Campers I Apologize
I want to take this time to apologize for my actions or there of. I did not pull my load in helping with all the tasks that were needed to make this special event happen. I did nothing to help Sherri or Bill. Sherri worked so hard making everyone happy and I just sat there not doing nothing to help. Everyone that seen the need, did the need. I didn't.
I failed Sherri & Bill and others big time.
Please take my healtfelt apologize and know I am working hard on self. Sherri has helped me so much with all the phobias I have, ( God, love her). She has helped so much with 2 of my biggest fears OCHOPHOBIA fear of riding in cars and my fear of AGORAPHOBIA leaving my safe place, or leaving my house, and crowds. Sherri has gone above what anyone should have to do. And I love her so much for all she has done. But my fear KAKORRHAPHIOHOBIA is the one fear I alone must fix is my fear of failure.
Please know I am not making excuses for my actions I am trying to learn from them. I am no angel, I can't be.
So please know I am truely sorry from the bottom of my heart, For not helping when I seen the need and had to have folks tell me what to do.
And please dont post any reapplys thats not what I want no pity. Just prayers. Love Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
I hate to stay still and if I see something that needs done, I do it. I know that there's others who are the same way as I am. Karen, god love her, was right there doing and never had to be asked to do a single thing. Other people however, wait until someone asks them to do something. If I feel comfortable asking them, then I don't mind that either. Just ask Matt! I kept that poor boy busy! LOL! I know that Matt was physically able to do the things I asked him to do. I don't know that of most of you however so I do not feel comfortable saying ' ____ the dishes need done' or '____ move the picnic table'.
I thought the weekend was very much a success. Were there people who could have helped that didn't? Yes. You get that at any function though. I shouldn't have to, but I guess I just need to be as forward with everyone else as I was with Matt...and as blunt as I was with Brian. There was only one that truly ticked me off and that was because every single time anything needed to be done, this person would walk the other way! LAZY! Definately the first at the table to eat...and the last one still eating when we were trying to clean up! But get that at about any function. one needs to feel guilty or start thinking 'well, so and so did more than they did'. At any function, if it's a pitch-in situation (camp-out, clothing exchange) then everyone truly needs to be pitching in. With the work as well.
I just loved seeing all of you..but my favorite time was the moments around the campfire....after my pain meds kicked in
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Wow, I'm in stuttering silence. Seriously. I mean... just ... wow. Frankly and honestly Gail you did help when you could. I even told Sherri, "I'm just gonna keep standing here if you don't tell me what to do." You did your best to help out after the pitch in, meanwhile I just kept playing tag with the camps toliets. We all do what we can. Sometimes it's more then we thought we could do and sometimes it's less. If anyone should apologize it would be Me and Matt for just showing up at the last minute and saying "Surprise!! Now Feed Us!!!" Everyone totally understood that you were not feeling well and had pushed yourself to your physical limit. You are a good person.
Did you hear me Gail.....
Super Uber Hugs
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
Sherri, Bill, Ellen and Dana...thank you all for taking us under your wings and showing us the ropes while at the same time making sure we didn't get rope burns. You 4 are truely the most wonderful, caring and generous people I know. I look forward to our next outing together no matter what it is.
Shanna...tell Terry, Tyler and Bella that it was very nice to spend time getting to know them a little more. Bella is a real charmer and Tyler is one of the nicest young men I have met in a long time. So polite and helpful to all us "old" folks. I think next year we should have a fire building contest between Dana and Terry - now that could be entertaining!
To everyone that missed it, next year it will be the second full weekend of August again. Put it on your calendar!
Have a great week everyone,
First...'I' was not the only one doing stuff. Several people worked their butts off to make this event such a success for everyone.....NOT JUST ME.
Second, 'I' was not the one complaining about the lack of help that I did get. I did have several people come up to me and voice their observations about the lack of help recieved. Many of who are on this board..but the main one was my husband. It totally ticked him off to see me doing so much with my swelling stomach. His take on it? Why should he help out if the people who this was done for wasn't willing to help out. My take on it? The stuff needed to get done. Period.
On the phone Monday, Gail asked me if I thought she did enough to help me and I feel close enough to her to be able to be honest with her. Gail was with us Thursday when we loaded stuff up in the RV. She was with us Sunday when we unloaded stuff into the house. And she was with us all the time in-between. I love Gail's company and would love for her to accompany us in the future...but as a friend, I was honest with her and said that yes, I could have used more help.
Gail started this thread as a personal 'I'm sorry'. I wish she hadn't. At this point, she wishes she hadn't. I would appreciate it...and I know Gail would appreciate it...if this thread stops with this post. If you have anything more to say on the topic, please, send either Gail or I a note off-board.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...