I just don't feel good

on 8/25/08 4:08 am - Rockport, IN
Here I am cry babying to you guys again.  I really need to get this support group started here so I have another outlet to use.  You people are all I have though so forgive me please.

Tomorrow will be my 10 month surgiversary.  I've lost 127 lbs so far.  My diabetes is gone.  My sleep apnea is gone.  My high blood pressure is gone.  My hormone imbalance is gone.  Lots of positives!  This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family.  I've never had a moment where I've regreted having my surgery.  Dr. Diaz is an amazing surgeon and he has really taken great care of me.

Here's the problem.  Here lately I just don't feel good.  I'm getting in all of my vitamins and supplements, and protein and water.  I get a B12 shot once a month.  I don't exercise which I know will help some if I'd start doing something.

I'm super duper stressed at work and at home.  I'm sure that's contributing to it.  A lot of the time I have to resort to protein shakes and/or protein bars to get my protein count high enough.  I'm just so stinking busy I don't stop to eat.  I do get my levels in each day though.

I'm sleepy. I'm cranky.  I get light headed when standing up.  I just don't feel good.

Any suggestions?  Is it something I'm just going through because of the stress or is it a transition?  Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks once again for your help.

Oodles of love,
on 8/25/08 4:25 am - aurora, IN
I dont have an answer for you .
I just wanted to say you look fantastic,and you have done so well.
It feels good to have alot less co morbities doent it?
I just had my blood work done and im waiting on the results.
But i sure hope you feel better soon.
You are beautiful im telling you...
Jenny K.
on 8/25/08 5:30 am - IN
Are you getting enough fluids? Getting lightheaded is a sign of dehydration.  I know it is hard sometimes to stop to eat, but you just have to make yourself.  You need to take care of yourself.  Good luck to you! Hope you feel better soon.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 8/25/08 5:41 am - Atlanta, IN
I know exactly how you feel!!!  It may be the type/kind of protein that you are eating.  Could also be that you need more B12.  Call your Doctor just to be safe.
You look so good! 
I always said "pigs would fly" before they approved my surgery.  Guess what??? The pigs are flying!!!!

Brenda R.
on 8/25/08 6:31 am - Portage, IN
Sweetie, like Jenny said it can be dehydration but it could also be your blood pressure. I was getting quite lightheaded and no wonder~my bp was something like 38/52. Drastically low. I was at the doctor and they had to take it 2 times because the first time it couldn't even register. I was almost shipped to the hospital. Maybe you should check that alright? Keep us posted and make sure you get that checked.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/25/08 7:01 am - Indianapolis, IN

That's what we're here for!!! Don't you think twice about coming here for help!

IF you are getting in all of your vitamins, protein, and water (remember, 64 oz is the MINIMUM...AND that it is DECAF, no carbonation, and no calories)....then I would go to your pcp and explain to him/her what is going on. If you aren't, get them in and if you don't feel an improvement, then go see your PCP. There are many things which he/she may want to check with some simple bloodwork such as your vitamin levels to be sure you are absorbing everything properly. It may also be low thyroid, low blood pressure, low sugar. And yes..dehydration...especially with it being summer.

Just being tired can add to your stress level. Then again, being stressed can add to your not getting enough sleep. Vicious cycle, huh? So go see your doc!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jessica S.
on 8/25/08 7:18 am - Noblesville, IN
1.  Any chance, any at all, that you could be pregnant?  That would cause many of the things you describe, and easy to overlook if focusing on surgery.

2.  Stress and depression can also cause same problems.  They just suck the energy right out of you.

3.  Ask to get your one-year post-op labs a little early, focus on protein and vitamin levels. 

Good luck, and congrats on your awesome loss so far!

on 8/26/08 12:12 am - Rockport, IN
Thanks guys.  I've thought of some of the things you've mentioned.  Well all of them except pregnancy (no parts) and dehydration (I drink over 130 ozs a day).  I had my blood pressure checked last night and it was in the normal range (116/70).  I guess it could be a mixture of the stress and eating wrong.  I'm sure I could do better.  I do get my three meals in.  Just sometimes breakfast and lunch consist of a protein bar or shake.  I figure it's better than nothing!  I thought maybe it could be my blood sugar too.  Maybe it's getting too low now.  I'll try to get in with a dr and have some tests run.

Thanks for the compliments.  In spite of the blahs I feel physically better than I ever have.

Have a great Tuesday!
Lori Black
on 8/26/08 2:23 am - , IN
Three months ago I was feeling the same way.  At the advice of Vitalady, I started drinking protein shakes as my snacks and I now get 70-100 g a day of JUST PROTEIN SHAKES.  I feel 150% better, REALLY!  My favorite is Champion Nutrition Whey Stack Chocolate flavor.  DELISH!  Maybe this would work for you too.  I'm swearing by it girl!


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