Good Morning Monday
I got caught up on the wash, thank heavens! I felt like I had taken in wash for the neighborhood too. I was pooped when I folded the last load. Am pleased to report that only one basket needs to be put away tonight.
My daughter, grand daughter and I went to a craft festival in our town on Saturday. Boy was it hot! But it was fun. Didn't buy anything except more cold water hahaha.
My daughter starts her classes at IUPUI in full tilt this week. She thought that she started the full load last week, but then checked her schedule again at the last minute and was glad to find out that she only had class on Wed. This week she will have 3 graduate classes on Tues and one on Wed. We live 2 1/2 to 3 hours from Indy, so please pray for her as she travels back and forth. She stays overnight on Tues in Indy. It's hard when she is gone because then Emily does not see her from Tues am until Thurs am. and really misses her. Nana is ok during that time, but I am not mom. Thank God this is Micah's last semester for classes. No word on her intern placement yet. Remember she interviewed last Thurs with the VA (Veteran's Administration). Keep your fingers crossed. The interview went very well.
I'm looking forward to this weekend. We will all be travelling to Crown Point (near Merrilville) on Friday afternoon to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday. I was really looking forward to seeing all of my sisters (I have 4) but the one sister from North Carolina had to have emergency back surgery a few weeks ago and can't make the trip. We will miss her. On the way home on Sunday, we are planning to stop at the Blueberry Festival in Plymouth. Should be a great weekend.
I hope everyone has a great week! Hugs to all. Karen
well i am up way to early but loving the overtime at work since we dont get it often i take asdvantage of it when i can. not much else planned for the week really just work and normal house hold stuff.
had a small wow moment over the weekend. i went shopping and found a couple pair of shorts and tank tops to run me the rest of summer and was able to get xl shorts and large tank tops. i havent wore that size since i was in middle school. i also got a pair of regular jean shorts and got the size i been wearing got them home and had to take them back for a size 16/18 . i was shocked.
well enough about me . i hope everyone has a blessed day
Hope everyone is doing well today. Last night, I got to meet Melissa and her husband at the casino. She is really looking great too! Linda Kay was at the pool with the girls, so I didn't get to see her. I am hoping that I get to see them all today before they go back home! Other than that, there isn't anything else much going on that I need to do other than just a little house cleaning!
Have a great day all, gotta get the rest of the crew in the shower and get them all ready to go. Take care, and TTYL
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Yesterday I worked an 8-hour shift at Sears, and was training a new guy for most of it. It was okay, he was a nice enough guy. Then I got home and had to take my mother-in-law home across town. She was watching the kids all day, because my hubby went to his sister's house to help with a home project.
Today, so yeah, it's Monday. I have got to work. I also have to take my car back to the Mercury dealership. I just spent $300 on brakes last week, and the brake light is on again. I am not a happy camper. I don't have any more money to fix it right now, so I don't really knwo what to do. Maybe it's a short in the light or something easy like that. I can pray.
Boy is my butt dragging! I didn't sleep well last night and this morning I'm sore. I did make it in to work but I'm really wondering if maybe I should have taken off a few days after having that done Friday. I was concerned about having to run my stuff today since I'm not to lift more than 10 lbs (for two weeks). to work and the guy didn't see my request for material until this too late for him to get me some! Whew! He'll get me some tomorrow. Maybe I'll feel more like messing with it then. For now though I plan to take it easy today.
Guess I'll go get some breakfast in me. I hope you all have a good day.
Gail...glad to see you feeling better & back on the board. Sorry about your mom. Are the girls or someone going to be able to take you to Terre Haute to see her?
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I had a pretty eventful weekend. On Saturday, I went to the drag strip for medical stand by. Sunday we got up and went and got Maryssa (youngest daughter) some more school clothes. Tiffany was at her friends so she didnt get any this time. Then we went to get groceries and paint for my living room. I finally got it painted last night, but I am going to have to do it again, cause it needs a 2nd coat. That means I have to go buy another gallon of paint. Got me some new curtains. The living room is turning out to be really pretty. The color is called English Saddle, it is a brown color and I really like it.
So not sure when I will get that 2nd coat done, I'm hoping this week sometime. I will probably have enought left from this 2nd gallon and I think I will just do my bathroom the same color.
Sherri-I am glad everything went well Friday and you are on the mends now. Take care of yourself!
LaChelle-Enjoy your peaceful day! Sometimes those days are nice to have.
Everyone have a great day.
I can't believe it is Monday already. Gosh this week end went by so fast. I can't believe it. It seemed like it just turned to Saturday and bam it is gone already! Where does time go when it goes so fast? And another question is why does the week end go so fast and the week so slow?

The seervice went well at the state park yesterday. We only had 8 there but it was nice and had a lot of nice fellowship afterwards too. We figured out that the attendance was down since the kids are back in school now. So the camping is down some. But the campground was full or at least nearly full. So of course being me I thought it was because of me. Why are we so negative about ourselves? I can't seem to figure that one out even though we are more positive about ourselves than we use to be.
I have a meeting with Pastor this morning about the evaluations for the church. The evaluation that we have to do for the district office has to be in by the 1st of September so I am glad to be getting that done. I hate doing that and this year the new form is even harder to do. I am so glad that this is the last year that I have to do it. I have done it for 3 years now and it is time for another to do it. I am off to bigger and better things for the church. I am wanting to chair the new growth committee, and I still have the caring committee to chair too. Some people are thinking of nominating me for Lay Leader so I am not sure of that one. That would take a lot of time since the LL has to attend all of the meetings of the church, help with the 1st Sunday service of the month because of communion and other things. That takes a lot of time and I am not sure that I have the time for that, especially wanting to go and get a job too. I guess I am going to have to pray on that one.
Misty is sitting in front of the patio door and she looks like she is sleeping. She is so funny. I just love to watch her most of the time. She gets a little sliver of paper and she will play for hours with it. Just tossing it around and having a great time with it. She has so many toys (at last count about 30) and here she would rather play with a sliver of paper. She is just kids who would rather play with the boxes that the toys come in than the toys themselves.
We are up early this morning since Bill is working days all week. His boss is on vacation this week and so he is playing boss. The good thing is he works days and that is good at least for me. I like having him home during the evening. Just think~we can have a normal life and eat dinner at dinner time like a family. That is a wonderful thing. It is just the small stuff that makes me happy I guess. After so many years of eating dinner alone it is nice to have family time in the evening instead of during the morning. We don't do anything but dinner and watching television but that is wonderful to have the time together to do that.
I am having a busy week this week. There is something to do everyday this week. That is going to be different. Usually there is a break and there isn't one this week. I have to go the wls nurse tomorrow for my check up, Wednesday is visiting the shut ins for church and there is more than normal so that is going to take more time. Thursday I have appointment with Dr. Lelek. I am going to take the time to try to get my head screwed on straight and it is about time. I told him that the weight loss was easy~it is the emotions that go with it. That is the hard part. lol He told me he knows just what I am talking about and he is there to help me with all of that. He is such a nice person. So caring and he has a great sense of humor too. That always helps. Friday is the visits to the nursing home people. There is always 3 of them. This time we are taking communion to everyone shut ins and nursing home people alike. I told Fern that they need to be offered communion every month. I said that we are given communion every month and they need to be offered that too. Since Pastor is so busy with his dad Fern and I are taking over the visitation. We like that so we don't mind.
I better get moving. I have some things to do before the meeting with Pastor. I am sending love and hugs to all with prayers going up for everyone. Special prayers are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
Gail, I am glad that you are feeling somewhat better but I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It has to be a very hard time for you and your family. Please keep us posted on how she is doing and remember that we are here for you. You remain in my special prayers. We love you so much, Gail. Just keep your chin up and God in your heart and things will work out for the best.
Morning Everyone,
Checking in this morning sick. Developed Bronchitis and a lung infection Tuesday of last week. Been so sick I couldn't even get out of bed. Did a chest exray on Friday because my doc noticed I've complained about a presistant cough for the last two months and with my history of cancer we wanted to make sure there wasn't something there that shouldn't, so I sit this morning waiitng to hear from his office on what the chest xray shows.
Today and this week is also the first time since I've had Quinn that I'm alone with him. Feels kinda weird but I'm looking forward to it. He's such a happy fellow. Full of laughter and funny`faces. I'm gonna embrace this week full force, sick or not.
I accidentally put ourselves in a financial bind, didn't mean to and have been crying and depressed about it ever since. Matt says he's not upset about it... but.... I can tell I dissappointed him. I feel awful about it. To the core awful. Things are gonna be tighter then they ever were before. I don't know why I"m sharing this.... I diffently don't want sympathy... I guess I just needed to get it off my chest. Kinda admit what I had done so that maybe I won't do it again.
Gail - hang in there sweetie. If you need anything let us know. We are all here to support you. You are such a wonderful person!
Well - feed Q and... now time for play.
Have a great day all.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"