Finally Friday!!

on 8/28/08 7:49 pm - LaGrange, KY
Good  Morning folks.

I hope everyone is doing well. Anyone have any fun and exciting plans for this weekend?? DH and I are trying to decide what to do. I'd love to go to the Randy Travis concert IAMASWEETHEART posted about and stuff but I don't know if i'm going to feel up to it tomorrow since I am still extremely sore. The meds knock me out temporarily too soo taking my meds with me wouldn't work well.

If you guys have a minute stop over and leave Heidi (hmgaley) some support on her surgery page. She has been such a sweetheart and sent me a little crystal angel when I waas in the hospuital back in September.

Anyways I just wanted to start this morning out to ay Hi, I am praying for you all!

Love yas


on 8/28/08 8:44 pm - Kempton, IN
Yeah it is Friday! That means tomorrow is my family reunion in Seymour. Misty if you and your DH want to eat come on over to the SHIELDS park. The more the merrier! We will be eating at noon so come on over! Today my DH has his consultation with Gupta I think. So while he is there I am going to be going to Norrell for temp job. I am also a new Pampered Chef consultant so if you know anyone that would like to have a party let me know because I am needing the practice. Next month the special if you want to have a party(host only) you can get the cookware for 60% off. That sure is a good deal if you want to buy it by the piece or if you want a whole set. The parties are great because I would be doing all the work and you would get to eat! Just let me know.
 Misty how are you feeling? I hope you are better today than you were the other day when we talked. How is that hematoma?
 Well all have a great weekend!
Brenda R.
on 8/28/08 8:54 pm - Portage, IN
Good Friday everyone!!!!! It is Friday and the long holiday week end is going to be starting really soon!!

I had a good day yesterday. I went to see Dr. Lelek and he told me that I was doing well. I just took a detour on my road to Florida. He used I-65 as me on my way to Florida and I got a detour and just have to go through it and then I can get back on I-65. He said I was doing fine and had good ideas and that I know just what I need to do. I just need a bit of a push and then I will get it going. I guess we all need a push now and then. He explained to me about the growing years up to the age of 18 and asked me where did I get stuck. I am not sure about that but I do have my ideas. He told me he thought that I would be just fine and to come back when I feel I need it. He knew just what I was going to say before I said it. I just looked at him and wondered how he knew me without really ever knowing me. lol I am suppose to go back to him when I feel the need to talk to him. He explained about the problems I have with my marriage. I got to understanding it and I talked a few minutes with Bill about what I need. He told me that he needs the same things I do and so we came to a agreement to do it for each other. It was so dang easy and I don't understand why I couldn't do it. Now I feel so much better.

I got a call last night from Fern at church. We had went to go see one of our members (she was close to the family also) who has Alzheimer's now. When we went to go see her all she did is cry. She complained about her stomach hurting too. I kept trying to tell the nurse (a medicine aide actually) and all she would tell me is that she complains all the time when she has company and she cries too. I kept telling her that something just wasn't right with Millie. She was just poohing me and so guess what? She had 2 mini strokes and is now in the hospital. If only she would have listened. But then life is full of should, would, Golda's and there is nothing you can do about it now. I have to go see her this morning in the hospital. It is going to be my first visit at the hospital since I got the Pastoral Care I.D. badge for the hospital. I am not sure just what I do with it. Lil Wish me luck on this visitation since I know I am going to need it.

We have a afternoon of visitation today. We go see 3 shut In's and another 2 nursing home members. It is like I told the Pastor the other day during our meeting is that as the membership ages the list of visitation grows with it. It use to be 3 nursing home visits and now it is 5 and 2 shut ins and now it 4. It feels so sad to me to see this since these are the people that were always so active. Most of the other ones are gone now. Life can be so sad as we grow older. It changes so much.

Bill is off for work now and all is quiet here now. Misty is laying and just looking like she wants to go back to sleep. She probably does since she roams so much during the night. Usually I am not up so early and so she can sleep longer in the morning. She just isn't use to me getting up at 5 in the morning. I think she would rather see me sleep for a couple more hours. Just out of need for her. Maybe she will stop roaming through the night but I doubt it since she is still a cat!

I better get going. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day today and just remember it won't be long and the holiday week end will be here before you know it. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone with special ones for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 8/28/08 9:33 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning all.  Rough night for me sleeping wise last night.  These stones are on the move, and I can feel it every centimeter of the way!  Uggh!  At least my pain meds work well.  Too bad I have to try to work today....I really don't feel like it, but I have to go back.  Hopefully I will be able to manage this morning and not be in too much pain.

Hope everyone else is doing well today.  Hope Heidi's surgery went well. I know she is finally glad to be on the losers bench!
Misty, hope you are feeling better day by day!  It is a long struggle to recouperate from any surgery.  Sherri knows all to well about that!  Hopefully Sherri is feeling better some today too.
Michelle, congrats on becoming a Pampered Chef consultant.  We have several on here that host parties, and are consultants, so welcome to the party!  I have hosted several parties before, and my entire kitchen is all PC, and I can always use more!  The last party I had was $1100+. Talk about hectic trying to deliver all that stuff! LMAO!  Good luck with it!
Brenda, God has given you the wonderful gift of know how to spread the love and joy in your own special way and we are all so thankful to know you. God bless you today as you go on your visitations. You will bring joy to everyone you meet.
To everyone else, I certainly hope your day goes by fast, and your holiday weekend is a safe and enjoyable one! Take care and have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
vicki S.
on 8/28/08 9:37 pm - indianapolis, IN
wooohooooo TGIF,

good morning everyone. 8 hours to the start of our 3 day weekend. not a lot planned really did most of everything i needed to do around the house last night so i think its fishing with my dad this weekend. and napping. all the OT i was working got me i think.
now i start the no time off till febuary. but thats ok i will build up a lot of time for vacation that way. i hope to have enough saved to go someplace exciting and new, someplace jim and i have never been.
well if you are going to travel this weekend be safe and have fun, if your going to stay home still be safe and have fun.
blessed be

on 8/28/08 9:56 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone,

I'm up..and thirsty! I have the colonoscopy at 12:35 ( there at 11:35) so nothing to eat or drink after midnight. You'd think I'd be hungry after only having liquid yesterday but I don't really feel hungry at all. I was able to have a sip of water with my meds this morning so I guess that was better than!

I had my appointment with Dr. Gupta yesterday. The good news is that I don't have to go back on the wound vac. When I saw my stomach yesterday, that was what went through my mind. Where she had made the straight incision (~3" the middle of my belly, beside & below the belly button) had come completely opened. With this darn distension from the intestines, the stitches & glue didn't hold (the curved one around the top of my belly button looks fine though). So...I'm back to wet gauze packing. I'm not too worried about the scar it's going to leave. After the distension crap is taken care of, then Dr. Gupta will need to go in & remove the mesh covering the opening in my abdominal wall & close up the wall. When that is done, the scar can be removed. I have a feeling it's going to be a very long and slow process. She did up my pain meds..that is good. I really wish I could take some of it this morning but I figured with them putting me to la-la land with the colonoscopy, they probably wouldn't appreciate the  So..a few more hours and I'll get a reprieve from my tummy anyway.

I hope everyone has a good day today...


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 8/28/08 11:27 pm - LaGrange, KY
Good luck today!!! Sounds like your appointment went well with Dr. Gupta. :) I hope you get the intestines to settle down soon. I know you mentioned that you were on Bentyl, have you tried the Nulev sublinguals? Its a little bit different than the Bentyl and you put it under your tongue. It seemed to work a tad better for me.

How is Tiffany and the grandbabies???? Is Tiffany liking her job?
on 8/29/08 7:31 am - Indianapolis, IN
Misty, appointment with Dr. Gupta was a huge disappointment. The only good thing that came out if it was that I don't have to go back on the wound vac..for now. My stomach is played open though and in many ways it looks worse than it did last February. I am trying really hard not too think about it too much or I could just sit down and bawl about it.

I had never heard of Nulev before so I googled it. I would imagine that they would steer clear of this drug for me because one of it's main side effects is 'bloating'. Considering as much as my intestines distend on their own, they certainly don't need any added help in this.

Tiffany is enjoying her job quite well. She & Sarah (Jodi's sister) gets along pretty good. The grandkids are all doing fine. Chance is happy to be bak in school.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 8/28/08 11:27 pm - Rockport, IN
Morning Everyone!  I am sooooo glad it's Friday.  This week has been a bear.  I'm so ready for a long weekend.

We're going camping for the weekend.  We go every Memorial and Labor day weekends.  We'll be at Scales Lake in Warrick County.  My parents are going and bringing my niece and nephew.  It should be a nice relaxing weekend.  The weather is supposed to be pretty nice too.

Didn't lose any weight this week.  I'm at a standstill.  It's frustrating but it's ok.  I know it will pick up again eventually.  I've been trying to increase my protein but it's hard when you're so stinking busy.  My stress level should taper off after this week as well so that will help.

Hope everyone is doing well.  Misty, LaChelle, Gail and Ellen, I'm covering you in prayer! 

Ooodles of love,
on 8/29/08 1:06 am, edited 8/29/08 1:11 am - Thorntown, IN
Morning Everyone,
 Well, my kids will be here tonight from Minn-woo~hoo!!!! I miss them so much and we only get together 2-3 times a year- far too few! They live in cold country & get snow as early as Oct. 1, so they experience a long ,cold winter. It is 550+ mi. one way for us/them, and with the cost of gas, we just can't do the trip as often as we'd like-,plus then the cost of somewhere to stay, etc. The have a 2 bed. farm house with their son in the other room right now. (He is in transition from going on the road with his construction job). Oh well, our time together is precious, so we make it as fun as we can!Everyone will be here tomorrow for the day/evening. I enjoy it so much, but the grandkids can become a real handfull for me.
My fibromyalga has been kicking up lately- I think it is the exercise routine I am trying. It hurts to build up those muscles that have been hiding/lazy all this time!But, as they say- no pain, No gain- muscle and wt. loss- woo-hoo! I did 6 min. on a elicpical yesturday- thats a first for me! I feel such a sence of accomplishment for working out- I can't believe it! Had to laugh, Cory, one of the guy trainers, talked my head off, & the called me "grandmam"OMGosh- he is old enough to be by son- but NOT my grandkid!! I just had to laugh!!
Vicki- say, give up the story about your "tatt" curoius minds wnat to know! You are doing amazing GF. can't wait to see you the 13th. Bring your girls if you want.  I know what you mean about getaways- we are sooo ready to go camping again- just no time &$!
Sherri- thank the Lord no wound vac!!!! Now, I just hope they find out what is going on today & you get fixed up soon. On ot better days ahead. Praying for you today & everyday!
Misty- did you go to the Dr? I am worried about you girlie! You need to be well!! Take it easy this weekend~ you may be pushing yourslef alittle too hard.
Jacqui- you are lookig good & doing great girlie!! Hope you come this way sometime & we can get together!
Michelle, good luck in your new adventure!
LaChelle, praying you have a good day today, try to rest when you can!
Gail- hon, you are in my heart & prayers. Thankfully your Mom got thru everything ok! God is GOOD, all the time!!
Brenda- sweety, you are an earth angel to the people who you serve! I have a dear freind who has Alshiemers, and he does alot of the same things. I am so sorry they didn't check out her complaints. With him, he can't figure out how to communicate, so sometimes crying is the only thing he can do, or acting afraid of you. It is so hard when I remember the strong, independant man he once was! May our precious Lord continue to pour blessings on you! 
Cindy & Shanna- hey Sisterchicks, we had such a fun time last night! YUMMO!! Can't wait to see you again- next Wed. night before meeting, same time/place, right?!
Karen, hows school going?Are you getting any rest? Those children are so blessed to have you! I wish more teachers had your heart! Now, just keep trusting God with your daughters future- He has it all mapped out! Enjoy your time with your family ,too!
Got to get off here and get ready to run for the day.Shot, groceries, lunch with gf.etc.Have a wonderful day- weekend everyone!

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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