Tonight is bariatric buddies training at St. V. I'm interested to see what it will entail. I know my buddy will have to be from the Terre Haute area, or I can't participate. I just can't drive all the time, but judging form the size of our support group meetings, that shouldn't be a problem.
My other problem right now is Mikey and back to school. We had done a permit application for the school he has attended since the beginning of 1st grade for this year, since we moved out of district last January. They let him continue to attend there after he came home from residential last spring, but they denied the permit for this school year. I don't know if it's because of enrollment or because of his problems. Either way, I can't do much about it, it's at the discretion of the principal. I really don't want him to go to the school in our district, because they start changing classes in 5th grade, and I don't think he's ready for that. I am going to call a couple other, smaller schools recommended to me, to see if they would accept a permit. I have to work on that today, because school here starts the 19th. It's hard with a child with disabilities. I wish they would put him in a seperate class. We tried to get that last spring instead of residential, but the school fought us tooth and nail over that.
Just it seems whenever I lay down to actually sleep I can't shut my thoughts off.
Nothing really planned today, just taking it easy I think. Trying to get everything together and straight again since the kids went home. I can get it cleaned and keep it that way. This way I can rest next week.
Well I guess that'll be it for now..
Good Morning Linda and All,
I have a lot to do today to get ready for the camp out. I am really looking forward to see friends old & new.
I have been having a little trouble with my right knee, its hurts right behide the knee. I will to walk it out today. I sure about going outsite.
Linda, i hope you know you are in my prayers, your whole family is. Its got to get better for you.
Misty, you are going to great after you get you teech done you look AWESOME Hope to get mine done as soon as the potassium is level. Sherri it was good talk to you last night.
Prayers and Healthy Wishes to those in need.
And Jeannie did you make that neat card you sent me
Have a good day ALL. LOVE TO ALL Hug & Blessings, Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Well this is the second time I have been up tonight. I need to get up and move around or I get too stiff. Also pain medication sure helps so I try to get it in. I rarely take it during the day because I can be more active (and I am) than laying on the couch at night and getting stiff. I wanted to sleep in bed but just couldn't get the pillows right. Seems like I have a gas bubble around my right shoulder that really, really hurts. I try to walk it off and rotate my shoulder to move it, but it just doesn't give. Anyone got any ideas on how to get rid of it? I go back to the surgeon tomorrow morning to get a return to work on the 11th and a once over post op. He is headed for Florida Friday for the weekend and all next week I am sure he needs a vacation to recoup----Dr. have a great vacation!
Seems so weird to be home during the day. In my job, I work 4 - 10 hour days and take Friday off. The only other lady in the office does the same except she takes Wednesday off. She loves it! Says it is like having a weekend in the middle of the week! We have a lot of rules though. She has to work 8 - 8 hour days this week since I am off. Last week, I worked 8 -8 hour days because she was on vacation. Sure made me messed up this past weekend. All day Saturday I kept thinking it was Friday! LOL!
Since I am down and have so much time, I'm trying to write out all our favorite recipes. Not the whole recipe, just the name. Seems like I come home from work and my mind is drained and I can't think of anything to fix for supper. I am going to make up a calendar with those favorite meals assign a day and that way I know what to put in fridge to defrost or what to get at the grocery. It seems like such a great idea and I know many of you already do this I am sure. Please let me know what works for you! Maybe we could do a "round-robin" of recipe ideas to share?
Well, my DH is stirring. I'm going to make him his favorite breakfast.... turkey bacon and eggs & low-fat cheese stirred in. I love him so much! He has been through so much with all my surgeries. I thank the Dear Lord every day for him. We have been together for 31 years with 99% of them being very happy. I could only pray for each one of you to be as blessed as I have been!
Ya'll have a great and blessed day!
Today is my Friday this week so I am THRILLED! I got here a few minutes later than normal for me. Oh well. The first thing I did was check both of my instruments and it looks like they are both doing great. I love finishing up a week that way! Now if Dr. Fecht would call about the test results from Monday (and that they were able to pinpoint the problem!!), then I would be going to the camp-out on cloud 9!!
I have another follow-up with Dr. Bergman today. She is just so fantastic! I still have the two open places on my belly. Anything put on it just causes the openings to get larger..and if we don't put anything on it at all? They'll close up but within a few hours of them closed up, they fill up with gunk and open right back up. Oh..she'll be draining the place on my leg again too. She's been seeing me every 1-2 weeks so I certainly can't fault her at all.
Then tonight..we're going to the Speedrome on Kitley. It's fan appreciation night. They sent us 8 free tickets so the adult 'kids' are going to join us (Tiffany & dh Rod, Shellie, Jay & gf Nikki). It should be alot of fun. sure you mention the shoulder pain to your surgeon. I had some pain in my shoulder/left side of my right where the clavicle is..when I had my perforations. Each time I have tummy surgery, I spend the initial weeks my recliner! It took forever for me to get back into our waterbed this last time and it's 80% motionless! I think you're doing fantastic. My gb was the most painful exerience I had (including 12 hours of hard back labor with my daughter!!) up until last October. Unlike child birth though, I never forgot what that felt like! lol.
Linda....Sorry that the secretaries are so un-appreciative. I know me..I'd quit doing stuff for them and see how they like it then. And I agree..your break is YOUR break. I'm an avid reader too.
Ellen..I hope you're feeling better today. Headaches are no fun at all!
Gail..don't shop till you drop! LOL!
Have a good day everyone!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I have not posted much....everything is so hectic.....
Monday I went and had my teeth cleaned......had two of the office girls say that had they not seen on the schedule I was coming in, that they would have not known it was me.....then ran to WalMart and saw the sec. from State Farm Ins. office and she said had she not known my vioce she would have not responded to me......boy that feels WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! Still wish I was at goal weight.....but that is my fault....I am slipping back to old many carbs, not enough fluids, protein and excercise......I am getting back to my journal and hoping that gets me motivated wish I could crawl into bed and stay for a week........
Got the kids registered for school yesterday...all supplies and clothes are bought....a few things will be needed once it starts to drop in temperature....but have a little time before that happens. Now to get them back on school sleeping schedule......I dread that!!!!!
I also want to thank everyone for all their support.....My only sister just moved to NC, and I am not sure I will ever get used to her being gone.....they came back home this week so pack up last things out of the it has not sold yet!!! They buried a ST. Joseph statue....and I told her it needs to face the house not away......oh well...continued prayers that it sells soon!!!! Got to hug her yesterday after almost two months.....cried and just held on for dear life....
Got a phone call from Mom and my brother was due to move Thursday from MC to Edwards Air Base in Cali....well they called yesterday morning and said he was not going there now, but could not tell them where they were going.....Geez...the kids were already registered for school in Cali, house was taken care of and everything.....they are signing on the house in NC, and movers are there to pack the what are they to do? He only has one year and he has his 20 years and will retire.....gotta love the Government!!!!! Bet my SIL is drinking and smoking up a storm!!!!!
Did not sleep well last night, could not get my mind to shut down, worrying about so many things...hoping for a nap when babies take theirs.
Off to finish my protein and push lots of fluids today!!!!! Will do measurements on Friday.....have not done them since May 8th....hope I see a difference!!!! And not an increase either!!!!!
Love and Hugs,
My interview yesterday went VERY well...I had to go take a drug test afterwards, and she's running a credit check on me now, and will call me Friday. I'm not expecting any issues with either check, so I should have the solid job offer on Friday! I think it's going to be a lot of fun, and the money will really help with the extras for the girls (ballet lesssons, swim lessons, etc) and we can finally get my husband a cell phone so he can check in during the day. Since he's on the road all day for Orkin, we have no way to call each other, and the extra money just hasn't been there to get him a cell. The only reason I have one is my dad carries it on his account, because they don't like me being out and about with the girls and no phone. So anyway, I'm pretty excited! We got my home office set up a week or so ago, as all my paperwork and stuff will be done at home.
One week from today Emily starts kindergarten. Sniff sniff. I can't believe it! She's very excited though, and I'm thrilled she got morning K, it's just an adjustment. This afternoon we're going shopping with my mom again...$60 in Elder Beerman reward cards to spend, woohoo!
Down 50.8 pounds as of this morning. My goal for the month is to drop 10-12, so when I go see Dr E on Sept 4 I'm down 60 lbs (since his scale always weighs me 2-3 lbs heavier with clothes than I weigh nekkid at home!). Heading to the Y this morning, which always helps my day get off to a good start!
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)
Today is a bright and sunny day to go with the hot humid temperatures. I guess it is better than being gray and cloudy with hot and humid temps. lol If you can't be thankful for what you have be thankful for what you don't have.
This afternoon is my appointment with the urologist. The last bloodwork that I had came back good so I am not anticipating anything wrong today. Just to be on the safe side please say a prayer for the appointment if you would. You can never have to many prayers.
I have a crock pot full of split pea soup. I made it before but never in the crock pot. It is good smelling but seems to be to thin. I like it a bit thicker and I know that Bill does too. I guess I added to much water to them last night. I am going to use my boat motor to make it smoother and then it should be done. I added some spices and onion and carrot to it last night when I started it. I am not sure if there is a way that I can thicken it up, if there is anyone who has ideas I would appreciate it greatly if you would share with me. It needs help in that department. lol
I guess I had better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and my prayers are going up for everyone. I am sending special ones for those in need of them. Have a wonderful and blessed day and be happy where you are at the moment.
Not much planned today. Jimmy has to work at 3 today. It is going well at work. He got his new manager shirts last night, so it is official! He is so happy and excited! LOL
Hope everyone has a great day. Today is my last day off, and then I go back for 4 more nights on swing shift, and then I am officially back on days! I can't wait!!! Talk about a relief! Home every evening at 7 pm! Sounds heavenly!!!
Take care and TTYL!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!