Happy Hump Day Hoosiers!
Well.......here it is, the half way mark through the week.
I am up and not able to sleep. I got about 45 minutes and then I was up again. I have been up since 5 yesterday morning. I am getting tired but not enough to sleep. Insomnia is a pain in the butt! lol
Chat among yoursleves and I will be back in a few.
I am up and not able to sleep. I got about 45 minutes and then I was up again. I have been up since 5 yesterday morning. I am getting tired but not enough to sleep. Insomnia is a pain in the butt! lol
Chat among yoursleves and I will be back in a few.

Good morning, fellow Hoosiers. I hope that today brings much joy to everyone.
I am planning on staying home today with the exception of going to the post office. I have a package to mail to a friend and should have gotten it out the other day and here I am. lol That sure is the story of my life. Always late! I sure hope that she isn't waiting with bated breathe for the box.
I called and made an appointment with Dr. Lelek. I told him afternoons were good for me and so the soonest was next Thursday. After last night I am calling today and telling him that mornings are fine just get me in......please! It was funny because he remembered me. He told me that it was about a year ago and he remembered that he told me what the mark was going to look like on the paper checking if I was nuts or not. He was right on the money there too. He is easy to talk to and so that might help the fact that he is a man. lol
I talked to Bill's cousin last night and I told her that I was going to talk to Shawn and see what I was going to be to his baby. Well.....I got told and it wasn't good. He said that the baby would either call me "step grandmother" or "my dad's wife". I said very politely to him alright and then he proceeded to go on about some guy at work that made him angry. I thought to myself "Maybe you should call someone who cares" but again I said nothing. I then started crying after we hung up. I guess I know what my place is now. And it is pretty much at the tail end of the line. lol So I guess I am not going to be a grandma but I am suppose to be married to a grandpa. Oh well. I informed Bill that I will have nothing to do with anything or anyone since I am his "dad's wife" and no one else. I guess now I don't even have a name either. Jeez, in one conversation I lose a grandbaby and a name. lol
I guess today is going to be another hot one. The temperatures aren't getting real high but the humidity is terrible. I hate humidity. It makes me perspire. I am a lady so I do not sweat! lol
I have to do my sermon for Sunday. My church is in charge of the church service at the Dunes State Park on sunday mornings. Bob who is in charge of getting the speakers gets speakers from out church and from the churches in the community. Well, I am up this sunday. I was suppose to have it the sunday I was at Middlebury but I switched. I haven't got the faintest idea what I am going to do it on. It will come to me. It is just a short service with a lot of singing. So I only have to speak about 10 minutes. I can do that. That is doable.
My dear Gail......I hope that you are feeling better and please hurry to join us again. You are missed more than you know.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day. I am sending everyone my love and hugs and my prayers too. Special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day and again, thanks so much for the kind thoughts and words that you have spoken to me the last few days. They are much appreciated.
I am planning on staying home today with the exception of going to the post office. I have a package to mail to a friend and should have gotten it out the other day and here I am. lol That sure is the story of my life. Always late! I sure hope that she isn't waiting with bated breathe for the box.
I called and made an appointment with Dr. Lelek. I told him afternoons were good for me and so the soonest was next Thursday. After last night I am calling today and telling him that mornings are fine just get me in......please! It was funny because he remembered me. He told me that it was about a year ago and he remembered that he told me what the mark was going to look like on the paper checking if I was nuts or not. He was right on the money there too. He is easy to talk to and so that might help the fact that he is a man. lol
I talked to Bill's cousin last night and I told her that I was going to talk to Shawn and see what I was going to be to his baby. Well.....I got told and it wasn't good. He said that the baby would either call me "step grandmother" or "my dad's wife". I said very politely to him alright and then he proceeded to go on about some guy at work that made him angry. I thought to myself "Maybe you should call someone who cares" but again I said nothing. I then started crying after we hung up. I guess I know what my place is now. And it is pretty much at the tail end of the line. lol So I guess I am not going to be a grandma but I am suppose to be married to a grandpa. Oh well. I informed Bill that I will have nothing to do with anything or anyone since I am his "dad's wife" and no one else. I guess now I don't even have a name either. Jeez, in one conversation I lose a grandbaby and a name. lol
I guess today is going to be another hot one. The temperatures aren't getting real high but the humidity is terrible. I hate humidity. It makes me perspire. I am a lady so I do not sweat! lol
I have to do my sermon for Sunday. My church is in charge of the church service at the Dunes State Park on sunday mornings. Bob who is in charge of getting the speakers gets speakers from out church and from the churches in the community. Well, I am up this sunday. I was suppose to have it the sunday I was at Middlebury but I switched. I haven't got the faintest idea what I am going to do it on. It will come to me. It is just a short service with a lot of singing. So I only have to speak about 10 minutes. I can do that. That is doable.
My dear Gail......I hope that you are feeling better and please hurry to join us again. You are missed more than you know.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day. I am sending everyone my love and hugs and my prayers too. Special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day and again, thanks so much for the kind thoughts and words that you have spoken to me the last few days. They are much appreciated.
I have to wonder if once the baby gets here, things will change. When people are preggers, with their first especially, they have all these plans, and want things done just a certain way. Then you have the baby and reality sets in about how much work they are and how little time you have to care about the snippy little details, like what to call people. I would just give it some time. On the other hand, maybe the guys bio mom is giving him a hard time about you being called grandma too. Maybe he's between a rock and a hard place, you know? I don't know. Just some ideas. I know it probably doesn't help right now though. I have a 'step-grandma', and I have had her my whole life. I always just called her grandma Jeanne. She's not a warm fuzzy type of grandma, but she's always been around, and been there for me, and I love her for it.
Mikey had a rough night last night. FIrst he didn't want to shower. I swear some times I think that boy is part wicked witch, they way he avoids water in the form of cleaning himself. We finally got that hurdle over. Then he was up until 12:30am. He wouldn't go to sleep. He finally did. I don't know what to do with him alot of the time. He did have a good first day at school atleast yesterday.
Well,.. off to get ready for another day.
Mikey had a rough night last night. FIrst he didn't want to shower. I swear some times I think that boy is part wicked witch, they way he avoids water in the form of cleaning himself. We finally got that hurdle over. Then he was up until 12:30am. He wouldn't go to sleep. He finally did. I don't know what to do with him alot of the time. He did have a good first day at school atleast yesterday.
Well,.. off to get ready for another day.
I am going to try my best not to sound 'preachy'..afterall, it is you who does sermons, not I.
I am going to give you the same advise that I'm sure your minister would about this whole situation with Shawn. Pray about it. I would advise you to not get hung up on what the baby will or won't call you. That child won't even be talking for a few years and ALOT can happen in that time period. So..turn it over to God..and then prepare to welcome a new child into this world. Treat him/her as a grandparent would. Eventually, Shawn..and Bill...will see that you ARE grandparent material. And if they don't? That is between them & God but you will know that YOU did what YOU felt led to do. That is all you can do hon. Follow your heart and BE a grandma, regardless of what Shawn or anyone else refers to you as. That child is going to make up his/her own mind..and when he/she does, you want it to be 'but Papaw's wife always made ______ special for me'. Eventually 'Papaw's wife' is going to become 'Grandma' regardless of what Shawn or Bill says. Kids are like that.
Doctors are great..but for this one, talk with your minister and if you haven't yet because of Bill's involvement at the church, just ask the minister to keep you in his prayers. God will know what the need is.
I am going to try my best not to sound 'preachy'..afterall, it is you who does sermons, not I.
I am going to give you the same advise that I'm sure your minister would about this whole situation with Shawn. Pray about it. I would advise you to not get hung up on what the baby will or won't call you. That child won't even be talking for a few years and ALOT can happen in that time period. So..turn it over to God..and then prepare to welcome a new child into this world. Treat him/her as a grandparent would. Eventually, Shawn..and Bill...will see that you ARE grandparent material. And if they don't? That is between them & God but you will know that YOU did what YOU felt led to do. That is all you can do hon. Follow your heart and BE a grandma, regardless of what Shawn or anyone else refers to you as. That child is going to make up his/her own mind..and when he/she does, you want it to be 'but Papaw's wife always made ______ special for me'. Eventually 'Papaw's wife' is going to become 'Grandma' regardless of what Shawn or Bill says. Kids are like that.
Doctors are great..but for this one, talk with your minister and if you haven't yet because of Bill's involvement at the church, just ask the minister to keep you in his prayers. God will know what the need is.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Amen! Preach it, Sister!
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
Morning all,
We're busy getting ready for our vacation so we're even skipping Support Group tonight. I'm taking my computer in for an upgrade. A friend is a computer geek and ordered more memory. He's installing it tonight as well as trying to figure out why I don't have any sound.
We leave Friday noon for our vacation. We going to Michigan for 5 days with Brenda's parents, then off to Cedar Point for a great time. We're staying at the Wolf Lodge which has a huge waterpark, so we're skipping the waterpark at Cedar Point. Then we're headed to Nappanee, Plymouth, and Shipshewana for the rest of the week. Looking forward to the flea market in Shipshewana. We're planning on stopping in to say Hi to Hope while we're there.
I went to the doctor yesterday for my back and leg pain. He thinks it's my sciatica. He gave me another shot of steroids, gave me another prescription of muscle relaxers, and took an x-ray. He's going to schedule me for a MRI soon, too. At least I have the muscle relaxers to hold me thru our vacation.
Trying to get loose ends taken care of at work. Sometimes it doesn't pay to take a vacation because it's so much effort to get ready and too much effort to catch up when you get back.
Hope everyone has a great day!
We're busy getting ready for our vacation so we're even skipping Support Group tonight. I'm taking my computer in for an upgrade. A friend is a computer geek and ordered more memory. He's installing it tonight as well as trying to figure out why I don't have any sound.
We leave Friday noon for our vacation. We going to Michigan for 5 days with Brenda's parents, then off to Cedar Point for a great time. We're staying at the Wolf Lodge which has a huge waterpark, so we're skipping the waterpark at Cedar Point. Then we're headed to Nappanee, Plymouth, and Shipshewana for the rest of the week. Looking forward to the flea market in Shipshewana. We're planning on stopping in to say Hi to Hope while we're there.
I went to the doctor yesterday for my back and leg pain. He thinks it's my sciatica. He gave me another shot of steroids, gave me another prescription of muscle relaxers, and took an x-ray. He's going to schedule me for a MRI soon, too. At least I have the muscle relaxers to hold me thru our vacation.
Trying to get loose ends taken care of at work. Sometimes it doesn't pay to take a vacation because it's so much effort to get ready and too much effort to catch up when you get back.
Hope everyone has a great day!
DS on 11/14/12
Mybe reflection on the events from this week might inspire you for a sermon. Family and love.
Oh, Brenda my heart goes out to you! I can't figure your family out. I'm sure they have you just as confused and disillusioned. I think you made the right decision to contact your doctor. Sorry you can't get in until next Thurs. Sometimes having someone professional to talk things over with gives you a new perspective. Good luck and may you find some peace. I am sure with all that is going through your head right now is not allowing you to have restful sleep.
I had to pry myself out of bed this morning. I'm really tired. School is going fine and the hours are flying by since I am so busy. Time for the shower already! I hope everyone has a great day! Hugs to all...Karen
I had to pry myself out of bed this morning. I'm really tired. School is going fine and the hours are flying by since I am so busy. Time for the shower already! I hope everyone has a great day! Hugs to all...Karen
Good morning everyone!
Yeah! I made it to work early!! LOL! I kept my hand off the snooze this morning.
I had my appointment with Dr. Fecht yesterday. He must have gotten a more thorough report than what Dr. B had pulled up two weeks ago. He read it to me and it was ALOT more than she had read. Aparently the thickening of the intestinal wall BEGINS where the colon & small bowels meet..but continues for ??? The big concern right now is to be able to do a full colonoscopy on me & be able to get into the intestines. I've had an unsuccessful attempt made in June..because the colon wouldn't quit flopping around (what I call spasms, they called flopping...I think my term sounds more 'medical'...lol!). So...he wants to try it at the hospital in Noblesville on the 29th (a week from Friday). They have a special scope that he can adjust it's stiffness on the fly so if my intestines get all floppy on him, the scope can be more flexible and go with the flow. If he isn't able to get to where he needs to go, that is when things can get very interesting. There's a double-balloon scope that kinda inch-worms it's way into your colon/intestines but because of mine being removed from the body and then put back in, I may not be a good candidate for it (if that time comes, it'll be up to the guy who specializes in that technique). There's also a capsule you can swallow that will take pictures as it travels through your system. I think that part is pretty cool! The sci-fi in my showing through..lol! The problem with that one..with me...is that between all my many, many endo's, my 2 perfs, my RNY/RNY revision, my internal hernias & scar tissue, and the blockage last October...my intestines have gone through hell. Because of that, we don't know what kind of adhesions/blockages that may be in that long tunnel. If that capsule gets caught in any, they would have to do surgery NOW to remove it. If they did that, while I was opened up, they would probably just go ahead and examine all of my intestines. That should NOT require me being put back into a coma. I wouldn't think it should require as long of a recovery time either.
So...this Friday (day after tomorrow) is my little surgery thing to close up the holes I have on my belly. The following Friday, the colonoscopy. Both times, I get the 'endo' drugs. I think this Fridays, I'll also get a local at the incision site. I did finally send Dr. Gupta's nurse a note about intermittent FMLA since Dr. Gupta is the one who Dr. Bergman & Dr. Fecht is filling in on my progress (or lack thereof).
Hmmm...and today. Today, is my day to see Dr. Bergman again. She won't be doing anything with those lovely holes but that place on my leg does need drained..again. It is smaller than it ever has been so that's saying something! Hopefully I won't need it drained too many more times.
Tomorrow is Bill's eye appointment day..again. Lordy, it's no wonder it's hard to get 40 hours of work in, huh??
You all take care!
Yeah! I made it to work early!! LOL! I kept my hand off the snooze this morning.
I had my appointment with Dr. Fecht yesterday. He must have gotten a more thorough report than what Dr. B had pulled up two weeks ago. He read it to me and it was ALOT more than she had read. Aparently the thickening of the intestinal wall BEGINS where the colon & small bowels meet..but continues for ??? The big concern right now is to be able to do a full colonoscopy on me & be able to get into the intestines. I've had an unsuccessful attempt made in June..because the colon wouldn't quit flopping around (what I call spasms, they called flopping...I think my term sounds more 'medical'...lol!). So...he wants to try it at the hospital in Noblesville on the 29th (a week from Friday). They have a special scope that he can adjust it's stiffness on the fly so if my intestines get all floppy on him, the scope can be more flexible and go with the flow. If he isn't able to get to where he needs to go, that is when things can get very interesting. There's a double-balloon scope that kinda inch-worms it's way into your colon/intestines but because of mine being removed from the body and then put back in, I may not be a good candidate for it (if that time comes, it'll be up to the guy who specializes in that technique). There's also a capsule you can swallow that will take pictures as it travels through your system. I think that part is pretty cool! The sci-fi in my showing through..lol! The problem with that one..with me...is that between all my many, many endo's, my 2 perfs, my RNY/RNY revision, my internal hernias & scar tissue, and the blockage last October...my intestines have gone through hell. Because of that, we don't know what kind of adhesions/blockages that may be in that long tunnel. If that capsule gets caught in any, they would have to do surgery NOW to remove it. If they did that, while I was opened up, they would probably just go ahead and examine all of my intestines. That should NOT require me being put back into a coma. I wouldn't think it should require as long of a recovery time either.
So...this Friday (day after tomorrow) is my little surgery thing to close up the holes I have on my belly. The following Friday, the colonoscopy. Both times, I get the 'endo' drugs. I think this Fridays, I'll also get a local at the incision site. I did finally send Dr. Gupta's nurse a note about intermittent FMLA since Dr. Gupta is the one who Dr. Bergman & Dr. Fecht is filling in on my progress (or lack thereof).
Hmmm...and today. Today, is my day to see Dr. Bergman again. She won't be doing anything with those lovely holes but that place on my leg does need drained..again. It is smaller than it ever has been so that's saying something! Hopefully I won't need it drained too many more times.
Tomorrow is Bill's eye appointment day..again. Lordy, it's no wonder it's hard to get 40 hours of work in, huh??
You all take care!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...