Getting To Know You Questions!!!!
1.We can all just about remember an adult in our childhood that impacted us and made a difference in our perception of the world as we became adults ourselves, but now that you are an adult as there been an instance/moment where a child impacted you? Changed your perception of the world today?
My daughter - I was old enough to enjoy her when she was born. She has always been a social butterfly and never afraid to try something new.
2.What charity or organization do you TRY to help with?
I give to my church, the MS Foundation, and Historic Preservation.
3.Mandatory Bathroom Question:If you could change something about your bathroom, what would it be and why?
I would LOVE to knock out the closet in the guest bedroom and expand my shower stall.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
2. Our main two donation go to Youth for Christ and the Animal shelter.
3. We just did our bathroom 4 years ago and I still love it. The only thing I change is the toilet. It was supposed to be one of the hi rise type and they delivered a regular one. So as not to delay the job we told the contractor to go ahead and use it. Our other bathroom has the hi rise(believe me, it does make a difference on height and spattering when the men go)
1.We can all just about remember an adult in our childhood that impacted us and made a difference in our perception of the world as we became adults ourselves, but now that you are an adult as there been an instance/moment where a child impacted you? Changed your perception of the world today?would have to be my grandson Dakota(4) just this last week he ran up to me huged me like his life depended on it and said " granny , i am so glad your healthy now, your going to be able to take me fishing and see me start school" made me think about what it would be like if i had not had this life changing surgery and met the best group of ppl ever.
2.What charity or organization do you TRY to help with?anything to do with battered children or children with out homes
3.Mandatory Bathroom Question:If you could change something about your bathroom, what would it be and why?my half bath, i would just like to get the toliet and sink back in so i can use it when the kids or jim are in the big bathroom. when mother nature calls eh means NOW
2. I am a HUGE supporter of the American Cancer Society...particularly the Relay for Life, and coming up in October, The Great Strides Against Cancer walk in Louisville.
3. I would probably change the water pressure in the shower itself!!! I would LOVE for it to be so powerful that it could almost take off the dead skin, and some of the top LIVE layers too! LOL
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
2. I am passionate about children's issues/domestic violence. Right now I am working with our county's CASA--court appointed special advocate program. I have found this program really does make a difference in the lives of children.
3. thing...well let's see...I wish my tub were bigger so I could take luxurious baths again, but I'm guessing that after I have WLS, this will be something I can cross off my list. Smiles!