Friday....At Last

on 8/7/08 6:01 pm - Lawrence, IN
Who would ever thought I'd be posting this early in the morning, but the car is packed and we're headed out for the 2nd Annual OH Campout.  Look forward to seeing lots of our friends and family there for a great weekend.  Those coming....have a safe trip.  Wish everyone could be there.

Hope those not attending have a great weekend also.  You'll be in our thoughts for sure.


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on 8/7/08 6:46 pm - Sheridan, IN

You all have a great time.  I am unable to attend the campout because I am having a Yard Sale.  I planned it a long time ago with others.  The weather is going to be great for both.  Everyone be safe on your way to and from.

Have a wonderful weekend.

on 8/7/08 7:05 pm - Kempton, IN
Good Morning everyone! Well I am up before dawn again. I am going to the doctor today to get some blood drawn for a blood sugar check. I think it is a C1A or something like that. Maybe that will be all I have to do to figure out these spells I am having. I hope so anyway!
 My dh and I went to pick sweet corn to sell here at the house. We picked 29 dozen and hope to get it all sold today. Do you think I am crazy? I am thinking I am! Not much action here in Kempton unless you are trying to burn trash!
 Carol good luck with the yard sale! Is it at your house?
 Heres to all that will be camping out! Hope you have a greeat time! You should have great weather for it! Who would have thought the weather would be this nice in August at State Fair time! We are going fishing on Saturday evening and night for crappie. Wish us luck!  Michelle
Jan M.
on 8/7/08 11:44 pm - Waterloo, IN

That would be a HA1C  (hemoglobin A 1 C)  It tells how your surgar has been running (on average) for the past 3 months.  Good luck with that, Hope it answers your questions.

(deactivated member)
on 8/7/08 9:06 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Michelle... good luck with the corn! I hope it sells well!

Floyd and others... I hope you all have a great camp out! I wish I could go, but I have to work this weekend. It would be nice to be off though.

I finally got my card for the fitness room here at the new apartments yesterday, so this morning, I was up and at 'em, and went down there to work out a bit. It felt good. I have not been real good about doing that this summer, aside from walking the dog lately. There has been so much going on. I would love to get back into personal training, once hubby starts subbing for the school year. I really enjoyed that.

Today is work, work, work. Work at VR, and then work at Sears tonight. I'm sure it will be a good day though. YEsterday we found out Mikey's permit at the other school we applied to this week was approved, so long as they don't get an influx of 5th graders the first couple days of school. That being the case, he would have to go back down to the school in our district, but I am praying that won't happen. Think small classes, everyone!
on 8/7/08 9:21 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning one & all!

Well..MOST of the stuff is in the RV. I'm first one up which isn't anything new. I'm going to jump in the shower soon and then start gathering those last minute items up. I am SO looking forward to the camp-out!!

Yesterday ended up being a VERY interesting day! I had an appointment with Dr. Gupta. She started off by telling me that she really didn't want to see me because she didn't know what to do to help me. I could have hugged her for that honesty! As it turned out, that visit has helped me to understand what in the heck is going on so very much!! Let's see if I can explain it...the opening I had/have in my abdominal wall was large and it was there from Oct. 6th to March months. That's a long time especially in muscle terms. To 'close up' that opening, a piece of mesh was sewn over it. Because everything was still pretty much swollen, etc, the abdominal wall itself could not be pulled together. put it in terms I think that will give you all a mental picture of what's going your mouth (that opening is like the opening in my abdominal wall..only my opening was about 6"x4"). Now stick your tongue out. That is what was happening with the hernia. My intestines were able to come outside of the abdominal wall just as freely as your tongue can come out of your open mouth. now..if you had a large piece of bubble gum and blew a bubble. You can stick your tongue out of your mouth into the bubble gum...but not outside of the gum without popping the bubble...right? The mesh is like the gum. My intestines can push on that mesh (like your tongue can on the bubble gum). It's not technically a hernia because the mesh is just gives alot of 'push' room. Make sence? It did to me. And no...that's not exactly how Dr. Gupta described it...LOL!

So..we asked..if once this distension problem is taken care of, if I exercised my abs, would this feeling of 'falling out' go away. The answer was no. The only way I'm going to get rid of that is by having another surgery. Once the distension is taken care of, she may be able to then pull the abdominal wall closed, stitch it together and have no mesh in there at all. At the very least, she'd be able to put a smaller piece of mesh with less 'give'. I told her that we would DEFINATELY have to revisit this once the distension is taken care of because I don't want to go through life with this. There's a section in my stomach that raises up like it's part of the Aliens movie. It does this even when Bill & I are trying to do what married couples do. And it totally stops the mood for me! Go through the rest of my life and not enjoy being 'with' my husband??? No. Not when there is a solution for it. Go through life hurting for the first 10 minutes of the day while my body tries to get use to this new position for my intestines? No. Besides..I didn't go through the last 4 years for my stomach to look like I'm pregnant! Even at the start of the day, before the distension starts, I look like I'm at least 4 months along (at the end of the's more like 8-9 months!).

First things first though is for Dr. Fecht to call. Did I  tell you guys? I didn't hear from him, but Dr. Bergman brought up the test results from Monday. The connection between the small bowels & colon had an 'unusual thickening of the walls'. The recommendation was a full colonoscopy & biopsy that area to determine what is causing it. They listed 2-3 things that could. I was ready to hug her for reading it to me! FINALLY a test has been ran that has showed SOMETHING!

Oh...I have those 2 places on my incision line that wouldn't heal too. Dr. Bergman wanted me to have Dr. Gupta look at them. One of can see the mesh used to repair the hernia!! Yes, it's that deep! So...Dr. Gupta is contacting Dr. Bergman about having it incised and closed up. It's not good having your insides open like that. I'm hoping they'll go ahead and close up both places. The other one has been open since March! If Dr. Bergman does it..and if it's done with me ...I'll probably ask her to do something with that place on my leg that keeps filling up with fluids too. She had said something about opening it up & packing it or something. We'll see.

Anyway...that's all I know on this 08/08/08 day! Unfortunately, it means I won't be able to go swimming! Oh well, I didn't have time to do that last year anyway! LOL!

I'll have my laptop with me so provided I can get a signal, I'll let you all know how the camp-out is going in the morning!!


ps..have you been a nice secret elf? The first month is about done and I know of at least a few people who have checked their mailboxes, but nothing yet. And remember people...not all e-cards..ok? Some people prefer the feel of 'real' cards!


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 8/7/08 9:59 pm - indianapolis, IN
I hope all of the OH campers have a great time together. I think the weather will be nice this weekend, cool at night around the campfire. Have fun !!!!!!!!
Jenny K.
on 8/7/08 10:13 pm - IN
Good morning all!
Hopefully today is a little better then yesterday. I had ambulance calls out the butt yesterday. Very busy day!
But I saved life...yea!  Had a guy that chewed up a Fentanyl patch and overdid it. We got there he wasnt breathing but had a pulse, so I started breathing for him and got him to breathing again. We moved him to the floor and got ready to put a tube down him and he sat up. So we took him on in to the hospital.

I have a wedding to go to tomorrow, then I am going to attempt to make salsa Sat evening and Sunday if I have to.  Never done it so we will see how that turns out.

I hope you all have a great time at the campout. Everyone have a great weekend.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

shanna B.
on 8/7/08 11:28 pm - camby, IN
Good Morning all,
We are almost packe, Just waiting on Bella's clothes to dry. My dryer has issues. Well the fact that it doesn't like to dry is the only issue. I need a new one put I keep putting it off. Other than that we are packed. Terry has a hearing test downtown at IUPUI at 1045 and then we are off. I need to get my check at some point, too.I need a nice relaxing next 2 days. Have agreat day and see those up there and the rest have a great day. :)
xoxox shanna

Jenny- why would a guy chew up a Phetynal patch, anyway? Drug user? Good thing you were there, tell him next might not  be there! lol


Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Jan M.
on 8/8/08 12:02 am - Waterloo, IN
Geezz Jenny, I know you must see the darndest things.  Druggies will do almost anything to get high on anything! 

Camper is packed. Just have to throw in a few last min Items.  I'm working till noon so it will probably be 2 before I get up there.  I'm taking my lap top also and camera.  They have free wi fi so we should be able to post a few pics.  Can't wait to see everyone.  Should be fun.  Wish you all could be there.
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