Forget my news.........
Forget the news about being a grandma. Bill made it perfectly clear to me that I am not the baby's grandmother since I am not Shawn's mother. So what ever feelings I had are now gone. I feel absolutely nothing now. I don't need to be hit in the head again. I learn the first time. Then why did I allow myself to walk into this again? Thanks for the happy congratulations but they belong to Bill and his ex-wife I guess.
Oh honey...I know someone that I'd hit in the head if I were you! I may not be Shellie's mom but I treat her 100% better than the woman who gave birth to her and Shellie's daughter Shyanne is very much so MY granddaughter!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am sorry Brenda but
How rude of your husband to say such a thing! I would have to question his motive of even saying such a thing. This is really burning me up.
Next time you cook dinner You let him know he will not be joining you since you cooked it and he had no part in growing it, preparing it, then he has no right to sit down to enjoy it!
ugh MEN!
Sorry just a little vent
Let me see if I get this right? Bill is your butt head husband, RIGHT? and it was your son who called to say that Shawn said Carol took a pregnancy test, RIGHT? What difference does it make if you aren't Shawn's mother? Isn't the baby going to belong to your son? I mus be lost but I do know that I have the fact right that your husband is a BUTT HEAD! How dare he be so insensitve? Men, I tell you it is getting so they are just about to be replaced. Mine is a BIG BUTT HEAD! WOW! Michelle

Brenda, this will take care of itself just wait and see. I am also "step" grandma to 4 of my husbands grandbabies. My husband is "step" grandpa to 4 of mine also. The grandkids have no idea who used to be married to who and could care less. We have been married for 24 years now so it just works itself out. The kids don't have any of my blood in them but they are very much my grandkids and I am very much their grandma. Don't worry about this right now, just go back to being happy about the upcoming birth of this child who will be very much your "grandbaby".
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
Brenda, first of all. A huge hug to you. Turn your head while I slap his face. What a butt! Keep your priority straight. The baby is the important one. Treat that baby with all the love you have and the baby will decide who grandma is. Besides that, My kids have 5 sets of grandparents. Only one is actually their blood grandparents. Our next door neighbors have been like grandparents to them their whole lives. They love them so much. Blood is nice but love is what makes grandparents!
How does Shawn feel about it? He must consider you significant to the baby's life!
I would refer to the baby as MY grandchild and leave Bill out of it. He can say whatever he wants. Tell him he can keep his rude comments to himself. You will love the baby and share in it's life. That is exactly what grandmas do. I don't think the baby will be DNA testing you to see if you are allowed to be grandma.
God bless you!
How does Shawn feel about it? He must consider you significant to the baby's life!
I would refer to the baby as MY grandchild and leave Bill out of it. He can say whatever he wants. Tell him he can keep his rude comments to himself. You will love the baby and share in it's life. That is exactly what grandmas do. I don't think the baby will be DNA testing you to see if you are allowed to be grandma.
God bless you!
Oh Brenda
I agree with Sherry also.
That had to hurt and im sorry for him being such a butt head is he afraid of his ex.
My children have a step grandmal and love her and no that she is their dads real mom, but she is a great with them and always has been,she truly cares about them even though their her step grandchildren and my oldest isnt my hubbys so he isnt her blood either but she has loved him ever since she met him.
So just be there for the baby and let Bill and his ex kiss your behind,
love and huggs
I agree with Sherry also.
That had to hurt and im sorry for him being such a butt head is he afraid of his ex.
My children have a step grandmal and love her and no that she is their dads real mom, but she is a great with them and always has been,she truly cares about them even though their her step grandchildren and my oldest isnt my hubbys so he isnt her blood either but she has loved him ever since she met him.
So just be there for the baby and let Bill and his ex kiss your behind,
love and huggs