used in the oven- temps as high as 850 degrees!!!! Love it, have several pieces and have recruited MANY sales and satisfied family members and friends! Hope you find what you are looking for! If you decide the greenpan, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 8:44 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hello! How are you all doing today? I'm good. It's Friday. I have to work tonight, but I'm off the whole day tomorrow. We, my mom-in-law and I, are giving my sister-in-law a wedding shower. I think it will go good. We're just about all ready.

Today is a meet the teacher session at Maggie's Kindergarten. I'm going to that this afternoon. I still can't believe my baby's in school, but she seems to be liking it. I'm so happy that she got into early Kindergarten.

Mikey's doing good this school year. He's actually making an effort with homework, and it's been three weeks, and we haven't gotten a call from the school yet. I am hoping this will be a better year for him than last year.

Lee Ann B.
on 9/4/08 8:57 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Good Morning to everyone and hope you all have a great Friday! It is still my favorite day of the week. I am headed into work....watching the store for my friend today. mat work on redecrating the windows for Fall! Prayers and luck to those in need....

on 9/4/08 9:19 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Well..I'm here at work but I only have to be here until ~8:20 and then I'll have my 40 in for the week. I'm on four 10 hr days but since I had to take off early for a doctor's appointment one day, I had a few hours to make up for it...which my boss doesn't mind at all. I'll be glad when I can start getting into our new lab & start with the organizing of it. There is nothing harder than trying to look like you're working when you aren't doing know? thing Bill & I really enjoy is trying out new restaurants. We could be professional food/restaurant critics! LOL! We critique not only the food but the service & cleaniliness too. lol. What do you expect? He was a chef in his younger years and I've worked in plenty of restaurants the kitchen as well as out on the floor. So..we have a fairly good idea of what should be. Yes..we have talked about someday owning a restaurant of our own. I think we'd be pretty good at it...but gotta get to that retirement stage here at Lillyville first.

Gail..I got my calendar marked! I need to know what time though. I take it that it will be at St. V's...right? all have a good day today!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Lois K.
on 9/4/08 10:42 pm - Lebanon, IN

Gail, so glad to hear your Mother is doing better!  It is such a stresser when a parent isn't well!

I am doing so much better from the back surgery.  I am actually starting back to work on Monday but only part time 8:00 - noon.  The surgeon said no more than that.  They won't release me to full time until I see the surgeon on the 18th.  My back still aches sometimes so badly I go to tears.  I still take pain medicine on and off.  :(  But my leg and knee does not have the pain tearing down the front like it used to so that is GREAT!  I am having problems lifting it at times.  Kind of like it weighs 300 lbs or something.  I can't wait to get back into the gym.  I feel so "jiggley".   I know that will also help my leg.  But for now, I must focus on healing the back!

Tomorrow our church is having a parking lot festival.  I am going to do face painting as long as I can without stressing my back.  Last year from 9:00 to 3:00, I did over 100 face paintings!  I love to do it to see the kids expression on their face when they look in the mirror!  So kewl!   Yesterday, I baked and baked.  Snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies, white macadamia nut cookies, and peanut butter brownies.   This is for the festival "cake walk".  My house air was so full of sugar, I went to bed with a headache and stomach ache.  I didn't even have one bite! 

Since today is my last official day off, I am going to run a few errands which I am sure will tucker me out.  But I have to go to the pharmacy and grocery.  I am still limited to a 10 lb lift of any kind.  Boy, I didn't know how many things I do require stooping, bending and lifting.  Seems like everything requires that when you can't do it. 

I hope everyone has a great day!

Whatever else you have on your mind, Wherever else you think you're going,
Stop for a moment and look where you are:  
You Have Arrived

Jenny K.
on 9/4/08 11:44 pm - IN
Good morning all!
Its going to be a busy day and weekend for me.  I am working 16 hours today so pray that it goes fast.  Tomorrow me and another co-worker are taking an ambulance to Shelbyville for the memorial service for the 3 members of the Air Evac helicopter that went down.  One of our board members works for that company.
I am hoping to paint my bathroom Sunday. So going to be busy. 

Gail-I am glad your mother is finally feeling better.  I will continue to pray for her that she is back to 100% in no time. 

I hope everyone has a great day and weekend.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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