to short
My son Andy is 16 and Lucas will be 15 in Sept.
Being so close in age they share alot of friends and yesterday while they were in school the mother of one of their fiends called and her neice whom is 14 (who is also a friend) had had a blood vessel in brain burst and she didnt make it they are waiting on an offical autopsy.
My sons were so heartbroken and Andys girlfrind was beside herself and im watching all of them consoling each other and thinking to myself life is just to short and my son looks at me and ask how does this happen mom.
All i could say between my tears is God gave her a mission and she has fufilled it and he needed his angel to come home..
But i will tell you this morning i gave them an extra i love you and told them how proud i was of them and told them to be safe with huggs of course.
I m just wanting to tell everybody how much they mean to because this has really hit home.
So everybody thank you for being my friend and you all mean alot to me...
I heard my son telling this little girls aunt the same thing i told them and consoling her ladies i think i have some compassinate men here..
Please pray for their family
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#