Getting To Know You Questions

on 8/6/08 1:24 am - aurora, IN
Thank you Jodi
1. the funniest thing i received in the mail .
   "i had been married 2 weeks and a letter came from a prison inmate telling what he was gonna do to me when he got out(all sexual 4 pages) and etc. i laughed and gave it to my dh and he said i had some explaining to do. lol so we looked at the envelope again my name and house address but it was suppose to go to aurora colarado instead of aurora indiana..but the letter got to my hubby and 9 months to the day we have
2.What act of kindness really touches your heart?
    the selfless act of an innocent child.
makes me cry everytime
3. do you have a bathroom habit? and if so what is it?
 yes ..If i wonna talk to my hubby or children i go to the bathroom and here they come to talk alot.its our meeting place  yuck...........

on 8/6/08 2:10 am - LaGrange, KY

1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?  Umm I don't really know. Probaly an "engagement" ring from one of my old online spades partners who was like all ga ga over me.

2. What act of kindness really touches your heart? I love to see teenagers helping elderly folks. I am so surprised to see teenagers (or pre teens) show respect for anyone most days soo when they help someone who is older it just gives me the warm and fuzzies.. Funny story, before I met Rich I used to have this young guy (he was actually around my age but anyways) who used to bring his grand parents in one at a time a couple days a week for breakfast or lunch and I used to swear I was gonna marry him lol.

3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it? I don't really have a habit I don't think. I guess if I had to pick something is if I am on the phone and really have to go to the bathroom and cannot get off the phone for 1 reason or another I will take the phone with me and talk.

Lois K.
on 8/6/08 5:40 am - Lebanon, IN

Thanks Jo for the questions!

1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?

Our mailman went to church with us.  We had been married around 3 months when he came to the door and opened it (the screen door and we were setting inside).  He threw in a Fredericks of Hollywood catalog which was very explicit back then (31 years ago)!  He said something about telling the elders of the church while laughing as he was joking.  But one of my friends must have sent it to us.  I didn't find it very funny!  I was a new bride and terribly embarassed!

2. What act of kindness really touches your heart?

When people give of themselves selflessly.  In today's times, we don't see enough of this.  "it's all about me" is what we see.  So when someone gives time when they really don't have it to give, it means so much more!

3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it?

I have the handheld game "Freecell".  It is a must for me to relax enough to "pass" what needs to go!  LOL!  My husband cannot understand why I want to stay in there any longer than I have to!

Whatever else you have on your mind, Wherever else you think you're going,
Stop for a moment and look where you are:  
You Have Arrived

Linda Kay
on 8/6/08 5:46 am - Mooresville, IN

1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?
    There have been tons of things over the years... think I need something for memory.. I know I got pissed off when the AARP cards started coming..

2. What act of kindness really touches your heart?

My Grandbabies wanting to kiss my ouchies..OR help ME accross the street

3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it?
     Gotta have a book or things just don't move... Also started my granddaughters reading in there... now they ask for a book..heheh


on 8/6/08 6:04 am - Rockport, IN
1.  Funniest thing in the mail:  It wasn't really for me but Troy received a lighter in a metal case from Marlboro on his birthday one year.  You know you're a good customer when the company sends you gifts in the mail.  He still gets teased about it from his friends.  I think he still even uses the metal box to catch his change and pocket stuff at the end of each day.

2.  What touches my heart:  When my daughter does something so sweet and innocent and doesn't even realize it.  Like when I'm sick, she'll pat my hand and wipe my face.  She makes Troy and me friendship bracelets all the time.  I wear one every day.  I know there will come a time when she won't want to be my friend so I cheri**** while I can.

3.  Bathroom habit:  Nothing really while I'm on the "throne" but I do most of my praying while in the shower.  It seems to be the only quiet time I have to myself.

What fun!

on 8/6/08 6:24 am - Kempton, IN
Hi all! Jodi I heard you were a beautiful bride! I also want to thank you for coming up with some good questions!
 The funniest thing I ever received in the mail was a bra questionaire and an arrp card! Not at the same time!
 What act of kindess really touches my heart? Well when I see a big tough looking man pick up a tiny dog or cat that are in distress and cuddles it next to him.
 I don't have any bathroom habits but my dad used to take the TV GUIDE into the bathroom and he did the puzzle in it. He would be in there for a long long time. We said he was in there sittin' on the throne!
Thanks again for the questions they are great!
shanna B.
on 8/6/08 6:59 am - camby, IN
Hey fun time.....Here it goes

1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?
ACtually, JUST TODAY we reiceved something in the mail froma lady claiming the goveremt owes us 444.00 and that she can get it for us for 25% of it. Are you friggin' kidding me, I think I can find it my self if its from the goverment. It was adressed to Terry L DH is Terry J. Brown....What a load of crap. can we say scam!

2. What act of kindness really touches your heart?
When I am at the grocery or someone is behind me in line and I am short a few cents and they offer it. I always try to offer it to people if They need it or at work if people are a few cents off , I tell them not to worry about it. Becasue I know how it feels :)

3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it?
I have my bathroom ritual....I get in wash my hair, wash my body, rinse my hair, shave my legs. Scrub my face. Get out with towel on brush teeth, get clothes ready, blow dry hair, WEIGH MYSELF, then gets dressed. All in that order! I don't stick around long enough to read on the potty. I get in do my business and get out!

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Lee Ann B.
on 8/7/08 2:09 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
1.) An aarp card on my 21st birthday along with my first grey hair!

2.) To walk in the door and see that my kids have done their chores, homework, etc...sometimes plus more  without me asking or nagging. 

3) None really...I hate small spaces so I am in and out in a flash! 

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