Getting To Know You Questions
1.What two things could you not do when you were obese that you can now that you would say promotes WLS in a positve way? Walk up and down stairs.. I have proven I can do that when I walked up the HIGH slide at Old Settlers 3 (triplets)times!!
Get hit on by dirty old men!!
2.How do you think you'll be living, health and weight wise, 7 years from now? I think I will be still striving to be healthy and trying to follow the plan..
3.What is one thing you do well and are proud that you do well?
I play well with my grandkids. I think I do a pretty good job of following the parents wishes... before I give in...
Linda Kay
1.What two things could you not do when you were obese that you can now that you would say promotes WLS in a positve way? Run up and down the playground equipment with my nieces and slide, exercise period.
2.How do you think you'll be living, health and weight wise, 7 years from now? Hopefully 50 lbs lighter and healthier with a couple munchkins.
3.What is one thing you do well and are proud that you do well? Take pictures.
1. I can now walk down to the elementary office and get back again without a second thought. My classroom is the furthest from the principal's office and I used to DREAD having to go down there to take care of business, because I wasn't sure I would be able to get back again without intense pain. I can also now shop wherever I want. It's great not having such a limited selection. Going to the bathroom in the small stalls is great too.
2. In 7 years I will still be teaching and maintaining this new healthy lifestyle. Before my surgery I was questioning whether I would even live to retirement (10 years away).
3. I guess I am proudest of my accomplishments as a teacher. I love to see my student's eyes "light up" when they "get it".
Thanks! Jodi
1.What two things could you not do when you were obese that you can now that you would say promotes WLS in a positve way? I am still obese...but not much longer I hope! I take the stairs now rather then the elevator and do not think twice about it. I get down on the floor and play with my grandson and can get back up on my own!
2.How do you think you'll be living, health and weight wise, 7 years from now?
Hopefully...God willing....I will now be alive and able to go to theme parks, play ball, etc...with my grandson.I also hope to be off blood pressure meds and living a good life.....
3.What is one thing you do well and are proud that you do well? kids say its really OCD...but I would like to think I am very organized. I cannot stand a mess in my van, desk, house, garage, etc..... It makes me nuts and hard to find things! The only area I stay out of is BF workshop! I had to draw the line somewhere and that was it!
1.What two things could you not do when you were obese that you can now that you would say promotes WLS in a positve way?
I am eating and acting healthier and happier.
2.How do you think you'll be living, health and weight wise, 7 years from now?
I will be living healthier, My weight will be in goal range.
3.What is one thing you do well and are proud that you do well?
I cook well. I am reworking some of my family's favorite recipes so they are still tasty, but healthier. Most of them are tasting pretty good.
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
1.What two things could you not do when you were obese that you can now that you would say promotes WLS in a positve way?
I speak out against those abusing the obese. Nothing pushes my buttons more than that! I share my story with everyone and I think it helps the acceptance process. I explain how "invisible" I was before WLS.
I shop at Goodwill and buy name-brand clothing to dress myself in a professional and becoming way.
2.How do you think you'll be living, health and weight wise, 7 years from now?
Good Lord willing, I want to be out of debt totally, have a healthy savings account and ready to be able to take on retirement within the next 11 years. I hope to have maintained my weight loss and have had minimal complications. I hope to have kept my vitamins level stable.
3.What is one thing you do well and are proud that you do well?
I am an organizer! I love to have a place for everything and everything in its place. I love my job which lets me be an organizer when I do research. I am good at my job which makes me feel great and gives me a boost. It also helps me to maintain my weight loss because I feel good mentally!