Hump Day!
Well...I think that poor pinky toe probably is broke. It was pretty ouie trying to get to my desk this morning. I took off my shoe to walk the long hallway portion...and then had to loosen the straps more to get it back on. It's just kinda throbbing now even with me just sitting here. That was the first time I've walked into that darn table. Bill has done it lots of times and he just kinda shakes it off so he must have not broken his toes since they never swell up on him. I had a full day planned here at work. I still have the stuff to do...and it's 80% on my feet. So..not really sure how well that is going to work out for me.
My boss wasn't here yesterday so I couldn't find out if I officially started on 10 hr shifts this week or not. I went ahead and stayed 10 hr yesterday...just in case. We have flex time so it's no big deal if I don't start them this week. I had to take off Monday because of Bill's mom & I have to take off a few hours Friday for Bill's next eye appointment so it's not like I have no use for any extra hours I can get in.
Today, my grandson starts back to school. He's so excited. Bill thought Tiff was sending him to bed too early. His school-night bedtime is 8..and he wakes up about 6:30 or so. He's 7 (2nd grade). What time did you guys send yours to bed at that age? I suggested maybe letting him stay up till 8:30 and see how he does. Hmmm..maybe I need to send ME to bed at 8:30 and see how I do! LOL!
I ordered some more yesterday through wants $32.99 per case...and they are out of most flavors until September (only cuppacino shows up as an option). At IBariatric, it is $134.95 per 5 cases and if you order 10 cases, you can get another 5% off (code is B4L) for a total of $25.64 per case...a savings of $7.35 per case! If you order more than 10 cases, the s&h calculator is REALLY screwy. 10 cases is ~$74 but 12 cases shows ~$300 to ship! I put in 2 orders...each with 10 cases apiece. It wouldn't let me use the 5% off code on the 2nd order. Total, I saved: $133.50!! Almost enough for another 5 cases!! I do believe the s&h was a little bit less too. I know some of you have found AchievOne at GNC's. I haven't yet..but I'm not sure I'd get it there anyway. It's have to be quite abit less than the total cost of $33/case to make it worth not having it delivered right to my door. sample just got delivered so time for me to get it in gear. You all have a terrific day!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good morning everyone!
My kids started back to school today as well. I have a kid in high school LOL!
*Sherri- I think when my kids were in 2nd grade, their bedtime was 8:30 or 9. Even now in middle and high school I start telling them at 9:30p to get ready for bed. That is because they are bears in the morning and they have to get up at 5:30ish.
Not much going on here today, but working. I spent the evening last night shopping for a cross stitch project that I want to start on, but they are so hard to find anymore. I am wanting to start on one for my mom and grandma for Christmas presents. I guess I am going to have to order one online.
Everyone have a safe day!
I posted on LindaV's post, but just stopping in to say HI!!! Hope you lil toe is better soon- get rid of that table girl- it is dangerous!That is why we don't have one in our living room!
Hi Jenny!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


I try any where around 8 to 9 for my daughter now and of course it hasn't been working but I think after her first day I will achieve that lol. She is a bear to get up and likes to sleep until noon if you let her. I think as far as for my boys when they were that age it was usually 9. Even now I make them get in bed at 9. My 15 yo has a fit but I told him until he can either get up on his own with the alarm (like a normal 15 yo) or it doesn't take me 30 mins to finally get him to roll out of bed that 9 is what he gets. So I dont think 8:30 or 9 would be a bad time. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in here lol
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Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality