Sunday Morning!

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/08 8:08 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hello, how are you all doing? I'm fine. A bit tired, but okay. I don't know why I woke up at 5:30am, on the one day a week I can sleep in a little longer. Oh well. It's now about 6am.

This has been some kind of week. I was dragging my butt Friday at work, because, guess what? My father-in-law got his new liver Thursday night, and we had driven into Indy for the surgery. The surgery went well, now is the critical period.

Friday night, we all went to the parade in Clinton for the Little Italy Festival. Mike and Maggie were actually in the parade with the tae kwon do school. Maggie actually did walk the whole way. She looked so cute.

Well, just wanted to drop in and say hello to all. Today's going to be another busy day, probably. I have to work 8 hours at Sears today.
Linda Kay
on 8/30/08 9:40 pm - Mooresville, IN
Well I hope Sears is busy enough today to make the day go fast for you but not so busy as to wear you out!!

My hubby sits on the couch all night sleeping to get away from his CPAP machine so I am waking up most of the night checking on him.. I never sleep well...NOW it is time to get up and get ready for Church...

Be well my friends have a fun protien filled day!!

Linda Kay
Brenda R.
on 8/30/08 9:48 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning, Linda and the rest of our Hoosier's Losers and soon to be losers.

I was so busy yesterday and by the time I got home I had a bit of a headache and was so tired I didn't know it I was coming or going. Gosh I am so glad that yesterday is done. I couldn't take another on like it. My old body was just a crying! lol  

I had to go visit Millie at the hospital yesterday morning. She looked much better than she did on Wednesday when I went to see her at the nursing home. I did tell her dgd what I experienced with the aid and she told me that if that happened again to call her dad. I am going to take her up on that one. I sometimes wonder about her dad but at least I would feel better about the whole thing. She is confused and still weepy but that goes with strokes so I am alright with that. At least she is getting help for what is wrong. That is the main thing. 

We had the birthday party for Bill's cousin's grandson. He turned 7 and had so much fun. Those kids were going when we got there at noon and was still going when we left at 5:30! Oh to have the energy of those kids. But my old body would probably give out asking me the question "What have you done to me, and why are you doing it?". I know it revolt! Well, they had a moonwalk thing there and I went in it and jumped around. I am a renewed 54 year old~I think they call that going through my 2nd childhood. Then low and behold Bill got in right behind me and we held hands and jumped together. That is until I fell on my stomach and just laid there. Bill was still jumping and I looked up at him and asked him not to fall on  me. Then all the kids said they could jump on me and I said oh no please! I am not sure at all the doctor would agree with me going in there with my back problems but I just couldn't not do it. lol It was fun and I would love to do it again. I think it is more fun than the slide since you work so much to get to the top of the slide (or at least I did) and then the fun is done in a couple of seconds. At least you can jump around for a bit before you fall on your face. And then you can get up and start all over again. lol I did have a lot of fun visiting with everyone. The food was great. Miguel (the kid's dad) made some shish ka bobs and OMG were they so good. They were chicken with seasonings and veggies and another kind of chicken and seasonings and pineapple pieces. They were good but the ones with the veggies were my favorite. Bill's was the ones with the pineapple. I might make them for one of our gtg's like the clothing exchange. They were so good~totally unbelievable. Miguel is such a good cook. It is his dream to become a chef. He could do it without a problem. He is excellent in the kitchen. 

Today is church and then to the baby shower. I got the baby a couple of nice dresses for the cooler weather. I got them and they were worth almost $50 and I got them on sale for $15 for both of them. So I saved a boat load of money on them~to the tune of $35 so I got a deal to beat all deals. They are Carter's and really pretty. Heather is living in South Dakota now and both her and the baby Addison is taking the train here. So she has to watch what she takes back. There isn't room for much. I am going to tell her that I will mail the dresses to her if she wants me to. That isn't a problem. 

Bill and I went to dinner Friday and I saw my cousin and her family. Bonnie is pretty large too (just like I was) and she told me that she is thinking of having the band done. I told her that she would never regret doing it. She was asking me a lot of questions and I answered them the best that I could. I am not real familiar with the band but I do know some things. I was as honest with her as I could be. I really hope that she goes through with it since I know that it would help her quality of life more than she knows it would. She has lost some weight but she said that she is now at a stand still. She is looking good, a lot more healthier than she was. 

Well, I better get going. I am going to have to be getting ready for church in a bit. I am sending everyone love and big hugs. Prayers are going up for everyone with special ones going for those in need of them. I have a couple of friends that could use some if you could. One of my dear friends is in a abusive relationship. She is wanting to leave but I am afraid that she is now going to start back pedal and might stay. You know how it is with those relationships. I have never been in a relationship like that but I do know that there is a bit of brain washing thing that goes on in them. The other friend is in New Orleans. I would appreciate prayers for her safety. Her and her family need them. Her one son does not want to leave. Thanks so much for the prayers. They are wonderful things. Have a wonderful day everyone. 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/30/08 11:24 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good Sunday Morning EVERYONE_

I am up and headed off to church this morning! We had company over last night to play euchre, that was fun! We haven't done that in so long! SInce Mark is working 2 jobs right now, it was nice to have a bit of socialization!

I hope that everyone finds themselves doing well on their journies! To those that are having some bumps and chuckholes, hang in there. We are thinking/praying for all of our OH family through our troubled times!

I have to scoot, have a busy day ahead!

**** For those interested my church is having a PEACE PARTY CARNIVAL next SATURDAY from 10-3 for the community! Hope to see some of you there! There will be a cookout as well as games and activities for the kiddos!


It is the same church that I was having the CLOTHING EXCHANGES at- before the school! It is at the corner of East 10th Street and Ritter Ave.- near Community Hospital East!

Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

shanna B.
on 8/30/08 11:33 pm - camby, IN
HI Dawn,
I miss you:) How are you doin'? We need to get together! I had a bad week this week at work so I haven't been on much, but I am feeling better now. (gRoup HUG) Look new smileys to choose from!
xoxo shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Gail O.
on 8/31/08 5:32 am - indianapolis, IN
Hello to All,
We just got home a little while ago. Mom looked very tired but was so happy to have the whole family there. I would like to ask if you would still keep my mom Tina in your prayers. We came home to a "BAT" in our house  John has wrecked the house trying to get it out alive.   he needs it.
I am a little tired and think I might try to get a little  maybe, If john doesn't tear the house down.

LaChelle, you and your family are in my prayers,
Love to all,
Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to those in Need.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

on 8/31/08 2:49 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Glad to see ya posting! I will definately keep you and your mom/family in my thoughts and prayers! I am so glad that you got to see her!

A bat- ugh! I remember having one of those in my house! After falling and breaking my arm and having a plate and 10 pins put in, yep the stupid thing made it out alive! I on the other hand was a mess! I hope that both John and the bat are ok and the bat has since moved on- just not towards my house, lol!

I am thinking of ya! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

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