Labor Day 2008....
Well..another sleepless night. I think I got all of 2 hours last night. It's fortunate that I'm off of work today. I plan on laying down on the couch & trying again. I don't want to go in the bedroom and disturb Bill's sleep. Poor man. I've been making it hard for him to sleep through the night. I told him that I wanted to go to WalMart today so I can pick up a 2nd alarm I can keep in the living room for the nights I can't sleep. I usually just toss & turn in the bedroom because I don't want to get too far from the alarm clock. That's not good on him or me. Other than running to WalMart, not much else planned for today. How about for you guys? I think Bill's going to grill up the brats that Jan & Tim brought down for us. I'm looking forward to them!
Gail...I'll give you a call afterwhile...or you are welcome to give me a ring. Our home phone wasn't working for a few days but it should be fine now. I'm glad you made it home safely. I'm glad you were also able to have a good visit with your mom. I hope things went smoothly with your sister too. Did you tell John that bats sleep durring the day so he'd have a better chance moving the little guy out of the house when he was snoozing? lol. I can just picture him chasing that poor thing. I wonder who ran out of energy first! John may have met his match.
Bill decided to switch our phone service over to Vontage. Has anyone else switched? AT&T kept raising our rates and every time we turned around, our phone was out...again. We are just waiting for the Vontage box to come in the mail and then we'll be in business. I guess it works through the computer server lines (which is not AT&T). We'll have alot of services that we didn't have with AT&T. They were available..we just had no need to pay the extra $ for long distance or caller ID. With Vontage, they are included for one rate. I think Bill said that Vontage will only be ~$2 more a month...for now. AT&T has raised our rates a few times over the past year so the way they were going, Vontage would be cheaper 6 months from now anyway. Bill called AT&T (on his cell phone!) on Friday about our home phone not working. They said they'd have someone out between then and SUNDAY! And then wanted to know what we thought about their service with that call!?!?! service for up to 3 days...what do they think we'd think about that kind of 'service'? They did get out here yesterday afternoon. Bill felt sorry for the service guy because the poor guy has to listen to customers complaning all the time. Since Bill was an electrician, he could definately understand the position the serviice guy was in. He's paid to fix the problem after the fact..not to ensure no problem takes place to begin with.
Well you all....have a good extra day off today if you are fortunate enough to get it off with pay. If not, don't work too hard today...k?
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Today I'm working during the day... there's a sale at Sears. But I only wor****il 2pm, so that's not so bad. Then, Mike and I are off to Indy to see his dad, who is still in the hospital from his liver transplant. We went up THursday, but he was not awake that night. It will be good to get to see him awake.
Sherri,.. good luck with the Vonage. I never looked into it in Terre Haute, because I heard we couldn't get a local number. We did have cable phone, and it was great. But now, post-flood, we live too far south, and had to go back to verizon.
We were able to keep our same you might want to check into it again. I think Bill just went to
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Sherri, my hubby and I use 2 alarm clocks. We are on different schedules in the mornings and it works great for us. He gets up at the crack of dawn(if not before). I sleep right thru his and am up and at em with mine.
Jon changed our phone system to the computer one of Magic Jack and we love it! It is so cheap too! The best I have ever seen! It costs about $45.00 for the attachment for the computer including shipping and then it is good for a year! Yep thats right a year...after that it costt $19.99 per YEAR to keep it. You honestly can't beat it! It has number id, call waiting and all the extras including FREE long distance! We have saved a ton of money since getting it. We did have to change our phone number but it has been so worth it. The only problems we have had is a couple of times the reception has like a Max Hedron echo and I just hang up and call back. You have to dial the area code on all calls but I am used to it now. For what we are saving it is AWESOME!
For all you out there enjoying your labor day....I am working in the house today...still on my mission to rid myself of excess and get me house in order. I am going thru all the closets and all storage to get tngs pitched or ready to sell on ebay. Jon is working his new job today and I will have the house to my self! Woo Hoo! Thanks you Jesus for blessing us with this as our finances were really stretched and the toll on me was really taking a "Chocolate" workout. Now back to the basics and getting these few pounds off to where I want to be! Ah...Life is good!
I hope you all have a fabulous day!
I read your post to Bill (as I was reading it). We were both impressed with the cost of Magic Jack and the extras it includes that AT&T is too greedy to include. But when I got to the part about having to dial the area codes...that kinds put the halt on it for both of us! The one feature about my cell phone I love is to call someone, all I have to say is 'Call Gail Owens Mobile'. It confirms, then calls! No dialing at all! After we get the Vontage put in, I'll probably FINALLY read the instructions for the phones to figure out how to set up speed dialing on them. The less numbers for Bill to have to punch in, the better! You know it. If I ever find voice activated phones for the home, ours here will be history! Between his eyesight and my patience (or lack thereof), we are best to have to only put every digit in one time and then leave it up to the chip in the phone to KNOW what we want after that. lol.
With Vontage, we were able to keep the same number we have now. That was pretty important to Bill. We bought this house from his mom and it's the same house he lived in from the time he was 5 or 6. So...the same # also. We've lived here for 4 years (today!) and we still get calls from people trying to contact his mom or dad (and his dad died ~15 years ago or so). Since I have NO contact with my family, it's pretty important to me too. At no time can they say that they didn't know how to contact me...same number as the one they've always had (so is my cell #..not that it matters).
But $20 a year? Wow! I don't think I've heard of ANY service cheaper than that!! do you feel about RoadRunner for the computer or Direct TV Satalite? LOL! We've been on RR for ~6-7 years...right after they came to Indy. I wouldn't want to change cause I know I'd loose my email addy. Because we got it right after they came here, I was able to get [email protected] how many people can say that? LOL! See? I want to key in as few letters as possible too! We switched from Brighthouse cable to satalite though because of the RV. We wanted to be able to have our channels with us no matter where we go. Since satalite has advanced alot through the years to where you can have your local stations without having to pay big $ for it or without having to depend on an antena to get them, it was an excellent option for us. We got an extra portable dish & an extra reciever for the RV and we are good to go! I have stayed with AT&T for my cell phone...but it was CINGULAR that I loved, NOT AT&T. It is the roll-over minutes that I love. It would do me better to be on Verizon for free mobile to moble because that's what Tiff is on. But...I do talk to Gail more than Tiff (boy do us girls love to gab!! LOL!) and she's on AT&T too. Maybe that is something I should add in the 'notes' section for each person on my cell phone..who their carrier is. Then I'd know if it would matter if I called them on their cell phone VS their home #. LOL! Ellen...who are you with?
Hehehe...maybe we should start a separate thread for us to compare our 'gotta choice' services! LOL!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am one of the unfortunate ones that have to work today. Oh well, we never really do anything for Labor Day anyway.
I went to Goodwill yesterday and found some EMT pants, jeans and capri's in a size 8. I was so siked. I wanted to just keep shopping but thought I need to get out of here or I am going to buy the store out. I needed some clothes though. Mine were getting baggy again. I went to Walmart and bought a new bra and was not happy with the size I had to get. I used to wear a C-D cup and I had to get an A. Can you believe that? Oh well, if it means having smaller boobs in order to have a smaller body I will take it.
Sherri-I knew someone that had Vonage and it seemed to work well for them.
Everyone have a great Labor Day!
Good Morning Everyone!
Feeling so much better today. Can almost take a full breath of air. Still using my inhaler cuz I'm still having spasmatic bronchial attacks. Still coughing up phlem at night from my infection and bronchitis. Still running a fever too. But at least I feel better.
Yesterday was my 3rd anniversary for my band. I can't beleive it's been that long. What a wild ride it has been with my friend and co-hort in crime, hehe. Gained some substancial weight after chemo and radiation was done... but I've been working on getting fills and getting back on track. Looking forward to getting better and getting back to my exercising... it's been almost two years since I've been able to run... oh how I miss it.
Today we aren't doing much. Just sitting around the house planning for Q's first birthday party. I can't believe it's been a year since I had him.Boy I sure did miss a lot while I was out having my cancer surgery and then treatments. But I'm here now and my gosh do I enjoy being around him. Even when he wakes me up at 2am. He's such a happy guy. And so loving... it breaks my heart. I"m so grateful and feel so blessed after all I've been through this year that I'm here well enough to celebrate his 1st birthday. Thank You Lord!
My thoughts and prayes go out to many on this day. But mostly to those that suffered greatly with Katrina and then went back to NO to rebuild thier lives only to have to go through all this again with Gustu. I know it's all in GODS plan but sometimes..... though you don't want to... you kinda have to wonder just what is GOD up to that makes so many suffer like this. So many good people. So many children that suffer. So my prayers and thoughts are out to those today. May GOD look over them and bless them with strength to get through these times. Amen.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
I hope you all are doing well. I'm having one of them days so far this morning. I overslept and went 6 hours past when I should have had my last dose of meds, but I'm thankful that I slept. It's finally kicked in though. I think the swelling is finally going down a tad too. I'm really wanting regular food.. I'm allowed to advance my diet but I tried a couple bites of moist meat and potatoes yesterday and it didn't work so well. Must be a lil swollen inside or something soo back to pudding and all that fun stuff I think.
Let me know how the Vonage thing goes Sherri.. We're looking to cut costs when our special rates with the cable company is up.
Sherri, my girlfriend who lives in Terra Haute had Vonage and she sent it back. I am not sure just what happened but she was not a happy camper. But then you always have some problems. I think that the positive outweigh the negatives from what I heard. Good luck on it.
Nothing happening here today. Bill is going to grill out today and we are having shrimp and peppers and onions on the grill. I have some veggies in refrigerator so I would like to grill them out too. As everyone probably knows Bill is my not so lean, not so mean grilling machine. He so loves to do that.
I am spending the day (at least I hope to) going through all the crap that I have accumulated. I have to much of it. I guess what is going to motivate me is that starting this month the office is doing annual apartment checks. They say that it is an annual thing but in the 5 years that we have lived here this is only the second one that I have had. But that is par for the course for this office. lol
The baby shower went well yesterday. I got to visit with my cousins and that is always a great thing. We were always so close growing up because we only lived about 3 blocks away from each other. Since we have grown and moved into different places in our lives and our homes we have drifted away from visiting. We do talk on the phone but that just isn't the same.
I went to bed last night and got a cramp in my foot. Well, before I knew it every muscle in my foot and calf of my leg was so tight that I was almost yelling in pain. It hurt so bad I couldn't stand it. I hurt so bad that the muscles in my face were tightening too. Bill went and got another muscle relaxer (I take one before bed each night) and I took that. He told me to get up and I told him that I didn't think I could but he helped and that really did help get it taken care of. I have had charlie horses and such but my go****hought that I was going to scream at the amount of pain that I was in. I have a extremely high tolerance of pain and I couldn't stand it. I am glad that I am going to be having my labs done in about a month. That should show if there is any vitamin deficiency that may cause these. I have been getting a lot of cramping in my feet. So there might be something to this.
I guess I had better get going. I am sitting here watching the I Love Lucy marathon on TV Land. I love her and this show. I am sending lots of love and big hugs to everyone. I am keeping all in my prayers and special ones are being said to those who need them. I am glad that God knows everything because I would surely forget the needs of everyone. You all know my memory problem. lol