Horrible horrible day.

on 8/11/08 12:44 pm - LaGrange, KY

Last night bout 1 a.m. I started with some nasty pain in my tummy, I was bloated and couldn't even pass gas, I tried to walk it out, took gas x and all that crap. After 45 minutes I finally caved and went to the ER. They didn't say much but that they thing I have Gastroparesis or something like that. These pains have been starting EVERY time I eat but not as bad and usually go away after a little bit of time. Last night they didn't :( I got home from ER at 4:15 determined to still make my appointment. We left out at 10:30, stopped for gas and all that and right before exit 60 we had a tire blow out. Umm okay as if it wasn't bad enough already while sitting on the side of the road our emergecy blinkers died. Soo we sat on the side of 65 for an hour with no cell phone and then 2 hours after calling for a friend of the family to tow us off the interstate because we were at a guard rail and it couldn't safely be done there. Get home and I realized that DH turned the pc off... Lately if it turned completely off it takes a lot for it to come back up and it decided NOT to today. I've done system restore and all that and got some very very limited use but it's enough to be able to post. Sooo I had to reschedule for Sept 23. :( I"m sooo bummed because I was ready. Now I have to do this all over again.
on 8/11/08 1:17 pm - Pittsboro, IN
As they say, when it rains it pours. I am sorry you had such a rotten day. I hope tomorrow is better!
on 8/11/08 1:53 pm - aurora, IN
Im so sorry you had such a crappy day...
It suxs when you get yourself ready for the pro cedure then it doesnt happen.
sorry your belly is acting up again.
take care sweetie and ihope tomorrow is better for you

on 8/11/08 3:17 pm - Kempton, IN
Well Misty I guess someone was trying to tell you something huh? It wasn't meant for you to go! Hopefully the next time they'll let it happen! Sorry your day was so bsd hope tomorrow is better! Michelle
on 8/11/08 4:42 pm - Wabash, IN
Bless your heart....hugggggggggggggggggggggs.....IT will get better! Sorry to hear the belly is acting up and just remember....wasn't suppose to happen today...things happen for a reason.

luv ya

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 8/11/08 10:20 pm - decatur, IN
Oh, Misty, I am so sorry your surgery didn't go as planned.  Hopefully, your tummy will be better today.  Hang in there!  Karen
Jessica S.
on 8/12/08 1:37 am - Noblesville, IN
Wow, that meets criteria for a sucky day!  Sorry, Misty!  If you keep getting the intense pain, like gallbladder attack, have your GI/liver specialist check your Sphincter of Oddi pressure ... this is a little circle of muscle near your stomach, where tubes from liver and pancreas drain into the stomach.  When pressure gets too high, it can cause horrible pain and nausea when you eat, just like a gallbladder attack.  The only way I know to test it is through a procedure called ERCP, see http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/ercp/ for more info.
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