Thursday, Thursday

on 9/3/08 8:05 pm - decatur, IN
Good morning to all of you Hoosiers!  I hope those of you in need are finding answers to your prayers and comfort to your pain.  I am so greatful for this board where I feel we have another "family". 
Well, on this day 32 years ago, I gave birth to my daughter.  The teenage years were pretty trying and there were days if I wondered if either one of us would make it, but she has grown into a lovely young woman.  She will graduate in May or June with a Master's in Social Work.  I am so proud of her.  She is currently taking 4 grad classes and is so busy!  I am so glad we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My birthday is next week and I decided to give myself an early present.  Healthy lungs!  I have smoked for about 17 years, started when daughter was in her teens...gee, wonder why?  I quit before my WLS but started up again after about 4 months.  Stupid, yeah!  Now that I have reached this stage in my life I thought that it was really dumb to have this new healthy body and this new lease on life, but continuing to smoke.  I started the patch on Tuesday morning.  So this is day 3.  I'll admit, the first day was pretty rough.  Yesterday was a little easier.  But I am determined.  I'll keep you posted on my progress.  Just think of all the new clothes I can buy with my cigarette money.......  Hugs to all.  The shower is calling and the kiddos will be arriving at school on time whether this teacher is on time or not.  Karen
Lee Ann B.
on 9/3/08 8:08 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12

on 9/3/08 9:00 pm - Martinsville , IN
Karen congrats on quitting smoking.  I quit last Aug after 30 years of smoking.  It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.  To this day I can smell one and want to light up.  I must say though I feel so much better.  When I am shopping now and someone who smokes passes by me I can most definatly smell them and know they smoke.  I can't believe I ever let myself run around smelling like that.  Get a bank and stuff the $4 a day in the bank and take a vacation or buy something nice next year before school starts, make that a goal to make it easier.


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Linda Kay
on 9/3/08 9:24 pm - Mooresville, IN
Congrats on your decision to quit again... I quit smoking 15 years ago and the ONLY reason I don't light up again is I NEVER want to quit again.. It is rough but you can do it!! Remember it only takes 2 weeks to break a habit...

The Teen years ??? Oh do I remember those!! Thought I wouldn't get thru those years.... The boys were sooo much smarter than me... wonder what happened??? I have had them ask me a few questions since..

I Have a job interview this morning... WISH me luck!!! I am so sick of being unemployed!! I miss the extra 1000.00 a month I had to buy things I want... like Food!! Clothes and presents for my grandbabies...The bills are being paid but I miss the extras...Christmas is coming!!

I took a little $$ and went to Shelbyville yesterday for a few hours... doubled my money and then watched my sister win 148.00.. we both came out really ahead and left.. no looking back.. no trying another machine to see if we could make more...I am proud of our resolve to bring home more than we took.

Have a lovely day.

Linda Kay
on 9/3/08 9:56 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone, far, the nausea isn't as bad today as it was yesterday morning.  I ate a couple of crackers before taking the meds so maybe that helped. I fell asleep fairly quick last night but again, woke up one time. That time, I had a hard time going back to sleep. Maybe tonight will be better.

I'm officially on 'desk duty' now. I have to check in with the company doctor once a month to keep the restriction active. Not a problem. The employee health nurse didn't appreciate it when she asked me how long I'll be having an open would on my belly..and I laughed. I tried to explain to her that I've been fighting this for almost a year so I have no idea. So was very much a no-nonsence type of person. I guess she didn't see the humor in it all. lol. On the other hand, I HAVE TO try to find some humor in know? 

Oh...the biopsies taken during the colonoscopy Friday were all okay. So....we'll see what test Dr. Fecht thinks up next...on the 16th! No, they couldn't get me in again until then! It's no wonder it's taking so dang long to diagnose this, huh? I saw him August 19th, had the colonoscopy on the 29th, results were in on the 3rd, but I don't see him again til the one full month and we are STILL in the same place we were at this time last month! Grrrrrr.... I'm going to make sure Bill goes with me to that appointment. He is much more verbal about our frustrations than I am. know I wish the best for you with the stop smoking thing! I had started smoking when I was ~12. By the time I was 18, I was a 2 pack/day person. I was at 3 pack/day by the time I quit. I quit July 19th, 2004...2 months before my RNY. I was so proud of myself for quiting that 31 yr old habit. I hope I never go back to them. When others smoke, it either doesn't bother me at all or it makes me nauseated. I've been fortunate that it hasn't smelt good (it always did on my previous attempts to quit). I know that is going to be hard..but keep quitting until you succeed! It is so worth it!

Gail...I hope all is well....

Dawn...Give us a call if you want to stop by for the tickets. I know think Bill has it in mind for us to go anywhere tonight, but you never know. The practice at Speedrome is tonight & the tickets cover it too.

Ellen...wonderful talking with you sweetie!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jan M.
on 9/3/08 10:37 pm - Waterloo, IN
Karen I'm proud of your resolve to quit smoking.  I can't say I really know how hard it is becasue I only smoked for two years and it was just a "social" thing while I was in school.  When I got pregnant for my daughter (32 years ago also) it made me sick and I quit.  Never started again after the pregnancy and I'm so glad I didn't.   I think it is a great idea to put the smokes money away for new clothing, travel or just something special to treat yourself.

Sherri, I glad the biopsy's were all OK but wish they could get you in sooner.  You are right though, you gotta laugh about it or you'll cry. 

Work is just not letting up this week. Guess that is good job security. I was hoping today would  let up but I no sooner sit down and someone else comes in. 
I better get off.  I have to get some coffee......
on 9/3/08 11:54 pm - Rockport, IN

I just have to post today since the topic is about smoking.  I quit 8 yrs ago when Troy and I started fertility shots and am so glad.  I am now the "ex-smoker" with no tollerance for being around it.  I know I should be more compassionate since I was once there but I just can't.  Also, my husband quit for over two years but has recently started again.  It's all I can do not to start a fight every time I smell it on him.  He knows how much I hate it.  We watched a very special man die a horrible death from throat cancer but Troy still lights up.  I've even tried to tell him if he can't stop for himself to do it for our daughter and me.  We saw firsthand how horrible it was for our friends to go through that process with their husband/father.  I dwell on it.  It absolutely ruins my day.  I've even thought about going to counseling because of it.  I love Troy more than anything but I can't get over this smoking thing.  Maybe it's a projection type thing.  I don't have anything anymore to vent out my frustrations.  It was food.  I can't do that anymore.  I can't drink.  I won't do drugs.  H*ll maybe I should just start smoking too.

Kinda grouchy today.  Sorry.

on 9/4/08 1:38 am, edited 9/4/08 1:39 am - Thorntown, IN
YEAH Karen!!!!
I am so rooting for you!! You know you CAN do it, 'cause you are worth it! I agree, save all that $$ and spend it on something totally fun! When you come to the 6 mo. mark, 1 yr. mark- make it a "new you" gift,or  travel, & enjoy your  healthy life!!! PM. me anytime- gooo girl!! Plus, who know perhaps we can have "girltime" again, sometime!!!
Jan, good to hear your vacation was fun! My grandbabies need their blood drawn- what to come down to Lebanon & do it for us?Ok, I know ,too far, but just had to tempt you- hee-hee!
Linda K- good luck today- I so understand the lack of $$ when you no longer work- I am right there, too! Rooting for you!
Sherri, It was good to talk to you last night. Don't give up girl, you will get the answers you deserve! Like I said, it has been a long time for your body to feel again, it may be the same with your intestines. They have gone thru so much, not to mention what the rest of your body has gone thru! You know I/we are here for you- call me anytime! I am here for you!
Floyd & Brenda, I wanna go on vacation with you! So good to see you last night. It may be my last mtg. for a while since my BBS. starts up again on Wed. nights. I hope you get some relief soon, Floyd! Shanna & Cindy- It was so good to spend "girltime" with you! 
*The meeting last night at Clarian Bariatrics was so good- the Dr. talked about how we can help our bodies become stronger,healthier just by changing our attitudes. He said to say every morning "I am self healing & self regulating'. Our bodies know what they need, but our minds tell us something else- kind of like our food issues. Our minds scream "more  sugar/fat, junk etc" while our bodies crave fresh fruit, veggies, good protien. There was so much info there, and he is a Dr. of Chiropratrics! He helps the Colts and our track team for the Olympics- so very good! Dr.Mike Wasserstorm  is from Premier Sports Chiropatrics of Indiana, if anyone is interested.
Gail, sweety, hope today finds you feeling well, and your Mom improving daily. God is good, keep trusting!Sending angels to watch over you both.
Ok, I am getting stressed- the gals from the Woman's Ministry are coming here next Tues. for our monthly meeting- and all I see is clutter,mess and cobwebs everywhere! I am not a great housekeeper, by any means! I do like a clean home, but I am a "clutterbug/saver/ junk keeper". Lord help me- all of a sudden I want to do "Clean Sweep" but can't afford to- plus my Diva Purse Party is coming up the 13th- YIKES!!!!! Pray for my poor DH- I am driving him wanting to do "projects'. 
Jacqui-I so understand where you are coming from & am there myslef. My Mom died from COPD & Emphysemia. We had her live with us here for 2 yrs. My DH quit then, but 2 mo. after she passed he started up again. It hurts, I project, but finally had to let go. It is his body, & I can't make him/guilt him into quitting. He is one of those who when I do try, he goes just that much farther into it, cause he doesn't like to be pushed! So, just alittle voice of experience here. PM. me anytime & vent- I am here for you!
LeeAnn, Heres a hug for you- & give one to LaChelle for me! Let her know we are praying for her. My family is going thru some really rough times too, so I do understand. 

Have a great, blessed day everyone, and keep on keeping on!


  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Cindy P.
on 9/4/08 3:19 am - Indianapolis, IN
Good luck Karen.  Although I have never been a smoker, I grew up in a family of them and have watched them struggle with quitting.  I am very proud of you for not giving up.  Like Sherri said, just keep quitting until it takes!  This may be the that time.  I will keep you in my thoughts.

Sherri, I hope you get some better news/info at your next visit with Dr Fecht.  I can only imagine how frustrated you are with all of the tests.  It is so easy to be torn between hoping that nothing serious is wrong and just wanting a diagnosis so you can begin to deal with it!  Don't give up, you'll get your answers as long as you keep pushing for them.

Ellen & Shanna, it was lots of fun getting together before the support group last night.  I've been spreading Dr Mike's words of wisdom at the office today.  Looking forward to seeing you both again soon.  Don't panic about your house.  Your friends come to see you, not the house (otherwise, they aren't your friends!).

Gail, Lachelle and everyone else having troubles right now, I'll keep you all in my thoughts and I hope things turn around for you soon.

Gotta get back to work.  Hope everyone is having a great day.

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