Hi. I am new to this forum.
Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tammy and I live in Indianapolis. I just started working on the process of getting this surgery, but have already done my first appointment with Dr. Gupta at St. Vincent's Bariatric Center of Excellence in Carmel. I am looking forward to this new challenge... and I call it a challenge because there are going to be many of them in the course of it all I am sure. But, I am ready to take on this challenge and I am sure that I will learn from all of you ways in which to get through each of them swiftly and hopefully with as little "pain" as possible.
A little about me... Well... I am 5'1" and 215 lbs. Right on the 40.5 BMI. I have 4 children between the ages of 6 and 16. I am married to a wonderful husband who is very supportive of my desire to get this surgery and to better my health. Over the last few years I have been working on my B.S. in pre-law and I will be done with this in less than a year. To me this is the perfect time to get this done. I have given this much thought over the last year and decided that now is the time. I am used to challenges in my professional career, educational endeavors, and family and I have learned to work through all of them very well. I figured too that since I have been doing so well at exercising my brain and was able to meet obsticles with that in which I never thought I could that there should be no reason why I can't get through this surgery and reach the other goal I have wanted for so long... to be healthy again.
I look forward to getting to know you all.
A little about me... Well... I am 5'1" and 215 lbs. Right on the 40.5 BMI. I have 4 children between the ages of 6 and 16. I am married to a wonderful husband who is very supportive of my desire to get this surgery and to better my health. Over the last few years I have been working on my B.S. in pre-law and I will be done with this in less than a year. To me this is the perfect time to get this done. I have given this much thought over the last year and decided that now is the time. I am used to challenges in my professional career, educational endeavors, and family and I have learned to work through all of them very well. I figured too that since I have been doing so well at exercising my brain and was able to meet obsticles with that in which I never thought I could that there should be no reason why I can't get through this surgery and reach the other goal I have wanted for so long... to be healthy again.
I look forward to getting to know you all.
Tammy, welcome to the Indiana Hoosier's Losers board. I love being a loser and so will you. Just keep posting so we will get to know you and you know us. We are always here for you to bounce any questions off. There is no stupid question either. Just ask and I know there is someone on here that can answer.