Getting To Know You Questions!!!!

Jo N.
on 8/12/08 10:20 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

HOLY COWS!!!!! It's that time again. 

Are you ready?

Here we go-

1.We can all just about remember an adult in our childhood that impacted us and made a difference in our perception of the world as we became adults ourselves, but now that you are an adult as there been an instance/moment where a child impacted you? Changed your perception of the world today?

2.What charity or organization do you TRY to help with?

3.Mandatory Bathroom Question:If you could change something about your bathroom, what would it be and why?




1. Yes, and it was Gage. He was about 8 years old and just understanding his surroundings. He made a statement about how people are unfair and how people hurt eachother's feelings. And he said "Thank Gosh GOD made mommies so they can hug us and make the hugs make us feel better." It really made me think about what my role really was in his world and how kids really depend on their parents. 

2. Special Olympics. If you guys ever get the chance, please go to the Summer Games held in Terra Haute every first weekend in June. It will change you jus****ching these athelets competing. 

3. The color. I thought that was the color I wanted..... now...... I think I was wrong. 




Have Fun Everyone!!



Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


Lee Ann B.
on 8/12/08 10:49 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
I just love these questions because it actually makes me reflect on things, events, etc...that have changed my life. Thanks Jo for helping me remember the small stuff I forgot! 

1) About four years ago my daughters (13 and 11) brought home a form from school for the Christmas assistance program for kids who may not get a Christmas. I had to explain to them what it was and my oldest daughter said that she had a friend who probably would not have a good Christams because her parents were splitting and the mom was broke from trying to just maintain a roof and food for them. So she and her sister asked if they could give up their Christmas gifts and get some for her instead?! Needless to say, they all three had a good Christmas that year. It has now become a tradition to pick someone who needs that special Christmas and play secret Santa! Last year it was a family with three kids and very little money. They both helped shop and wrap. Then on Christmas eve we delivered the bags of gifts to them. it made me proud to see those girls sneak up to the house, ring the bell, and tun like crazy so they would not be seen. My oldest was 7 months pregnant and was laughing so hard when she reached the car she thought she would go into labor!  They said they wanted to do this because no child should not have a Christmas! This year they want to do a small food basket as well as gifts. That way they have a nice meal for the entire family to enjoy together! Out of the mouths of babes (well teenagers now) !

2)Anything to do with children's hospitals

3) Update my tub/shower! Its ugly!

on 8/12/08 11:05 pm, edited 8/12/08 11:51 pm - Thorntown, IN
Hi Jo, It was great to see you & matt this past weekend! Hope you are feeling better.

1. When my grandson said in front of his friends- "Grammy, you love Jesus /God, right? I do too, cause he made you for me!" Oh, out of the mouths of babes!

2. The Caring Center -a food/clothing pantry & the local Toy Drive for kids in our county.

3. The color- ugly wallpaper peeling right now!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 8/12/08 11:18 pm - Martinsville , IN

1.When my youngest son started preschool, they sent a notice home needing help in their daycare.  I applied and was hired and moved on into being a special education classroom assistant.  I think all the special needs children touched my heart in different ways.  Each one of them worked so hard, in spite of their different abilities, they were all so inspiring.  I miss those days with those children.


2.  I have worked a lot with the Morgan Co humane society. 

3. Storage....I need storage!!!

Linda Kay
on 8/12/08 11:22 pm - Mooresville, IN

1. My youngest son was very little and had something in his eye.. I just could not find it and finally just gave up... when his dad came home from work at midnight he got up and found that a few of his eye lashes had turned under the lid. I felt SO Bad I cried.. Chad said "It's alright mommy you only let me hurt 6 hours". I learned from that night on.. if someone has something they need help with don't give up.. keep looking for a solution until you found one.

2. Church in Mission..they take care of families without question.. helped me out a few times when hubby had to be off work when the kids were small.

3. I would put the last pc of door frame up that never got put up when we remodled.. it hits me like a sore thumb every time I go in there..

Linda Kay

on 8/12/08 11:53 pm - Rockport, IN
Wow...these are great questions this week.  I've really enjoyed everyone's answers.  Here are mine.

1.  Everything my daughter (7 yrs old) says and does makes me stop and think.  She is so easy to forgive.  She is so soft hearted.  She loves fiercely.  She is a great friend.  She doesn't forget a kindness that has been shown to her.  She has a special place in her heart for elderly people.  She really does amaze me.  I can't believe something so innocent and pure came from me and Troy.  Young people really portray Christ to me.

2.  I'm one of those people who are always accused of trying to save the world.  I'm a supporter of Relay for Life, Spencer County Council on Aging, Mission Trips, Girl Scouts, name it.  I'm more involved in two local charities more than the others though.  They are The Way of Rockport (A prison/jail release program that takes ex-offenders as they exit the system and tries to mentor them through the transition of re-entry into society.) and The Christian Resource Center (Our local food pantry, clothing bank, homeless shelter, etc).

3.  I want a ceramic tile floor in my master bathroom.  I mistakenly chose carpet for it when we built it in 99 and sooooo wish I hadn't.  Carpet in the bathroom is just plain nasty. 

Can't wait to read more!

Cindy P.
on 8/13/08 1:09 am - Indianapolis, IN

1.  There was a little girl who lived near my nephews and all the kids teased her about being fat.  Frankly, she was a brat and hateful to the other kids.  But, whenever I saw her I remembered how I felt being labeled "fat" by my stepfather and my heart would go out to her.  I always told my nephews that it was important not to tease her about her size because she couldn't help it.  All of the kids in the neighborhood called me Aunt Cindy except Mandy.  So I made a point of talking to her whenever I saw her and she eventually came around.  It made me feel like I had touched someone special when she called me Aunt Cindy for the first time.

2.  I have walked in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure every year since a good friend was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She survived (even thrived) for nine years inspite of health set backs.  She passed away this last September, just a few days after making lunch plans with me (that's just how she was, she never let it stop her).  I try to buy Christmas, birthday, Mother's day gifts, etc. from also. 

3.  I painted my bathroom this bright yellow with mint green marbling because it doesn't have any windows and I wanted it to look sunny.  But, now I wish I had reversed the colors.  It is a little too bright!


Brenda R.
on 8/13/08 1:26 am - Portage, IN

1.We can all just about remember an adult in our childhood that impacted us and made a difference in our perception of the world as we became adults ourselves, but now that you are an adult as there been an instance/moment where a child impacted you? Changed your perception of the world today? I think that would be a Down's Syndrome sister of one of my good friends. She was not physically a child but mentally she was. So I am guessing that this counts. Georgie was a wonderful girl. She taught me that life is what you make of it. You take things and look at it as a child. That is not always a bad thing. Some people are kind and others are not but you love them anyway because they are something that God put on this earth. She looked at things as a child and was dependent on others. It isn't bad at times being dependant on people. They are here to help us to ge through our lives. Nothing absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Georgie helped me to look at things with the eyes of a child. Sometimes adults need to do that more often.

2.What charity or organization do you TRY to help with? I like helping out with Compassionate Friends. That is an organization that is for bereaved parents and siblings. They are a world wide organization. They were there for me when I lost my children and helped me through that time by just being there and listening to me. I thought that I was insane and they showed me that I was and am a grieving parent. They are a wonderful and caring group of loving people and I am fortunate to be a part of them. That shows me that when God takes something He replaces that spot with something else.

3.Mandatory Bathroom Question:If you could change something about your bathroom, what would it be and why? I want a new shower curtain and towels. My bathroom is now done in sage green (notice the color I am using) and I am not sure that is something that I want to continue with. I have a white lace shower curtain now but want that changed. I am thinking I would like to go with burgandy or something of that sort. That would mean new everything including pictures and do I really want to go to that expense right now? Thinking, thinking, thinking! My brain hurts from the thinking!

 Well, Jo, you did it again. Some more questions that make me think. My brain just doesn't like to do that!!

Thanks again for the questions. I really look forward to them. You not only get to know others but you sometimes get to know yourself too.

BTW Jo! Which hand do you use~right or left? hahaha

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/13/08 1:33 am - Indianapolis, IN
1.  My grandchildren impress me all the time. I love watching Chance (7) work with RJ (2) on his ABC's & numbers. Chance teaches me every day to be more patient!

2. Sheltering Wings. It's a center for abused women.

3. If I could, I would change the bathroom to where I was in it WAY LESS! that applies to all bathrooms, not just my own.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
shanna B.
on 8/13/08 1:59 am - camby, IN
ok, lets try this again without being interupted!
1. If anyone has had a conversation with Bella. She speaks like she is 12. (she's 3) ie., I bought her a playskool vacuum and brought it home for her this past spring. SHe says...." oh thank you mommy, I just love to sweep!" (with that much enthusiasm, too) My niece still quotes her.Everything excites her and interests her and she has no fears and is full of energy.

2. Riley hospital (because Bella has no Fears) and CMN. We just had miracle treat day at DQ and I love decorating the store for it! Unfortunately with my children I spend alot of time in the hospitals so I support them ALOT! Ty's sports injuries and Bella's anykind of injuries)

3.I would love to rip the carpet out of my Bathroom. YUCK! We just bought the house 2.5 years ago and the only thing I didn't like was the carpet in the Bathrooms.

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


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