Maggie had a good first day at Kindergarten. She seemed to enjoy it. She did her first homework page last night, after we came home from her dance class. That was also the first dance class after summer break, so she was glad to be able to get back to that, too.
Mikey is a little bummed that Maggie's getting to go to his old school. He wanted to go there again this year on permit again, but they didn't have room in 5th grade. They do have room in Kindergarten though, because they had to add a 3rd Kindergarten. Poor kiddo.
Well,.. off to start getting showered and dressed and all for the day!
School is going smoothly...busy busy busy.
Time to hit the shower. I hope everyone has a super hump day! Big hugs to all. Karen
Good morning all!
I'm sitting here waiting for some meds to kick in (pain & anti-spastic) and some to calm down. I saw my family doc yesterday and she is just fantastic. She put me on Cymbalta..but on a low dose to start with so my body can get use to it. I am SO glad she did. She did it because one of it's side effects is nausea and she didn't want me stressing out my open belly by . As nauseated as I am right now, I'm sure I would be hugging the throne with a larger dose! She also put me on something for the next few weeks to help me sleep. I took it at 9...I think I should have taken it at I am sill half asleep. It did take awhile to fall asleep but I only woke up once so that was a big improvement. If I don't start getting more alert soon and/or the nausea start easing up, I'm going to have to go home so I can lay down.
I had a voice mail from Dr. Gupta's nurse (while I was in seeing my other doctor) that she had the paper ready to fax me putting me on 'desk duty'. I think she said that she put 'no lab work and no being around open liquids'. I'm going to wait until ~8 (if I'm still here at work that is) and call her to give her the fax # here to send it to. I didn't call her back yesterday because the fax machine is on the 2nd floor (I'm on the 3rd) and unless you right there by the fax machine, stuff tends to get lost. Since I wasn't going back to work after the doctor appointment, I thought I'd wait & call her back today.
At any rate, it'll be good for my boss to know what he can & can't depend on me know? I am just hoping for projects that will help keep me alert.
Dawn...thank you for the Sudoku books. I'll do the Medium + ones and then pass them on to my kids. I'm sorry that we weren't home when Mark came by. Bill went to the doctor with me. We'll be home tonight though if you want to come by for those tickets.
Gail...thank you for the card, post-it's & ecard. It means so much to me that you remember me so well & so often!
Ellen...I'll print off the directory and send it to you. If I catch a 2nd (or 3rd) wind today, I'll try to print it off tonight. Is your computer a Windows or a Mac? Check your computer and see if you have Microsoft Works. We need to find a format that will work with your pc.
Floyd & Brenda...Welcome home! I hope everything went great with your trip!
Karen...How's school going? How's your daughter's classes going?
Jan...did you & Tim have a good time down south? I got your soon as I have time & fortitude (darn tummy!), I'll get you written back. I promise! LOL!
You all have a peachy day today!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...

Just sitting here at work starting my day, sipping my morning cup of coffee.
My morning started out hectic so I hope that doesn't throw my whole day off. I got up late like an hour late. I normally get up around 5:30 and have to be at work at 7 and the kids to my moms by 6:50 to catch the bus well I got up at 6:30...oops!
So I had to call work and have the 3rd shift person stay over for me until I got here and run the kids to school. I was only about 1/2 hr late so that wasnt bad.
**Linda-I am glad Maggie had a good 1st day of kindergarten. The kids are usually very excited, but us mom's are usually not so excited.
**Sherri-Hopefully those new meds will help you out a little.
Everyone have a great day and enjoy the warm, as much as we hate to admit it, it will soon be getting colder and I am going to have to invent a bone Cause I think my bones freeze now, I cant imagine when its winter and winter used to be my favorite. I dont think so much anymore. You guys all told me last winter that I would be changing my tune and you are right.
Seems like we were gone a long time, instead of just a 10 day vacation. It was so much fun. We spent five days with Brenda's parents in Baldwin, Michigan and were able to attend Brenda's mom's baptism. It was nice sharing in that happy time with her.
On Wednesday, we traveled to Chelsea, Michigan and took a tour of the Jiffy Mix factory (many of you probably use Jiffy Cornbread mix, at the least). It was fascinating and I didn't realize it was made in Michigan and that they never advertise their products, which keeps the cost lower. After we left there, we traveled to Detroit to go to the Michigan State Fair. Didn't think there was a state fair worse than Indiana's. There is and we found it. After a couple hours, we decided to hit the road for Ohio. We got to Sandusky and decided to see if we could check into the Great Wolf Lodge a day early. What a fantastic place if you've never stayed there. They have an awesome indoor water park. Even with the amount of kids there, the rooms were so quiet.
Thursday we went to Small Bass Island to the village of Put-In-Bay. Everyone was renting golf carts and bikes. Brenda and I thought "how far can it be, it's an island". Well, we ended up walking about two miles. We would never have done that 3 years ago. We decided to take the bus back to the pier.
Friday we went to Cedar Point. It had been 33 years since Brenda and I went there (before we were married). It was fun, but we've both decided that we're getting too old for that crap. LOL I hate heights, but did go on one "kiddie" rollercoaster. Brenda did four of them. One hurt my stomach just to watch yet alone ride.
Saturday we spent the day in Nappanee. We found a fantastic craft consignment shop and had a nice day playing tourists.
Sunday we went to the Blueberry Festival. We went last year and had a fantastic time. It is one of the best fairs we've ever been too. This year was no exception. Had a great time, but too much walking. Karen, can’t believe we didn’t run into you (guess there were afew too many people to spot you. LOL). Glad you enjoyed the pie, like we did.
Monday we went to the Shipshewana Flea Market. What a place. It's the Flea Market of all Flea Markets. I laughed when someone at the hotel told me it took them 6 hours to walk it.....well, we ended up walking for at least 5 1/2 hours. It really was an experience.
Overall, the weather was perfect and we had a great time. Put on over 1600 miles in 10 days, but it was so enjoyable.
Only thing that would've made the trip better is if I hadn't been in so much pain. My back and legs have been in increasing pain each day. I had a MRI the day before our vacation started and the results are in...... I have a herniated disc. The doctor has put me on some pain killers and is in the process of getting me scheduled for a spinal block. Doesn't sound like any fun, but has to be better than this pain I'm in now. Ellen and Shanna….you going to support group tonight. There’s a guest speaker. We haven’t decided yet, depends on my level of pain by then. Well, gptta get back to work. Hope everyone has a great day.
Im glad things are looking up for LaChelle everyone i talk to is having money problems ,
I sure hope it gets better for everyone.
I found out my my family doctor my vitamin d is to low so she added that to my medicine.
But im not complaining all is well..
Sherri i hope you get better real soon..
Floyd and Brenda soon like you had a wonderful time on your vacation..
Everyone have a great day and stay safe..
Yesterday was insane! A dead body was found behind my office. The press release made it sound like it was found on property owned by the organization I work for. Turns out it was property adjacent to ours but we do have options to buy on it. It's kind of freaky thinking about it. Things like this might be common in bigger cities but we just aren't used to this kind of news. If foul play is determined, and I can't imagine it being anything else, I can't believe it could be done by anyone from around here. We have a huge controversal project going on down here and the property in question is where the body was located. I can't believe anyone who knows anything about Spencer County right now would dump a body in the most talked about farm ground in the tri-state area. It just doesn't make sense to me. Oh well. I'm sure if the body was dumped, the person wasn't in their right mind anyway. It's just so strange to me knowing I was this close to a dead, decomposing body and not even realizing it. I do hope whomever it was, that she didn't suffer too bad. I'm disturbed by this if you can't tell.
I also got a call from my daughter's pediatrician yesterday. Found out she's not going through early puberty! (Thank you Jesus.) Troy and I have been very worried and stressed over this and are so relieved that she's a normal little girl. I had precocious puberty and it caused a lot of problems for me growing up. Infertility and weight gain are only the beginning. I'm so glad our baby may not have to endure the same things.
So glad Brenda and Floyd had a great time on vacation and are back safely. Floyd, take care of that back. I had a disc removed when I was 27. Back problems are no fun at all. Take every precaution to baby it and let it heal.
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
I'm sitting here enjoying my decaf coffee & thinking of all my friends on here. So many are having health /family/finance/work/relationship issues- boy, we All need prayer, don't we? I am keeping you in my prayers, as you keep me in yours
Floyd & Brenda- Yep- I am going tonight. Our BBS. starts in a few weeks on Wed. so I am going to as many SG. as I can. I enjoyed Cooking Class! Hope you feel up to going! WOW_ your vacation sounds like fun- we are alike, no "Fun Parks" for us anymore. I just can't do the rides, and it is no fun paying the $$ when you can't. I must be getting old~NOT!!!!!!! I really wish we could take a trip up there again before too long, but our SIl had knee surgery, & it looks like we will be going up there, instead.
Floyd, Expect alot of relief, but it does take alittle time for it to take hold. You'll still have to do your pain meds. I just hope & pray they work for you, & you have some relief! If you are up to it, we are meeting at the same place- 5ish, for coffee!
Sherri, Dana was able to print it- WOO-HOO!

Jacqui- oh my goodness, girl , you have to be upset-what a shock! I understand your worries about your daughter- we had the same problems/worries with our girls.(All 3 have had one problem or another, as adults. ) Now, enjoy her childhood!
Got to get off here and get a bunch of errands done- have a great day everyone!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#