Saturday Morning

on 8/15/08 6:58 pm - Elwood, IN
My, my, my...well, it has been quite some time since I started a thread. I'm sitting through my last hour and 15 minutes of work. Tryin' to kill some time, ya know. I'm off tonight so that I can attend our annual pancake breakfast, glass festival parade, and vintage car show. I'm sure my butt's gonna be draggin' by the end of the day. My boyfriend has also informed me that he wants to head over to Muncie to go to the mall, so I may need a little siesta before that venture. I'd go anywhere with that boy though. I just love him to bits. I'm feeling very good. I'm in medium scrubs now and am officially overweight instead of obese. Even though I feel like I look pretty damn good compared to where I started. Let me get this beef off my absolutely kills me, the comments some people make. I had a patient's husband, here at work, tell me..."I thought you looked familiar" so I asked, "Well, where do you know me from?". He replies, "Oh, here...there's just a whole lot less of you to look at now." WTH? Are you serious? Now, you tell that something that would be acceptable to say to someone with some weight to lose? NO! So why would you think it would be okay to say something like that to me now that I've lost the weight? Do you think that it still wouldn't hurt my feelings? I dunno, maybe I'm just too touchy about the whole thing. I just can really see how people get treated differently when they've lost weight, and it really burns my butt. I just don't understand why people judge, but I guess that's just life, huh? I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the weekend!! Take care!
Jenny K.
on 8/15/08 9:20 pm - IN
Im right there with you.  I have had comments just like you, but it doesnt bother me.  What does bother me a little is showing people my before pics, its rather embarrasing to know I was that big.  Lots of people say when you were that size, you didnt look that big. .
Anyway, its in the past now and  I am never getting back there.
You are going to be in my neck of the woods by coming to Muncie. I just live about 15 min. north of Muncie in Albany.  Have fun at the mall.

Im at work today. Working a 12 hr shift.  I get off at 7 pm tonight.

Everyone have a great day.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

(deactivated member)
on 8/15/08 10:31 pm - Terre Haute, IN
That was a pretty rude comment. I don't know why people would think it's okay to talk to you like that. I'm sure he thought he was being cute or funny, but still,...

I was up at 7am this morning to take out the pooch. She such a good dog. She was sleeping on my daughter's bed with her, when I got up. That helps Maggie stay in bed, to have the dog with her.

This morning Mike and the kids are going to tae kwon do. I'm going to run some errands. NOt too much interesting is going on. Just same old same old. I might go get my pictures taken to celebrate reaching my goal. I'm debating.

Lee Ann B.
on 8/15/08 10:33 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Well here is a third one from that area! Born in Alex and then raised in Muncie! Hi to both of ya!
Just got up, brewed my morning coffee and am ready to enjoy a relaxing day of whatever I want to do! I got the laundry and housework done yesterday so I could take this weekend for myself!  I have to go buy a new scale. not having one is driving me insane! to sit outside and watch the birds, drink my morning wake up potion and relax.......................Goodluck and prayers to those in need! Everyone else......enjoy your day!

Lois K.
on 8/15/08 10:34 pm - Lebanon, IN

I guess things like that don't bother me...after all that IS why I had the surgery.  I think it's nice they even notice.  I think most people don't know what to say or how to say what they mean.   They are wanting to be nice and notice the weight loss, but just can't say it the way they are feeling it.  I accept it as a compliment and go on.  I hear alot of the times when I show my "fat" picture "I don't remember you that big" or "That's you????  NO WAY!".  Just let it roll over your back as a off-hand compliment.  That is what they are meaning.

Well today I must clean clean clean.  I need to get groceries, get things done around here for my surgery is Monday and I will be done for at least 2 weeks - not lifting at all.  This back surgery scares me much more than my gallbladder surgery did.  But I am so ready for the pain to BE GONE!  I can't do anything anymore without the pain being so intense that I can't even stand up.  By mid day I am hunched over walking in pain.  Pain bad enough I hear the roar of it in my ears!  I hate taking pain killer during the day but some days are so bad I haven't a choice.  So surgery 8:00 a.m. at Naab Road Surgery Center with Dr. Carl Sartorius.  Please keep me in your prayers.

Got to go.  Need to get to the bank and store.

One more thing.....Since I've gotten my gallblader out (8/4), I've noticed I have diarrhea a LOT more.  Seems every morning I have very loose stools.  Is this common or is this something that will pass?  Later in the day they are normal.  Just curious.  Let me know your experiences either on here or p.m. (no, not b.m.--he he!)




Whatever else you have on your mind, Wherever else you think you're going,
Stop for a moment and look where you are:  
You Have Arrived

Brenda R.
on 8/16/08 2:58 am - Portage, IN
Lois, I just wanted to let you know that the loose stools are normal for having your gall bladder out. Your body isn't breaking down the fats in your body and so that is the result. I still have it sometimes and my gall bladder has been out for like ever!! I am saying it is like 16 years. I still have gall bladder attacks too since they couldn't get all the stones. They aren't as bad and they don't last as long either. I always got my pain in the middle of my back. Just put some pressure on it and it seems to go away.

I am keeping you in my prayers for the upcoming surgery. I know just what you mean about the back and so much pain that you just want to scream at times. And to think that I have a very high tolerance of pain. I have degerative disc disease, arthritis, sciatica, spurs on my spine and 2 herniated discs. Oh sometimes it seems like life is unfair doesn't it?

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/15/08 10:39 pm - Thorntown, IN
Morning Everyone,
YAWN~ZZZZZZZZ!! I wanted to stay in bed today and just loaf the morning away, but work calls. I have to go in alittle while, so thought I'd check in. I have had a wild week- seems either I get the weirdo's or the nicest folks.Today, I am praying for the  nice ones to show up/call. 
 I took the grandkids to their favotrite place last night- McD's with the playland on 31. They love it, & it gives me a break ,as well. My little guy started tearing up cause"I won't see you again till like forever" oh gosh, he knows how  to tug at my heartstrings! When I picked him up from the sitters he didn't want to leave ( they were in the pool-burrrrr) so see, kids, gotta love them!!!! 

 Speaking of how we are treated/treat others- I help at the local food pantry. The other day we had a young man( to my eyes anyway- 30's?) come in & need size 5xxx & 46 pants. I found him a couple of pair, and he brought up the topic that it is hard to find sizes for "big boys" & I told him I totally understand.I had to try to find 26-28+ in the past, & dropped it at that. He asked how I had lost wgt. & told me he has a brother who had surgery, & wants it, but can't get it, yet. I told him it isn't for everyone, and if it is for him, it will work out. COMPASSION for others who suffer obesity is what is lacking- we didn't like it when we we felt judged by our size,etc. 
Now that we are a different size, people will not recognize us, amke comments, "flirt" etc. Try to take it with a big grain of salt- don't let it bother you. I try to say, "thanks" & drop it. I find it stops some of the "garbage" fast. I too, have talked to people who ignored me in the past- oh well, just say "hello" and move on-it works! (Just imagine what a joy it would have been to know me before- hee~hee!)

Well, off to the "races" have a great day everyone!!!!!Keep a smile on your face and joy in your heart!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 8/15/08 10:45 pm - Thorntown, IN
 Oh yeah, I had that problem for a few weeks. Make sure you use some source of fiber- I do Benifiber. Part of the problem is you are now bypassing the break down of the foods, and fiber helps stop the diarrea.
I am praying for your complete healing- I know you are in great hands. He is in my surgeons group & they are the best! DON"T HESITATE TO CALL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!I know you have lots of family around to help , but am here for you,too.
love ya,
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
LaChelle R.
on 8/16/08 12:18 am - Erie, PA
Good Saturday morning all!  It is a gorgeous day today!  I just wish we could get out and enjoy it!  The girls and I were going to go to the KY state fair, BUT......I got my check and it was ALL SCREWED UP!!!!  My entire check wasn't enough to get gas in the car!  I won't be able to find out the problem until Monday when I go to pick up my check-stub, and then get to payroll.  Not a happy camper!!!  Things just keep going from bad to worse!!!  GRRRRRRR!  Oh well, now what will I do next??!??!  Only time will tell.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I am going to try to make the best of it!  Take care, and ttyl!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 8/16/08 12:23 am - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

We have lots to do today...and eventually, we'll start on it. lol. We are going to go see Bill's mom who is still in the hospital too. They are running all kind of tests on that poor woman. At first, they thought the whole issue was her sugar was out of control (lowest was 39, highest over 300). Then they found out she was anemic so had to have a blood transfusion last night. For what-ever reason, they are doing a heart cath in a week or two. She hasn't had any blood clots they I know of or chest pains so don't really understand why the cath. She isn't good at asking the questions...or repeating the answers, so who knows. She's 83 though and when you get that age, things do fall apart some.

Toe is still sore & swollen. We decided it would be best for us not to go to the state fair with me having such a hard time in shoes. We heard though that there's lobster there this year...Bill's absolute favorite meat is lobster. Ah well, maybe they'll have it again next year. Until then...there's Red Lobster. lol

Whitney...I count it as a compliment when people tell me there's alot less of me now...because..there is. I proudly post my before & after pics in my desk area at work. If I can be an encouragement to just one obese person I come in contact with at work, then I will be thrillsville. You may feel like you have quite aways to go, but to someone who occasionally sees you, you have come a long way baby! I really believe that they weren't trying to say 'Damn girl, you were FAT!'..but rather 'Damn girl, you look FINE!'. Remember that people who never was obese/morbdly obese/super morbidly obese had NO CLUE what you are feeling now..or what you were feeling then. They just know that you look great..yes, compared to what you looked like pre-op..but in general, you look great. Next time, just say thank you and whisper a prayer of thanks that you were able to lose enough for people to start noticing how good you look.

Lois...a few months after my gb was removed (in 2002...2.5 years prior to my WLS), I wa**** with constant diarrhea for about 3 months. I was having an issue at the time with my ulnar nerve of my right arm...and I'm right handed. My gb surgeon, arm surgeon, and pcp all felt that it would be best to put me on medical leave so I could get the diarrhea under control. I'd get dressed in the morning for work and couldn't even make it to my car without having an accident. I ended up on leave until I recovered from the surgery on my arm as for 4 months. I had tried the doctors scripts, imodium, fiber, etc. What finally got the diarrhea under control was taking calcium & iron supplements. I mega dosed them until I got it under control and then slowly reduced the doses until I no longer needed them. How that would work post-WLS, I don't know. And yep...I tried that with my current situation with no luck. You might want to give it a try anyway. Have you noticed changes in dietary? I had one person tell me that they could not stand pizza after having her gb out.That broke her heart..she was as skinny as a toothpick, but Italian and use to having pizza a few times a week (no, she was not a post-WLS'er...I doubt this woman was ever in a size about 4 except in children's clothing!). For me, I couldn't stand watching anyone eat something with unmelted butter on it. My daughter would butter a roll and I'd gag watching her eat it! That lasted for about a year. Now, it's just people gagging that gags me out. lol.

You all have a great day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
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