DS on 11/14/12
I just talked with Lachelle and she is doing alot better. They had alot of help from their church and everyone that the electric is on, her phone at home is on and said that if anyone would like to call her this evening she would love to talk to them! She is going to try to get online tomorrow and post at the Library. She asked that I convey (through alot of tears) how much she misses everyone and Thanks everyone for everything! Prayers, monetary gifts, gift cards and support were greatly appreciated. She said she is also working at the school on her days off from the casino and Jimmy is pulling doubles but that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I am going to see her tomorrow...I think she needs a boost! She just sounded very stressed out and exhausted from all this. Molly and Miriah get out of school at three so I may shoot for after that and take them out for ice cream or something..... that would give us a chance to visit! I told her everyone has been asking about her and so she asked if I would relay her thanks and love to everyone here.
DS on 11/14/12
I will print all this out so she can read it for herself...I think it would mean alot more to see the messages! I will do it tomorrow before I head out so if anyone wants to put anything on here...have at it and I will get it to her!
Thanks, Lee Ann
Your kindness is much appreciated.
LaChelle, you and your Family are in my thoughts and prayers. I have your back, like you had mine. I love you, Big Hugs & Lots of Much Needed Blessings. Gail
Lee Ann, You are such a sweetheart Big Hugs to you Love & Blessings too. Gail
Your kindness is much appreciated.
LaChelle, you and your Family are in my thoughts and prayers. I have your back, like you had mine. I love you, Big Hugs & Lots of Much Needed Blessings. Gail
Lee Ann, You are such a sweetheart Big Hugs to you Love & Blessings too. Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
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So glad things are looking better!! It is so good to have our "family" to turn to-
troubled, really-
God is always looking out for us- sometimes we have to walk thru some "valleys" but He is always holding your hand! Keep on trusting Him, and things will become better & brighter for you! I am still praying for you all.
Love you,
So glad things are looking better!! It is so good to have our "family" to turn to-

God is always looking out for us- sometimes we have to walk thru some "valleys" but He is always holding your hand! Keep on trusting Him, and things will become better & brighter for you! I am still praying for you all.
Love you,
(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#