B-12 question

on 8/12/08 9:45 am - Crawfordsville, IN
Hi every one, I have been pretty much MIA from here for awhile, but I have a question. Has anybody tried the Nascobal nasel spray for their B-12.  I am very bad at taking my vitamins and stuff (i know bad bad bad )  I have to go for my one year check up in september and I'm sure when i go get my labs drawn in a few days that it is gonna show how bad I am at taking them. At my 6 month check up they were ok but on the lower end of ok and he wanted me to take them more often.  I will honestly say I have gotten better with the B-12 and have actually taken more then I'm suppose to lately just cuz I have noticed my lack of energy and I have actually have some numbness in my feet, which scared me.  So if anybody has tried this would you let me know how you liked it.  My insurance actually covers it, so when i went in for my appointment I thought I would talk to him about it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. 

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on 8/12/08 10:23 am - LaGrange, KY
I'm not sure how it works but I do a b12 shot monthly and daily sublingual and  that has my b12 levels at 500ish which is decent.
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/08 8:28 pm - Terre Haute, IN

Please, please, please get your B-12 in regularly. I saw a woman in VR, who had a B12 deficiency. It was not due to wls, but still,.... She ended up in a wheelchair. I get my shot on the 1st of every month at the doctor's office.
on 8/12/08 8:54 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
thanks, i so know the issues i can have with out it and normally if i'm gonna take one its usually the b 12 but I still forget alot, I mean I just recently went and even bought one of those big ol pill boxes with the alarm on it  even to remind me to take my vitamins, which has helped alot. I think i'm so busy with the kids, all their activities, and helping other people out that I tend to forget what i'm suppose to be doing for myself.  I dont feel like the sublingualb 12 works or something I dont know but I know there are a lot times that I forget about being there and end up swallowing it.  Thats why I wanted to know if anybody had used the nose one, just to know if it kept their levels ok or not. I dont mind doing the shots if I have to but I knew I would only have to pay 9 dollars for 2 months worth of the nose spray where i couldn't find the shots on the insurance.

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Annette C.
on 8/12/08 10:15 pm - Danville, IN
Dr Inman wrote me a script for a 30ml B-12 for injections.  It will last over a year at 2 shots per month.  The insurance wouldn't cover it but it was only $14.99 at Walgreens.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

Jenny K.
on 8/12/08 9:31 pm - IN
Being in the medical profession, I would say the nasal B-12 would probably absorb into the nasal membranes a little better then sublingual. 
I havent had levels checked yet. That is at my year. I was going to see how my levels were doing with my B-12 to know if I should switch to another type of B-12.  I take 3 sublingual 1x a week, so we will see how well it works in October.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 8/13/08 12:00 am - Rockport, IN
Dr. Diaz wrote me a script for the injections too and I take them once a month.  No problems here and my 6 month levels were great.  He's a stickler about the vitamins though so you better kick it into gear!  lol

I'm sure he'll know more about the nasal spray and if he recommends it or not.

on 8/13/08 12:12 am - Crawfordsville, IN
thanks everyone. Jacqui yea i know how he is and I was totally honest with him on my 6 months labs. I mean everything was ok, just those few were on lower end and my potassium was low which he said he thought that would be cuz it was so low after surgery and just told me to start taking that nasty stuff he had me on in the beginning.  He didnt yell at me he just said well that explains the lower stuff so now i want you to take even more of it.  I have never been a good pill taker, I mean I can take them fine but always forget. One of those patients that never finishes even the antibiotics.  Thats why I have invested in that alarm to remind me and its driving the kids insane, lol.

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Kim M.
on 8/13/08 12:41 am - Zionsville, IN

I get the monthly shot.  Its $25 from my dr, but I just pay my co-pay insurance covers the rest.

Sorry I am no help.

Kim M     

Mom to Emily Quinn, Born 7-16-2010
Orginal Weight 258 / Orginal Goal 145 / Revised Goal 135/ Current 124
Orginal Weight 258/  Pre- Baby Weight 125 / Post Baby 124

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