pre opt testing today, I have a question
Hi, I went for my pre opt testing today and everyting went well. I was just wondering if all patients have to do the spriometer 4 times a day for 2 weeks before surgery. Not a problem doing it, but they had me down as a rny patient and I told them I am a lap band so they crossed out rny and put lap band but I haven't heard any lap band patients that do the spirometer and I thought maybe the rny patients do. This isn't the first time I have had the rny on my paper work, everything I have gotten so far has said rny. I have emaile Amy and she said she straighted it out, that was two weeks ago, and now my pre opt testing had rny on it today. So, lets hope I get the right surgery done, lol.
Thanks Jessica, just checking to see if they got it right. I also heard the Dr. Gupta is giving her lap band patients the Lovenox shots now, but that is something I heard. I hope not cause I don't think I can do it, I know my husband would love to, but I wouldn't want to give him that much pleasure,lol..... Tracey