Getting To Know You Questions
It's Wednesday Everyone,
Time for our fun questionaire time. I hope everyone looks forward to this like I do. Here we go:
1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?
2. What act of kindness really touches your heart?
3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it?
My Answers:
1. A tampoon... like three days after my hysto. LOL
2. Those that help animals that have been abused.
3. Yep, reading the phone book while I poo! LOL
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
well lets see....
1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail? Perhaps not funny but still gets to me each time I get me mail and there is mail addressed to my late husband offering him life insurance guaranteed! After 8 1/2 years you would think his name woudl be off the mailing lists.....a couple of years ago, my current hubby felt so bad my getting these and upsetting me so that he actually called the place and questioned them on the coverage and said if they guaranteed payment in the event of death they could either write me the check now or never hear from them again.....sweet man of mine! lol
2. What act of kindness really touches your heart? I love seeing random acts of kindess diplayed to old people, children and animals.
3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it? bathroom habits are I always hum in the shower......I keep all my catalogs in there to brouse and wish thru.........You can't sit on the potty without several of our cats coming into the bathtub begging for water, with our room being so can easily sit and turn the tub water on one side on and the sink with the other arm on at the same really tiny!! ........I guess it is kinda strange but when I blow my hair dry I keep my eyes closed and really drift off into never never land and my hubby seems to always pick that time to come up and say something to me that really startles me. He can't understand why??
You all have a super day!
1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?
My ex-husband's employees thought it would be great fun to send me a ***** flick. It didn't have a finished soundtrack and you could hear the director saying things like "higher, faster, a little to the left". It gave me a whole new respect for the "actors".
2. What act of kindness really touches your heart?
The sweetest action I have ever observed is when someone dries another's tears.
3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it?
Handheld electronic games - I have a HEARTS game now, I wore out my yatzhee game.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
I love this-
1. A ad for Cialis!! FOR-----ME!!!!
2. My heart is touched by small random acts of kindness- like someone opening the door for the elderly, a note in the mail, a little thank you for the small things, taking the time to talk to those who are handicapped, etc.
3. Ah--- using too much TP! Nope, I get right to business,hee~hee!!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail?
I can't say I've ever really gotten anything 'funny' (other than cards) but I did get a box from Jacqui a few months ago that I got a kick out of. It had coloring books, crayons, etc in it (I don't have ANY kids at home so I put them in the RV for when the grandkids are with us).
2. What act of kindness really touches your heart?
I love watching elderly people together. They are just so sensitive and kind to one another. Bill's 83 yr old mom was in the hospital a week or so ago and it was just so sweeting watching her 83 yr old boyfriend try to take care of her.
3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it?
I read. I don't think that's strange though. It doesn't matter what though...Reader's Digest, trash mags, novels, etc. If I don't have a book or mag in there, I'll do a Sudoku! LOL! But...if I'm not at home (restaurant, work, etc), I try to be sure I have my reading glasses with me so I can play solitaire on my cell phone. Yeah, I long does diarrea take? Well..if I sit there long enough I can avoid having to go again in 15 minutes.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail? That would be the mail that I got for my mom after she passed away. It was from a physic and she wanted mom to send money to her for her to let her know about her future. I wrote on the envelope "If you were physic you would know that she was dead!" and I never heard from her again.
2. What act of kindness really touches your heart? I love to see older couples go around and holding each others hands. That touches my heart that their love just keeps growing and growing with all the years that they have been together.
3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it? I call it a "ritual" and not a habit. Each morning when I get up and go to the bathroom Misty comes in and I pick her up and baby her and we talk to each other. That is what we do all the time and it is time that I look forward to.
Thanks for doing this. I think a lot of us look forward to this each week.
How does it feel being a "old" married lady now? lol
2. "Paying it Forward" Enough said! Thanks again!
3. When I get in the shower, I was my hair first, and then my body.......goofy, I know! LOL But, thats just about the only "RITUAL" I know of!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
1. Funniest thing you've ever recieved in the mail? A refund check from the insurance company for less than $1.00---I think it was 67cents!
2. What act of kindness really touches your heart? advocating on behalf of a person can truly make a difference
3. Do you have a bathroom habit? And if so what is it? sudoku, circle/crosswords, you name it! LOL
1. The first credit card offer after I filed for bankruptcy! If I had known how to handle credit cards, I wouldn't have had to file bankruptcy! That was a lesson I had to learn the hardway.
2. When one of my children trys to comfort me when I'm sad or upset.
3. In the mornings I have to take my shower, brush my hair and then my teeth before leaving the bathroom. If I get interupted, I'm liable to forget to go back in to finish. I'm way too much a creature of habit!