Question about medications and stuff concerning my dental surgery next Monday.
I don't know if it's appropriate to tell them what to use though. I don't want to sound like I'm drug seeking but I KNOW what does and doesn't work for me. Also is it appropriate for me to tell them I need LIQUID pain medication when I'm released? I already made them aware that NSAIDS are not an option but I just don't know what I can tell them??
First, congrats on getting the dental work done. I know that can be a huge boost for someone.
I didn't realize you had 'so many' endo's this year. After having 16 of them myself, I definately would inform any medical personel of what works & what doesn't. For the first 2 years or so post-op, I made no bones about requesting liquid meds..pain, antibiotics, whatever. Now days, I just ask for tablets instead of capsules so I can be sure they'll dissolve. I would not wait until Monday to say 'oh, by the way'. I would call today and ask that his nurse or PA gives you a call asap. Talk to her/him about your past reactions with sedations...and about your preference to liquid meds. This will give them an opportunity to get 'special stuff' in, should they decide to go with something different.
I always have to have special 'stuff' at the dentist office....I'm allergic to novacaine. Trust me, a dentist does not touch my mouth unless they know well in advance of what I won't have a reaction to & has a chance to have a stock of it just for me! I did have one quack in Danville that didn't believe I was allergic to it, knocked me out to do the dental work, and gave me novacaine anyway. When I woke up, we had to go straight to the ER. From that time on, I make sure I am awake for dental work and I make sure the dentist is on board!! Oh..and I have never been back to that idiot either.
Good luck on Monday! Just think about how pretty your smile is gonna be.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...