
on 8/6/08 12:33 am, edited 8/6/08 12:45 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,
   Whew, you all are so busy today-- don't overdo it! I am working 12-5 tonight, then going to the Clairian SG. for the meeting- I just need to get back to them, & since Bible study is off for the summer, I am going. Wed. nights are committed for that during the time we have them, so I told the boss I had an appt. in Indy, which it is, to me! The 17th is my ;ast day. The boss took it well, and I KNOW it is the right thing to do. Just sooo hard to leave the co-workers and my "regulars" who come in. Had 2 couples ask for me to help them, and both did a big purchase- why? I was told afterwards it was because of the way I treated them. I guess they had stopped in before, weren't pleased with the way they were treated, & came back cause they saw my interactions with a customer. See, others DO watch how we act/react! It really humbled me. I makle $7.00 an hr. with NO comissions, or benefits, so it isn't about making money for my pocket either.Thats why I don't push, just give the best I cn & leave people to make their own decisions.Ok, enough before I cry. 
Ok, the Drs. office called me yesturdy, & I have an appt. at 10;15am. tomorrow- for a followup. I CAN"t take, Immetrex, Makalt, or any kind of headache meds.- so the perscribed Loratab! It is because I have a Vascular Disease in my head, and he will discuss what I can do/take for the headaches. It is causing me to have TIA's ( mini strokes), and Mon. it was intense!!! Today, since I took some last night, it has eased some. Stress seems to make it worse. I just know I can't wait till I see him and we figure out what I need to be doing. Dh & I took a walk last night, and I had to cut it short, cause I was having pain again. That part I hate!!!! I miss my exercise, and feel differant when I do. Also, I can tell my muscles aren't where they were.

Lois sweety, I had the same pain. I had to take 3 gas-x every 8 hrs. Phew it stunk around here for awhile ! Feel better soon Sis, I'll call you!

Holly, TAKE those measurements girlfriend- I found after a long plateau that I had lost 9"!! It is all of the things that make it work, not only what the scales read.You are doing awesome! Saying a prayer for your brother & family, no fun being bounced around the country.

Amy, you are doing great girl! I'm sure praying that you get this job, you are perfect for it!

Linda V. Hon, you do have rights, and there are schools that have classes for children with disablilities. Demand his rights, and hang in there. Also, tell your co-workers that you are busy ,let them do their job, & you do yours. That way they can see how much you really do help! If not, atleast you will feel better. Tell your supervisor you are taking your break, if he is not ok with it, then deal! Oh oh, their I go being assertive!!!

Sherri & Bill, Gail, Brenda & DH, Jan & DH , Karen,Shanna& families, Floyd & Brenda, & everyone going to the campout- it is almost here!!!!! PARTY SAT. NIGHT ~~woo~hoo!!!! We can hardly wait! Jan, my DH was very hesitant the first time, too. But now he is really looking forward to it! The guys get togehter and have "men time" if nothing else, he gets to hear from others that your feelings/actions are normal!

Misty Lynn, try to get some rest girl, turn off your brain. No tv-internet- etc. an hr. before bed. Journal, deep breathe,listen to soft music, read something inspirational, meditate, these are things I learned from a professional sleep  study, and they do work, if you do them.I know they help me!When our bodies don't get the rest it needs, we suffer in so many ways. I'm praying for you lil Sis.

Jo, oh hon, I just found your card that I thought I'd mailed- it is on it's way now! I hate I missed you smearing cake in Matt's face, & the wedding sounds beautiful! You know how happy I am for you both!!!!

Janene, we gotta talk girl! I need to learn to be alil more "rowdy"-hee~hee!!! have a yee-haw day,sis!

LaChelle, so much has been going good your way- those prayers are working! I thought of you yesturday when the storms raged thru here- a lightning bolt hit our flagpole -not 150 ft. from the house- all our phones were down for the day. So glad we had surge protecters! Any more going on with your "stormchasing??' Oh, and deal me in for a big payoff, ok?HEE~HEE!!

Have a fantastic, mid-week day everyone! Love you!!!

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 8/6/08 1:47 am - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone
I have allergies from hell today my throat eyes and nose, its never been this bad.
We had my dhs bests friends mothers funeral yesterday i cant do funerals so i took care lof the food and omg im so glad my boys were with me it was ata vfw and it was so dirty we cleaned before we set the food up. The food looked awesome all of it but i had no urge to eat any of it...thank goodness for the surgery..we left the place so clean i was so proud of my sons they even cleaned up the outside. then at our friends house they babysat and took care of all the little ones so the family could take care of some business.
Today we register for school and thursday my boys are helping family move all day.its showing how much my boys have grown up and have became responsible every one is calling on them to help
im resting im tired and
Linda my boys had really bad speech problems and couldnt comphrend and they had special classes for them and they were smaller and more one on one .
my aunts son is now in 10 grade and they live in indy but he is in a class where he doesnt have to change classes  ask and demand you have that right.
everyone have a great day and stay safe...

Lee Ann B.
on 8/7/08 3:23 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Lisa...sounds like mom and dad instilled some good solid values and manners into those boys....Kudos to them for helping others in need! If only all people could see that and do just a small thing each day...the world would be a less bitter and cheerier palce!

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