Tuesday morning

on 8/18/08 7:51 pm - decatur, IN
Good morning!  Thanks for all your prayers and support for my first day of school.  Everything went smoothly.  At one point I looked up at the clock and thought OMG it is only 9:45!  I felt like I had put in a full day already!  I was dragging by the end of the day but I got a lot accomplished.  Since I teach kids with a disability, I do get the same kids back year after year.  It was exciting to see how much they changed over the summer.  Should be a good year.
I tried the protein ice cream that I made on Sunday.  Not bad for the first time.  I think I will add a touch of Splenda to the recipe the next time I make it.  My brain and taste buds were expecting something a little sweeter, but it was a nice treat.  So it looks like I will be buying an ice cream freezer, since I borrowed this one just to try the recipe. 
Well, time for the shower.  Hope everyone has a great day!  Hugs to you all...Karen
(deactivated member)
on 8/18/08 7:54 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Great minds think alike, Karen! I was posting at the same time you were! I'm glad your first day went okay.
LaChelle R.
on 8/18/08 8:59 pm - Erie, PA
Glad things went well your first day back, Karen.  I am sure the kids that you teach are just as excited to have YOU as their teacher, since you are the one that they know the most.  That always helps kids with disabilities.
Have a wonderful day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Lee Ann B.
on 8/18/08 10:11 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Lachelle...thanks so much for the adorable ecard! It really brightened my day! I love Anne Geddes!

on 8/18/08 9:08 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Boy, I could not keep my hand off that snooze button this morning! I guess my body was trying to make up for the lousy night sleep I got Sunday night. I'm at work now so that's what matters. I  have to leave early. I have my appointment with Dr. Fecht at 4:30. He's the gastro-internist. The last test he ordered, I got the results from Dr. Bergman, NOT him. He never called or anything so I'm not too thrillsville with him. I'm not leaving early enough from work to pick up Bill before I go there so he should thank me for that. Bill is PO'ed! At my last appt, when he said that he wanted me back in 6 weeks, Bill asked him if he was going to run his tests and then make me wait until then for the next thing and he reassured Bill that he would NOT do that. Well..he did that! I think that if he had to walk around with my stomach for going on 11 months, SOMETHING would had been done by now! Yeah..today, I'm having a 'I'm frustrated' day! My temperment can usually handle it when it goes from 4 months pregnant to 8-9months within 12 hours. It can usually handle the diarrhea (as long as I don't have accidents anyway). I can even usually handle the spasms and noise of the intestines. But when I'm hurting with it? I start to lose my temper some then and today, it's not feeling too good. It gets to where it hurts low on the right side...kinda like the spasms are hitting the appendix. so I have that going on today too. Plus it's been hurting on the left side of my stomach..kinda in the center, but to the left of my belly button. That whole area (~8" circle) is tender to the touch. the left side pain started on Sunday. The right side has been off & off for a few months. The tenderness has been the last few weeks. And I have the spasms this morning...and of course the diarrhea (although at least no accidents!!). So..this morning isn't a very good morning physically speaking. Hmmm..maybe I don't need Bill with me for Dr. Fecht to hear how I REALLY feel! Oh...I'm going to talk to him about intermittent FMLA. All these doctor appointments & testing are putting the hurts on my vacation time! I was going to send Dr. Gupta's nurse a note and I forgot. I know...duh!

Karen...I'm glad the first day back went well. I'm sure it was hard dragging yourself out of bed this morning too. As excited as you were to see the kids, I'm sure most of them couldn't wait to communicate to their Miss Karen!

Ellen...I read your email this morning then had to rush out of the house. Bill & Tiffany will be with me Friday. Bill has only missed 1 surgery that I've had (we were separated at the time). Tiff's only missed 2 (she didn't know about either until after the fact****pt thinking on my way to work that there were two things you asked me and I can't think of the 2nd one so I'll answer your email tonight...lol.

Lois....I'm glad you are home. I hope you are resting as comfortably as the drugs will allow you to. ;-) Take it easy and don't over-do it. We're all thinking about you.

Brenda R....I hope today looks a little brighter. Are you & Shawn close? If so, I bet he'd be furious if he knew what Bill said to you. I know my Bill has said some pretty hurtful things but he knows that I have always treated Shellie like my own. At Christmas and any other time, I don't get for my daughter unless I do for her too. I also treat Shyanne (her daughter) as equally as I do Myranda (Tiffany's daughter). Bill did tell me one Mother's Day a few years ago that he didn't get me a card or anything because I wasn't his mom, nor the mother of his kid. I reminded him that even strangers tell women 'Happy Mother's Day' on that day, that I was the one to get HIS mother a card although she's not my mom, and that I am more of mom to his kid than her own mother is! Needless to say, I WAS HOT! He has wished me Happy Mother's Day every year since and this last one, took me out to dinner as well. Of course,  my kids helped with my arguement without even realizing it. Every year, they get him a Father's Day card and that year, I could not help but to say 'hmmmm...you got a card from MY kids even though you aren't technically their father. How about that?'. Then I walked away like the whole thing was puzzling. He got the hint. I hope you are dreaming of bonnets and bow ties.

Everyone have a good day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 8/18/08 10:08 pm - Portage, IN
Sherri, no Shawn and I are not really close. He does come to me when he is need and I am usually the first one he goes to. He doesn't call me mom or anything except when he thinks it will give him brownie points. He is very much a manipulator and I am very guarded around him. He has manipulated ever since I knew him and that is when he was 8 years old. I don't let my guard down around him because when I have I have been hurt and I don't allow that to happen more than once. I just wish that I would learn that lesson with his father. It may be coming who knows.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 8/18/08 9:25 pm - IN

Good morning everyone!
I am so glad yesterday is over. It was the meeting day from hell.  I had to be the bad boss an get in a lot of people's butts. I just get so sick of people bickering and especially 2 of my line officers bickering back and forth.  I hope that I got it snuffed out now.
I have a group that thinks they have a problem with something they can go to the board of directors instead of me. Well I told them last night that it ends now and if I hear of it again, disciplinary action will be taken.  Afterall, that is why the board hired me is to take care of issues and problems.  They just know what my answer is going to be, so they play this little game of we will go to the board and try to get her decision over tuned....WRONG!  Thanks for letting me vent.

Got me a protein drink in this morning.  I sent an email to the dietician yesterday asking for suggestions on maintaining. She told me to eat 6 meals a day and add like higher calorie foods, but the thing is I havent even been watching my calories. She told me to eat nuts, pnut butter, etc. So I will try to eat more meals, but I dont know how much more I can eat. I am down to 134 this morning and my goal was 140. Never thought I would have this problem of losing too much...lol!

Hope you all have a great day!

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Brenda R.
on 8/18/08 10:03 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning my fellow losers. I hope that today is wonderful each and every one of you.

Nothing much here is different. Things here are very tense and don't forsee it being much different for a long time if ever. I speak to him only when needed and don't do anything for him either. He is on his own as far as I am concerned. I feel like I am on my own so what is the difference? He has been there for me when I had my surgery but not really any since. He doesn't like it when I feel happiness or joy so what is the difference? He hasn't liked anything that makes me happy, if I try to talk to him about it he only half listens if that. Well, that is fine with me. If he wants to be that way so can I. I know that two wrongs don't make a right but I think in this case I can find some happiness and joy out of making his life as miserable as mine is right now. I know that isn't the way that God wants me to be but now this is the only way that I can be. Oh well, what is a girl to do?

I am calling the therapist that did my evaluation for surgery. I really think that is something that I need to do. I am not going to sit here and wallow in my misery. I am going to do what I have tried to do my whole life and that is pick up my feet and walk. I refuse to let him pull me down to the point that he is at. The therapist told me that if I ever needed him for anything to just call. He was nice and easy to talk to so that is why I thought that I would call him. If I can't seem to talk to him as well as I thought I can always change. But I think that he is my best bet right now. I am going to call his office today. I want to get this show on the road. I want to get back to living my life and enjoying it with or without Bill. However that goes is the way it goes.

I have to go to the heart doctor this afternoon. He is so nice. I guess I am doing fine. I feel like it. I have a feeling that he might ask for another echo. That would be fine with me. I don't mind getting them. I do have to get the blood tests from the urologist. I forgot all about them. I better get those done today. Maybe before I go see the doctor. Hmmmm.... the decisions that a girl has to make during her life. lol

The sun is shining and it is suppose to be hot again today. I don't seem to mind the heat as much this year. It just amazes me since I haven't felt like that for so many years I forgot what it feels like. lol

Misty is checking out her back 40 acres again this morning. She checks it out and then goes somewhere else and then she is back to see if she is missing anything again. She can't miss anything! Oh heaven forbid.

I guess I had better get going. I have to take my pills and such and I am getting hungry for something to eat. I think it may be yogurt and Kashi Go Lean cereal mixed in it. That gives it the crunch that I like plus added protein. I like my food crunchy more than anything. I would be so happy if everything that I ate would crunch when I chewed it!!

I am sending love and hugs to everyone. Thanks to all who have sent me thoughts of love. I am not feeling to much right now. I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself right now. It is alright to have a pity party on occaision but we just can't stay at the party for to long. Thank God I am not one to party to long! lol I am saying prayers for everyone with special ones going up for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/18/08 11:06 pm - Thorntown, IN
Morning Everyone,
   I am up & at them- my first day I could have slept in, but nope, my internal alarm went off & got me up-to pee of course. Then I couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well, it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day out. 
  I went to my first exercise appt. yesturday, & wow!! I got alot of new tips, ideas, & points on my balance, etc. and did 2.5 mi. on the treadmill in 25 min.at 2.8 mph.at an .5 incline- like climbing 16" up a hill! Woo-Hoo for me!!!!!!!!!!!! I go again on Thurs. I really like my PT. she is certified in people with disabilities, looked up my "head problems" & gave me ideas to help.When I got on the scles I was down 6 lbs.!!Woopie, they are moving in the right direction again!

Karen---Protien ice cream???YUM~ post the reciepe, please! I do soymilk, so hopefully it will work. I am taking your shrimp salad to a get together today-YUMMO! Have fun with those special angels of yours! Give them all a (((hug))) from me!

Brenda, sending lots of love & prayers to you- I am keeping you in my heart sister. PM,call, or snailmail me!! I am praying for your health as well. God is in control -all things are possible with Him.

Sherri, I hope you feel better after talking to the Drs. & getting those pesky holes taken care of. Sending you healing hugs.

Everyone that is having tests, going thru issues, having surgery and recovery, blessings, prayers & gentle (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))


  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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