Thursday, Thursday
Overall I'm doing ok. :) I think I'm gonna live heh.
Anyone have any big plans for this weekend? None here but resting hopefully. I do plan on taking a lil bit longer walk today than yesterday (I just barely got across our apartmnet complex to the mailbox and there are only like 30 apartments so thats not far). The point is I did it though. :)
I hope everyone is doing well. :)
Good morning to everyone. It's been a while since I've posted. What with work, family happenings, and general "stuff" haven't had any real time to to keep up. My SIL had a liver transplant May 15th. During the surgery she had an undetected stroke. She was in a coma until mid July. I spent a lot of time with my brother and with Nan. Now that she is off the respirator and feeding tube she is at the stroke rehab unit at Community Hospital. Her doctor wanted my brother to pull the plug but he refused because we all felt that God was healing her in His time. The doc now calls her his miracle patient. She is getting better each day. She can talk now, and move her arms and legs some.
I've jumped on a couple of times and see there are so many new names and faces out there along with the "old" ones. But now I hope to be back on a regular basis.
Seems like I have conflicting plans whenever there is an OH event. Brenda and Floyd keep me up to date.
Sherri, hope you are feeling much better these days.
Ellen, has life quieted down for you? Wish I could make the purse party. Does your daughter do shows?
Dawn, I hope Markie is feeling better. Glad to see you back on the board.
Sorry to be so long. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and safe and happy weekend!
I have to go get the car plates today. I of course forgot all about them. I was planning on getting them a couple of weeks ago and then it slipped right through my mind~or what little bit of one that I have. lol Bill is going to put them on when he gets home from work this afternoon.
I go to my appointment with Dr. Lelek this afternoon. I have a lot of different feelings now than I did when I made the appointment but there is still plenty to talk about. I just can't seem to see any positive that I have done. I noticed that yesterday when I walked to Karen the wls nurse that nothing seem positive to me in the aspect of what I do. I lost 5 pounds and told her that I should have lost more. I lost 1 and a half inches too. I usually lose more but I did lose 2 and half but I gained 1 inch in my calves. I told Karen that it was probably flab. She told me that it was muscle because when she measured the calf it was very hard. She said that it definetly was not flab. But I guess the point that I am trying to get across is that no matter what I accomplish I see the negative before seeing the positive. So that is something that I need to work on.
Karen and I talked a lot about doing what we want to do. We both like to do artistic things. She likes to open rocks into the crystal parts and make jewlery. She said that she hasn't done wthat for years. I told her that I always wanted to make trivets or something from ceramic tiles. So we agreed that we owe that time to ourselves and do it. I think that I would like to make something out of the tiles for her for when I go back to see her on the 16th of October for my one year. I see her at 2:30 and at 3 I see Dr. Stani****old her that I loved mixing the paint when I worked at Wal Mart. I siad that if I could find a job mixing paint for 8 hours a day I would have found my perfect job. Karen was the one that saw the artistic part of what I was saying. She said that she saw the artist in me and I never did see it before. So I would say that the visit with her yesterday was a very profitable one.
I guess I had better get going. I am getting hungry since I have been up for 2 hours now. I am wishing well to all with a lot of happy moments happening today. I am sending love and hugs to all along with prayers. Special ones are going up for those in need of them.
School starts up for me again next week... this weekend i plan on going to the US Nationals... Anyone else going on Sunday? Maybe we could meet up. Welp off to work I go...
Sherri hope you feel ok today
Ellen I hope you feel ok today
Gail you're still in my prayers
Vicki... :P that's all i have to say to you :P
Linda V... Have a great day!!
To anyone and everyone else... TOMORROW IS FrIdAy!!! WOOOHOOO!!!
Hope everyone has a great day today. It is going to be nice, so enjoy it if you can! Take care and ttyl!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good morning everyone!
Man, what a long day yesterday turned in to! I had got to work at 5:10 am...and left at 9:40 pm! Yep...over 16 1/2 hours! I was back here by 6 this morning. I hope to get out of here by 9 though. All this to be sure the work I put in so far this week wasn't for nothing.
I'm on my full liquids today. I had my sf decaf ice tea and now I'm on to light white grape juice. I made some sf jello last night...lime (with 1 c boiling water and 1 c of the white grape juice) and lemon (with 1 c boiling water and 1 c of Minute Maid sf lemonade). I've got some yummy broth for later too. It's funny though...I'm not hungry in the slightest. If I 'could' eat, I'd probably already have had my breakfast. I think it's time for this gal to get back to basics.
I see Dr. Gupta this afternoon. Boy am I glad!! I changed the bandage last night and the tape she had put on the incision had separated (my guess would be from the intestinal distension) and now it is a big gaping hole! It comes very close to screaming for the wound-vac. That scares the crap out of me. We'll see what she says but I KNOW this cannot be what she had intended! You can see the stitching and it doesn't look like it's been busted or anything...just WAY, WAY too loose. I've had alot more pain with this than I thought I would too. I didn't think I was doing too bad with it until Tuesday. That's when it REALLY kicked in. I haven't been lifting or anything. I really can't see it staying this way.
Before that though, Bill & I are meeting Jan & Tim at Max & Erma's at 2. It'll be good to have a chance to sit & visit with them for a little bit. I don't feel like I got to really visit very much with very many at the camp out so this will be nice.
I hope everyone has a terrific day today. Myself, other than seeing Jan & Tim, I'll be glad to get this day over with. Tomorrow is the day I'm kinda antsy to get here. Keep me in your thoughts & prayers that Dr. Fecht will be able to get all the way to where he needs to with the colonoscopy....k? It's a very short list of alternatives if he can't and surgery which entails taking the intestines out (again) is on that list.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I had a scare last night heh the incision around my belly button bandage came off and the steri strips blended in covered in blood and it looked like a hole. Thankfully i checked it out again in better light and realized that they were just the steri strips.
No big plans for the weekend holiday just hoping to get more closets and pantries sorted, pitched and organized. I am on a huge kick to rid myself of yea right! lol I am the queen of stuff and every time I read Brenda saying she is ridding herself of stuff I chime in and say yea me too! lol Well I started in the spare room when Courtney moved into her new apartment so I am off to a great start and hopefully I will have lots to sell on ebay! The big news in our family has been Jon getting a new job! Yippee! He has been out of work for a year and looking for the right one for him. It is tricky as he is on disability retirement and he cannot do certain work. This one looks perfect for him and I am thrilled that now we can get caught up and the pressure of our finances will be much better...that means that my chocolate days are soon over! lol I am a stress chocolate eater and it has been bad lately! I am amazed that my weight has not skyrocketed! God has blessed me and I am in a 10 pound range of where I was before my plastic surgery. I am starting September off with a 4 month plan to drop 10 pounds by Christmas so keep me in your prayers! Thank goodness my jeans test is still working! You know that pair of tight jeans you pray to still be able to zip into? Well they fit ..a little snug at the waist but I am wearing them with a blazer today at work so Thank you Jesus! :o) life is good and every day is full of blessings! i always keep looking at where I have come from and look forward to where I am going. Even a few pounds can't diminish the joy of realizing my life is so much better now than a couple of years ago. For those of you struggling to maintain your weight loss a few years out, always keep in mind that you have come so far and be thankful for that and keep moving forward with the resolve that each day is a new day to start a new beginning. i find we all tend to be so critical of ourselves and so ready to beat ourselves up accepting failure at every little pound gained and we need to focus on the the strength of where we have come from and keep focus on our new healthy self.
Hugs and Blessings to you all!

Keep Blooming!
Thanks for these words, I so needed them! I have been struggling with the where I am goings instead of the where I have come froms, myself! It sucks! I know that I have come a long way, but I get so discouraged and afraid! I know that I have to stay focused and regroup! Thanks for your motivation! I love reading your posts and enjoy your enthusiasm! Thanks again! Hugz Dawn