Tuesday morning!
Thanks everyone for your thoughts & prayers.

My headache is a dull one so far today,

Misty Lynn- praying that all goes well today

Sherri- lil Sis, I hope you are feeling better soon- your body has gone thru sooooo much! No wonder it is sore,hurting & tired!

Gail, How is your Mom doing? Oh, to have your parent still with you- what a blessing! My parents both passed away in 2001, so each day you have with her is precious. Even tho we didn't have the best of relationships ( I am sure I made them as crazy as they did me sometimes) still I miss them. I am praying for QUICK HEALING

Linda V. Heres to getting help when we need it- praise God.

Jodi-You look wonderful to me! give Quinn a uber(hug)) from me! Hope to get to C-ville soon- maybe you /I & Ulisha can go somehere for coffee

Well, my friend at Sears called- there is no one to help out at the store, & Randy is having surgery-right now. Oh, how I want to run & go back to work- half minded or not! I wish I had all of the answers- but I KNOW I am not to do it. My "selfish flesh" is screaming- go back, do it, help the poor man out" etc. but my reassurance from the Lord says " be still and know that I am God. I am in control."DH is going over to help deliver for today, bless his heart. The delivery guys are both out sick- one had emergency appendix surgery & the other has a cyst behind his knee cap. So, if you get a chance, pleasse pray for my friend Dave, who also isn't well, trying to run the store. The DM has been informed of the situation & hopefully will come and help out/figure out what to do.
Have a great day everyone- you are all so important to me!! I am sending a shout out to you all- pre &post opts, newbies, wanna bes -you are all important to us!Sending you all loving

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Good Tuesday Morning.
It's been a doozy already. I witnessed a wreck on my way in this morning. A cute, old couple was on scooters. The little old lady did something wrong and flew over the handlebars! She's really lucky she had a helmet on. There was a pickup truck behind her that stopped just in time before plowing over her. It was a tense moment there for a while. I called the ambulance but the couple was so upset over it. I found out later that they don't have insurance. The EMTs believe she dislocated her knee and may have spranged her ankle. She was howling in pain. I hate the times right now. Little old ladies shouldn't have to ride scooters because of gas prices. They shouldn't be worried about ambulances and going to the dr when they're in horrible pain because they don't have insurance.
I have to appear before my county council at 11 this morning to request my budget for 2009. Things are so tight right now because of gas and food prices. I know things are tough all over.
I'm sure after this week, my stress level will be considerably less. I'll know if I'm funded for next year and I should have an answer to the things that are happening with my daughter. I take her to her pediatrician Thursday.
Pray I make it through this week.
Gail and Ellen, I'm so sorry I haven't been a better friend through your ordeals. I do love you guys so much. I hope things turn around soon for both of your situations too. We all need to focus on what's REALLY important.
Hope this is a happy Tuesday!