Evansville Indiana

on 9/1/08 9:14 am - Richland, IN
Does anyone know of any good support groups in Evansville Indiana? Kim 
on 9/1/08 2:00 pm
There is a group for St. Vincent patients that meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month.  I have been twice.

The sheet in the info says Newburgh, but it meets at the "YMCA Express" near Lowe's on the East Side (in the strip where there is a White Castle).

I am 3 days ahead of you with Dr. H.  Will leave (hopefully) the day before you arrive.  Good luck and see you at a meeting hopefully, I am Julie.
on 9/1/08 9:09 pm - Richland, IN
Hi Julie. It is noce to meet you. Maybe we can meet at the meetings. I called down there to the Y and they said that the meetings were downtown at the Y. I really do not think that they boy knew what he was talking about. I had thought about calling Deaconess Gateway and see if there was any meetings I could attend before the surgery. Good Luck on the 9th. If you need to talk, then send your phone number to my personal email at [email protected] 

Take care, Kim
on 9/2/08 12:00 am - Rockport, IN
Hey Sweetie!  The time is fast approaching!  I'm so excited for you.  I've been getting some things together for you to have when you get home.  Make sure you stop a lot on the drive home and walk around for a few minutes.  You'll hate it but it'll be very worth it.  Also remember while you're in the hospital, if they start getting on you about getting more fluids in, ask for popsicles!  They have lots and you can have as many as you want.  The banana ones were the only things I could stand!  My tastebuds were doing some adjusting.  The nurses loved it though because they said no one ever wants the banana ones so they had plenty.

Someone posted a little while back about the support group at the YWCA off Oak Grove Rd in Evansville.  The next meeting is September 23.  I'm hoping some of us can meet up at it.  I'll be happy to pick you up and take you.

As for a meeting before next Friday, I don't know of one.  Maybe some of us can just meet up at Starbucks or something.  I'm free every night this week except tonight (PTO-maybe I'll see you there!).  I'll put a post up about it.

I'm thrilled for you Kim.  I know you've worked long and hard to get this.

on 9/2/08 12:52 am - Richland, IN
Jacqui, I am truly blessed to have you behind me. Thanks...I really need someone I can trust with things. I told the lady from Spencer Co. to call me and we can get something set up between us...Kim 
on 9/2/08 12:56 am - Rockport, IN

Denise is a wonderful person.  I've known her for quite a while now and she's become very dear to me.  I think between the three of us we have a great group already!

Yayyy us!
on 9/2/08 4:37 am - Richland, IN
Jacqui, give me a call and maybe we can meet up. Kim
on 9/2/08 12:28 am - IN
Hey Kim.  Nice to "meet" you.  I'm  having surgery on the 17th so not too far behind you except I'm doing the lap band but am also right here in spencer county.  Maybe you and Jacqui and I can get together sometimes.  Sometimes it's easier for me to work out a lunch date.  I have 3 teenagers and all 3 of them are in sports year round so my evenings are tied up alot.


on 9/2/08 12:50 am - Richland, IN
Where in Spencer County are you from. My maiden name is Buse. Maybe we know each other. Send me a number to my personal email, I will call and we can set up a meeting time between us and [email protected]

Thanks, Kim
on 9/2/08 5:17 am - Wadesville, IN
Hello,  I try to attend all of the support meetings that I possibly can, both at St Mary's and at Deaconess; everyone is welcome, no matter where they have had surgery, etc.  Here is the schedule:

The support meetings that are at St Mary's Bariatric Center are every 3rd Tuesday at 6 pm, and every 3rd Wednesday at noon.  That is at 950 S Kenmore Avenue, phone 485 -5858.

The next Deaconess meeting (these are not through the hospital, but with individuals who have had surgery running them)  is Sept 22 in the basement of St Mary's hospital.  The next month, it will be near Deaconess Hospital.  

If anyone wants more information or directions, please contact me directly.   They are very well attended and imformative.   I hope to be at the one on the 22nd, but since I will be less than 2 weeks out from surgery, I am not sure.

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