Thursday Morning!
My WOW moment! I am NORMAL today. I have not been a NORMAL weight since age 3. Today I am officially NORMAL! I can't believe it. It's just like,... wow. Now what do I do, is what I'm thinking??? Do I want to try to lose a few more, or just maintain my goal or what? I can't believe I have gotten to my goal. It's taken 21 months, but I'm here. I'm so happy. I feel like having a party or something. I might go get pictures taken this weekend to celebrate. WooHoo!
We looked at a used vehicle last night in ROckville. Does anyone know anything about a car lot in Rockville named Chuck-A-Luck's, down by Raccoon Lake? Just wondering. We were told they have some good deals up there, which they seem to, but I hadn't heard of them before. Let me know if you are in the know! Thanks.
linda i am so happy she is going to take mikeys case i hope it goes well got you. as far as the car lot i cant help you there but good luck.

sherry i hope the toe is feeling better
gail hun dont worry about the camp out i am sure no one was upset about what was or was not done.
i am trying to post more now that i have a little bit of a morning to read and respond to some posts. i have just been working my tail off because jim and his sister have a road trip planned in september and got to save a lil bit of cash for him to go . almost there so things will get back to normal ( i hope)
well its that time have a blessed day everyone.
blessed be

Its going to be a nice day today, I am going to make sure of it! It is get the girls off to school, and then me to work! Nothing much this evening, just cleaning the house after I get home. Woooo Hooo!

Gotta make sure the girls are in the shower, so have a wonderful day all! Take care, and have a wonderful day!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
I think my toe is even more sore today than yesterday. It's definately more swollen. I brought my ice pack with me and I'm going to have it on there as much as I can..which will probably just be when I have breakfast & breaks. I am surprised I remembered to bring the ice pack with me today. I got here & realized that I forgot to put my anti-spasm meds (for my intestines) in my medicine tin. 10 hours is going to be VERY long without them!
To make my day even better, I came into a mess. One of my instruments is working great. The other one? Not so great. So I tried to trouble-shoot it, cleaned up the mess, and then called in a trouble ticket to the manufacturer of it. We're under a service contract with let them figure the darn thing out. It did this to me a few weeks ago and I thought I had the problem solved..I even got a good run off of it. But here the problem is back again so it's time to hand it over to them! I kinda-sorta started the four 10 hour days workweek (unofficially) but I was going to come in tomorrow to start another set of runs so they could run over the weekend (they take 44 hours per run). Since I have to wait on the service guy to show up, no need to do that now! Along with this run that I had problems with, I also have one going that is going I'll come in tomorrow to finish up that one but I'll only have to be here a short time. Much shorter than if I was going to start new runs on both instruments as well. So yay...a short Friday!
This afternoon should be interesting! We are having a teleconference with our counter-parts in Puerto Rico. I hope there isn't much of a language barrier. I certainly know precious little spani****his is suppose to be kinda a get to know you type thing. You know..Hi! I'm Sherri. I'm married with 3 kids, 4 grandkids and a 35' RV. LOL! At least it shouldn't get too technical that way. There is 3-4 of us from America (I don't know if my boss'es boss will be there or not..he was invited anyway) and 7 from PR. What a lovely way to spend an hour..right?
I hope you all have a good day today!
ps..congrats Linda on being 'normal'!!!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good Morning Everyone,
What a wonderful day!!!!
Q woke me up early, not a big deal today as I needed up early to get him and myself ready for a dentist appointment I have this morning. I did some damage to my teeth from having Quinn at a late age and then the chemo. So I get that all fixed today.
Matt is also home as he's developed a small rash across his back that he can't reach to scratch and the itching drives him absolutely bonkers. Even wakes him up from deep sleep.So he's home, made a call into his Doc's office, and is gonna go see them today also.
Getting ready for this weekend and then our trip (AKA The Honeymoon). We got a hotel in Brownsburg Friday night. Friday Night we'll be at the State Fair seeing BreakSkates and Status Qou from Mtv's America's Best Dance Crew. Then it's up very early Saturday morning to check out and then head over to the golf course on 18th St for Matt's Special Olympic State competion. He's doing Singles and Unified. I'm so proud of him. Then... it's home... to wash... pack... pack.. and pack some more.
I'm so excited about going, you have no idea. This trip brings back so many memories of when I was a kid and my dad would pack up our van for the summer and we'd do nothing but go up and down the Lake Michigan coast camping, walking trails, and making some very great memories. I feel so lucky that I get to share all this with Matt. I wanted to do this because not only is the view extremly awesome but I get to show Matt places to share with Quinntin incase my cancer returns and I'm not able to do it.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Enjoy the little things folks... enjoy them.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
It's Thursday....Yeah!
I dropped Bella off at the sitter's earlier. I kinda need a day by myself before I head off to work. I need to run Into Plainfield to Vera bradley and exchange my new purse I bought myself for my birthday. the snap on it torn and I have only been using it a couple weeks. Seems like the magnet on the snap might be to strong for the fabric they used. I am gonna run it back there and exchange it.
Congrats Linda on being " normal" I can't wait until that day. Though weight wise i will get there but you know I will never be "normal" LOL!
Sherri...your job sounds so interesting! Have fun talking to Puerto Rico. Se Hablo Espanol?
Vicki....Welcome back!
Misty...Girl cut that hair...I cut mine all the time. I get tired of the same thing day in and day out. Go crazy, add some highlights....go BLONDE! LOL
Lachelle...Glad you doing well. Have fun at work. Make some great TIPS$ today. "K"
Jodi...Have fun on your honeymoon. My best memories of childhood are all the trips that we went on. Thats why I try to take my kids as many places as possible. I work with so many people who have barely been out of the county let alone the state. I feel so sad for them. ANywho have fun and take pics...
Everyone else have a fabulous day! See ya on the flip side!
xoxo shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.