My secret elf made me cry!
I received a package today from my secret elf. I got a bath and body set that smells great. Also inside the box was a little bag that you can't open. But on the back there was a handle to wind it up. It was a music box bag. Well, the little bag played Amazing Grace. I am sure when my secret elf bought this for me they had no idea how meaningful it would be.
Three weeks ago we lost my mother in law very suddenly. She was in the hospital for a week and my husband had to make a decision to remove her from life support. In her final minutes we were in her room singing old hymns that she loved. The last song we sang was Amazing Grace. Because it meant so much to her we sang it acappella at her funeral.
So today when it came and I turned that wind up and heard that song it just cried. It brought me alot of comfort. My daughter has really had a hard time handling the loss of her Nana. I was doing dishes tonight and I heard her just sitting on the couch winding it and listening to it over and over. I am tearing up now. Just thinking of how someone far away can get a nudge to buy something for someone and send it and have no idea the impact. Thank you so much. You have no idea your impact on me and my daughter. This little package will get played over and over and both of us will be able to remember someone we lost.
Three weeks ago we lost my mother in law very suddenly. She was in the hospital for a week and my husband had to make a decision to remove her from life support. In her final minutes we were in her room singing old hymns that she loved. The last song we sang was Amazing Grace. Because it meant so much to her we sang it acappella at her funeral.
So today when it came and I turned that wind up and heard that song it just cried. It brought me alot of comfort. My daughter has really had a hard time handling the loss of her Nana. I was doing dishes tonight and I heard her just sitting on the couch winding it and listening to it over and over. I am tearing up now. Just thinking of how someone far away can get a nudge to buy something for someone and send it and have no idea the impact. Thank you so much. You have no idea your impact on me and my daughter. This little package will get played over and over and both of us will be able to remember someone we lost.
Just reading your post made me feel so emotional. God brings things to us just when we need them and He also works through many ways, mostly through many people in our lives. That just shows me that God is at work through people on this board and is working to bring you and your family comfort. I found so much comfort in you posting this and letting us know this. Please accept my sympathies for the loss of your mother in law.
Hi I am so sorry about your loss! I recently lost my brother to liver cancer and there was this CD that I loaned him that had a song on it that meant so much to him that he listened to it and wrote down the words to it. He also handed copies of it out to anyone he could get to take them. So I know how something as insugnifigant as a song can mean so much to someone. If you or anyone is interested the Cd is ELVIS/ULTIMATE GOSPEL and the song is HELP ME. At his funeral he wanted nothing but this CD played and in the middle of his service he wanted just that one song played. Since it meant so much to him he had copies of the words to this song made so I set them out at the funeral home and you would be surprised how many took the copies and there were some people who wanted a copy of the song from the CD. So if any of you ever get the chance please listen to this song it will mean alot to you too in your time of need. Her are some of the words I can remember: God just help walk one more mile just one more mile I can't do it by myself. If any of you want a copy of the words let me know because I have plenty of the copies he made left! I will be glad to get them to you!
Again I am so sorry for your loss.
Again I am so sorry for your loss.
Yep it's an "Oldie but a goodie" No matter how old we are or what else we may be thinking at the time God has a way to touch us where we need it the most.. Your Elf thought of you she sent the gift and it arrived when it would be the most comforting.. Elfs I urge you when you get the "feeling" just send it... Heck if you don't get the urge... Keep your heart tuned to L.O. V.E. and send up a special prayer everytime you think of your special person.. You CAN'T go wrong!!
I am so sorry about your loss but so glad God was able to come thru for you!! ( and your Elf) I loved my MIL like my very own mom and had to do ( out of love and respect) personal medical, things for her that I have not done for anyone else.. But I do not regret one minute spent with her.. she has been gone 6 years now..
Linda Kay
I am so sorry about your loss but so glad God was able to come thru for you!! ( and your Elf) I loved my MIL like my very own mom and had to do ( out of love and respect) personal medical, things for her that I have not done for anyone else.. But I do not regret one minute spent with her.. she has been gone 6 years now..
Linda Kay