Yucky teeth
I don't drink caffiene and I don't smoke. Is it just age? Is it my diet? Is there something I should do? I've never bought into the whole "teeth whitening" systems thing.
Thanks so much!

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Thanks for the responses. I do drink a lot of decaf coffee. Hmmm...
I remember when I was younger a toothpaste called Topal, the smokers toothpolish. I wonder if they still make it.
Ellen, what whitener do you use? Do you care to share some info?
Love you bunches!
I use Crest ProNamial (sp)plus got a whiting kit from my dentist- had to, cause mine are so bad! I do drink way too much coffee/tea.I found that the flavored water packets are pretty good, so try to do those instead of tons of tea. Coffee, too hard to give up I know!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


I noticed a few years back my teeth were not as white as they used to be and my dentist recommended Rembrandt tooth past. I like the one with peroxide in it. I then had a custom made mouthpiece made at my dentist and bought their at home whitening kit. it made a huge difference. Our insurance now includes some chair side whitening so....i had mine done in June and they are ever so white now! I still do the at home whitening to keep them that way. They say coffee, tea and red wines are the worst at staining so your coffee might be the culprit. I have heard hat sipping thru a straw will help keep your teeth from picking up the stains so bad.
My smile is important to me and in my job so it is well worth the time and money I think!
Have a super day!
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!