Tuesday morning

on 8/25/08 7:50 pm - decatur, IN

Good morning to all on our board!  Thanks to all who have been praying for my daughter.  She has been trying to qualify for an internship at the VA as part of her Master's Degree.  Well, she got the call yesterday!  It sounds like she got it.  And the best part...$$$ went with it!!!!! Never heard of that before.  She is waiting on the final written paperwork to make it all official but it sounds like that will be a formality.  So starting in Jan or Feb she will start working at the VA in Marion for the last semester of her Master's.  We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Often such a placement results in a JOB after graduation.  Keep her in your prayers. 
She will be travelling to Indy starting today to IUPUI for 3 grad classes and then will stay there and will have one more class late Wed afternoon.  I pray for angels to protect her all the way down and back.  I am so proud of her!!!  She is a single mom.  After my divorce 5 years ago, I moved in with her and she decided to go to college.  She has worked really hard.
School is going well, but very busy.
Misty, I hope all goes well at the hospital today.  I will be looking for an update.
Gail, I hope your Mom is doing better.
Sherri, please don't overdo too quickly.  Take care of yourself.
Ellen, so sorry you are under the weather.  Migraines are terrible.  Hang in there sweetie!
Hope everyone else has a blessed day!  Hugs to all.  Karen

Brenda R.
on 8/25/08 9:36 pm, edited 8/25/08 9:36 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, Karen and all my fellow Hoosier's Losers and soon to be losers. I hope that this finds you happy and healthy.

Nothing much on the agenda for today. I am going to stay home and try to work on pitching stuff around here. I know that I am forever saying it but it never seems to get done. There always seems to be something else that has to be done. I WILL get it started today. I WILL get it started today. If I say it enough maybe it will get done. lol

I had lunch with my sister yesterday. I actually enjoyed the visit which is something that doesn't happen often. Usually I can't wait for the time to be done and that wasn't the case yesterday. I hate having feelings like that since she is the only sibling that I have. I just always think that her's and my blood is the only blood on this earth that is the same. Half mom and half dad. There isn't anyone on earth that shares that with us. She is my sister and I love her but I don't always like her if you know what I mean. You can love someone but not really like them. Such is the case here.

I am getting the church evaluation done today. I am going to take it to the church office in the morning so that Pastor can sign it and it can get in the mail and out of my hair. I am so tired of that blasted thing. It has been a thorn in my side for months and now it is finally going to be done and outta here. lol

I thought that I had an appointment with the wls nurse but that ended up being on Wednesday. We had made plans that tomorrow we were going to visit the shut ins tomorrow but that had to be changed. lol We worked and worked to find a time that we could get there together and so tomorrow morning is the day that we go see the nursing home ladies and give them communion. Then on Friday afternoon we are going to go see the shut ins and give them communion. It threw a monkey wrench in the works but it goes to show where there is a will there is a way. I told Fern that I had to make sure that we got back by 12:30 so I could leave to go to Karen's office. Busy day tomorrow. But I like those.

I guess I had better get moving. Someone is cooking somethng and boy does it smell good. Every once in a while I get a nice whiff of it and it is making me hungry. I don't know what the heck it is but I want some of it. That is unless it turns out being something that I don't like. I sometimes smell things that smell so good but i don't like what it is that I smell. Does others have that too? Then when I find out what it is I think to myself ICK!! Why would I like the smell of that if I don't like the taste of it? We are strange people at times aren't we?

I am sending love and hugs to everyone and prayers are going up for all. Special ones for those in need of them. Bloom where you are since that is where you are suppose to be today.

Karen, I am so glad that your daughter got the job. That is a great accomplishment for her.

Gail, I am keeping you and your mom and family in prayers. I pray that your mom is better. Keep your chin up dear and know that you are loved.
Sherri, I pray that things start turning around for you. You have been through the mill already. The trip must stop somewhere. lol

Ellen, my dear sisterchick, I am keeping you in special prayers also. I pray that those terrible headaches leave and never return. I know that migrains are some of the most terrible pain that a person can ever go through. I use to get them. It seemed like all the time. My mom got them and she said that they stopped in her 30's and so did mine. I do sometimes still get them but not near as often. I pray for you dear.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/26/08 12:22 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi Sisterchicks,
 Well, I posted on Sherri's post, but wanted to shout out to my Sisters on here,too!

Karen, great news sweety! Nothing is too hard for the Lord,!! He did interviene in her situation- now on to better things for Miriah.(sp?) Give your sweet lil grandaughter ((((hugs)))) for me. Special "Girltime" is what we call it when Willow comes over.We do things she likes, I let her help cook, she loves it!, and we do silly stuff, like our nails in 3 colors- you should see mine- polish up on my arm even!hee~hee!!!! She also wants to "grocery shop" in my pantry- so we make a mess of the kitchen- but oh well!!!! Girls gotta do what girls gotta do!!!

Brenda- Sister, the Lord is pleased when we praise His name! I knew He would guide you and give you the right words to say Sunday.Sounds like you are one busy-busy girl! Now, don't over-do, cause I don't want your health to suffer! When are you coming down to Indy?? or did I misunderstand? I hope all goes wonderfully tomorrow! Remember, we are all "family" & love is what it is all about. "love covers a multitude of wrongs" Prov. 10;12 Praying Bill & his family sees their wrongs and begins to treat you with love & kindness, as they should.

Got to get going and get my day on the road- going to the Caring Center & then church to work on some stuff for them. Have a beautiful, blessed day my Sisterchicks- even though we are apart, I think of you everyday!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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