Monday, Monday!

(deactivated member)
on 8/10/08 8:47 pm - Terre Haute, IN
No one else up yet on a fine Monday morning? I was up at 5:30, to go out with the dog. We did a nice walk. Now I'm all ready to leave for work,... just playing on the computer before I have to go. I am going to get my hubby up before I leave. He has to start getting used to getting up early again, if he's going to be a sub teacher.

School starts here next week on the 19th. Mikey did get a permit for Meadows Elementary School, which his tutor from last year felt would be a good match for him. It's dependent on their not getting alot of new enrollment for 5th grade, so keep fingers crossed for that, and if you are a praying type, maybe you could include Mikey to have a better school year than he did last year.

We went Saturday to get his eyes checked before school starts. He is ever so slightly nearsighted, but the doctor said it's not enough to be worth getting glasses. So he was pleased that he didn't need specs.

We have gotten daycare arranged for the kids for when school starts, so that's good. I just hope things go as smoothly as our plans are for them to go.

vicki S.
on 8/10/08 8:52 pm - indianapolis, IN
good morning all

             just sitting here waiting for jim to get ready so we can leae for work. linda i will keep mikey in our prayers he gets in and does well. to anyone having surgery this week congrats .
misty good luck with the oral surgery its gonna be rough but look what you been through already your strong and will be fine.
i hope the camp out was fun sorry we missed it but with the overtime i been working we just couldnt do a day trip from indy, maybe next time.
well i am just 15 pounds from goal. and that will put me in onederland.
time for work all have a blessed day
love and hugs

Jenny K.
on 8/10/08 9:13 pm - IN
Good morning everyone!
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Personally, I am glad its over.  I did get a lot done but it was just so busy.  Saturday I went to the most unorganized wedding I have ever been to.  Then yesterday I canned salsa. First time ever and it was pretty fun really.  I didnt have many tomatoes, but I got 2 qt. and 4 pints of salsa. I havent tasted it yet.  Then mowed my yard and cleaned a lot of weeds out of the fence row.  Done a couple loads laundry, burnt a brush pile, fixed supper. We had goulash, corn on the cob (from the garden) and it was yummo and some fried green tomatoes. I was pretty pooped yesterday.
Its back to work today and then have to go tonight to freshman orientation. My oldest is going to high school . I just cant believe it.  My youngest is in 8th grade his year.
Well, hope everyone has a great day.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 8/10/08 10:43 pm - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,
    WOW- WHAT A FUN WEEKEND!!! We had such a great time getting to know each other better, meeting Brenda & Bill ,& Karen, seeing Cheryl & Roger, Jan &  her hubby, Shanna & family, Cindy & family, Floyd & Brenda & her family, Sherri, Bill, & Gail,and missed Pat, while we were gone to Shippshewana.The big "surprise- Jodi & Matt joined us!!! We went to the Middlebury parade then over to Shippshawana for shopping!!! Hope is such a delight, even gave van trips to eliminate driving!Peter was able to ride with them to the parade, which was a nice outing for him. If you missed it, it was the best time I have had!! The fireside chat, with colors from Dana, the morning coffee chats & breakfasts, & our Sat. pitch-in was awesome! The only thing that I wished was Sherri didn't have to work so hard- and that more of you could have joined us! We did figure out that we had 26 people there- and enough food for another 26! Why is it that we still cook for "a crowd"? We had enough food left over for Sunday breakfast, plus!! Thanks to Sherri & Bill, for ALL they did to make it special. She worked hard to make sure there was everything your heart desired, & more! I just hope she wasn't too wore out from all of it!! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SUCH A WONDERFUL TIME~YOU ARE THE BEST FAMILY!!!!! We are already trying to figure out how dh & I can go back up to spend more time in the area- so much to see/do, and not enough time- we will need a week!!!!For those who have never gone, it gives you a whole new concept of the Amish/Mennonite sect there, and their intergrating into the society as a whole. The really enjoyed the food & parade, we sat next to a young group who oooh'd & awed over the -farm implaments!!

Oh, on the way home we stopped at a Blueberry farm & got 5# for me to freeze, plus a jar of SF. blueberry perserves!Yummo!!! There were several amish farms that  had fields of blueberries for sale. This was a road-side stand that was from the area.

Off to work today,so have a great day everyone!

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 8/10/08 11:34 pm - decatur, IN
Good morning to everyone here.  I am going to try and be more faithful in posting, so here is my first attempt at keeping that promise.  I had the extreme pleasure of going to the KOA 08 weekend and I highly recommend it to anyone who can swing it for next year.  Having the chance to really get to know some of the people personally that we have been talking with on this board was awesome!  I had never done anything like this before and I was pretty scared in going.  My body doesn't always cooperate and I was concerned when I found out that the cabin did not have a bathroom inside of it.  But I figured out how to make it work and that minor inconvenience paled to the chance to be with everyone who was there.  I am looking forward to next year already! 

I am a teacher, so these are my last several days to get all the projects done that I promised myself I would do when school ended in June.  Wish me luck!  Have a great day!  Karen
shanna B.
on 8/10/08 11:51 pm - camby, IN
Good Morning,
 Another busy week ahead. We pulled into Camby at 315 yesterday ( iwas suppose to be at work at 3:00) I was a few minutes late. Oh well.
It was such a wonderful weekend, My family and I had such a wonderful time. I just wish that more of you could join us on the get-a-ways. Just remember that In life you
MUST TAKE TIME for you and your wellness. Your emotional fitness is just as important and your Physical wellness!
That part of Indiana is Beautiful. We had such a wonderful time looking around the countryside picking out the Amish/Menonite houses and watching the buggies. I grew up around that area in Ohio but haven't been near it in a while, and my kids have never seen them.

I agree that Sherri is such a wonderful hostess and seems like she really enjoys doing it. I got to meet even more new faces (yeah) and the gorgeous ones I already knew, but love:) Hope was working her tushie off thats for sure. The KOA was super clean and nice! My family and I are already ready for our next campout. I can't get over how CHILLY it was. I never in a million years would have thought that the first weekend in August would have been that COLD! I am bringing my portable heater next time!
Well another busy week for me. Tyler is finishing up his last week of drivers ed in Martinsville and he still has 2 -a-days for football and school starts for him on Wednesday. I am on nights this week so I will feel like I am out of the loop with the real world and the week I am on nights seems so very LONG! My week I am on days flies by!
I need to get movin' lots to do before work at 3:00!
Have a wonderful day:)
ps. Cindy- it was nice having Rebecca there for Bella to play with. I hope you guys had a great time.
XOXOX Shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Brenda R.
on 8/11/08 12:11 am - Portage, IN
Good morning Linda and the rest of my Hoosier's Loser friends and family!!

I had so much fun this past week end that I can't even believe it!! I finally put a voice to all of the faces and posts and that was so overwhelming to me!! Everyone was so wonderful we had so much fun! I guess my first camping experience was a good one for me. If only you guys knew how much I was dreading it just "roughing it" in the cabin. I am so sorry that I couldn't help more than I did but those blasted muscle spasms were killing me. Thanks so much Ellen for the help that you gave me for that and other things. You are truly my "soul sister". I love you, Ellen. Sherri was so busy making sure that everyone had everything and I am so grateful that she is a wonderful hostess. I wish that she would have been able to enjoy the week end more than she did. I got to meet so many of us and their hubbys and s/o's. I was so amazed that people have changed so much since they had their pictures put on here. I think we all need to get new avatars on here again. lol It is amazing that some I knew right away and others were a bit more dificult to know. I got to meet the newlyweds and they were so funny. It was nice to see how Bill and I was when we first got married. But alas...after 20 years it has waned some. lol I got to meet my earth angel Gail. She looks so different than her avatar. She is as sweet and loving in person as she is on this site. You can see it in her beautiful face. It just shines every minute. I love you too, Gail. Oh heck!!! Let's face facts....I love each and everyone of you guys! Whether or not I have met you or not I love everyone. We are a family of non related people. Floyd and Brenda are just great. I felt an instant sibling love and caring with Floyd. He is truly my brother. Karen was so wonderful and another loving person. I found out that she graduated from Portage High School and use to live here. I guess that goes to show you that it is a small world even when you don't know it. It was wonderful listening to her talk about her students. They mean so much more to me since I have had so much deafness in my family. Thanks for sharing with me about some of the kids. I loved hearing about them and could have went on more. Oh my gosh! Can you tell that I enjoyed myself so much that I just can't help but ramble on and on?! I know that I am making no sense at all but I guess you have figured out that I never do. I will finally stop now. And I know that everyone is probably going "thank you God". lol

I have to go to the doctor this afternoon and then Bill's cousin and I are going out for an early dinner. Nothing more than that is happening here today! lol

I better get going. I am sending big hugs and lots of love to everyone. I am keeping everyone in prayers with special ones going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day and enjoy where ever it is that God has put you.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/11/08 12:38 am - Wabash, IN
Mornin' Posse!

Well just stopped on here long enough to see what a wonderful time y'all had at the campout and to tell ya'll GOOD MORNIN' and hope y'all  had a great weekend and have a great week ahead!

Last day to spend with my son, Taylor. We take him to the airport in Indy tomorrow... :( Sure has been nice to be with him these last 2 weeks. We celebrated his bday yesterday because he will be out on the high seas on his bday...and he won't get his package in time...soooooooo yesterday was the day.

Good luck today Misty with your surgery....can't wait to see your beautiful are such a beauty to begin with...this will be awesome! luv ya gal!

Miss y'all and hope to be back posting with y'all soon! 

Have a smiley day and rowdy night!


Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

LaChelle R.
on 8/11/08 12:42 am - Erie, PA
Good morning all.  It is a wonderful Monday morning here in the hills!  The girls spent the night with their friend, and I worked until 11 pm last night.  It is official now........I am on day shift again! Woooooooo Hoooooo! lol  I am so glad too!  And, I am sure everyone here in the house will be as well.

I am meeting up with the girls, and my friend Christine, who the girls stayed with last night.  We are taking the boat out today on Patoka Lake.......spend the who day out, and enjoy the sun!  This afternoon, we are taking the girls on a horse trail ride.  She has 10 horses now, and enough tack for ALL of them, so we are going to get them all saddled up and head out on a long trail ride as a way to get them exhausted so they can hit the beds early tonight. School starts tomorrow, so they will be tired otherwise.

Have  a few errands to take care of this morning, so I had better get on the go!  Have a wonderful day all, and take care! TTYL!!!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jan M.
on 8/11/08 3:38 am - Waterloo, IN
Sounds like fun LaChelle. 
We are heading down your way on the 28th.  I have reservations at Srping Mill for 29,30 and 31 but didn't reserve anything for the 28th.  I have a Dr apt in Indy in the morning on the 28th and then we thought we may go to the casino.  Do they have parking available for RV's ?  I thought we would hit the casino, do dinner at the hotel then dry camp there for the night. 
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