Approved but still many ???? please help

on 8/4/08 9:56 pm - IN

I sent my approval to Dr. Evanson's office yesterday and I am excited but I have so many questions and concerns...

1.  How will having the RNY effect my health care for the rest of my life?  Will it cause more problems 20 years from now?
2.  Life insurance.  Will I still be able to get life insurance? 

And honestly I have a 2yr old and I'm scared something will happen and I won't be here for him.
Is this normal?

I guess I just need some encouragement and words of wisdom.

on 8/4/08 10:33 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I think some of your questions, you'd be better off asking your surgeon. From someone a little bit further out, here's my take on some of them....

1. There weren't too many people having RNY's 20 years ago. I think however that the majority of complications..IF you have complications, happen within the first few years. You pretty much need to compare that to what you know your life would be like in 20 years if you don't have the surgery (will you even still be alive? I wouldn't have been).

As to your 'health care'..yes, it will affect that. You cannot have your insides rearranged and it NOT affect your health care at all. That said though, health care professionals are getting use to knowing what to expect. Just like yesterday with me. They were expecting my intestines to be a little different than norm because of the RNY....but not because of further issues I had (non-RNY related) that caused them to really scratch their head and my anatomy. You are going to have to avoid certain drugs the rest of your life..or at least get them cleared through  your surgeon first (like iboprofin or celebrex). You're going to have to take vitamins the rest of your life.

2.  I don't know if others have had problems with getting life insurance or not. mine is through work and I had no issues at all. Your best bet? Call a few places and ask.

3. It is perfectly normal to be concerned about being here for your loved ones. Let me ask you...would you hesitate having your appendix out or your gall bladder removed if they needed it? Me neither. Obesity can be life threatening also. Not as immediate as your appendix...but death is death. Instead, obesity affects your sugar levels (diabetes), your sleeping (sleep apnea), your cholesterol, your heart, and so many, many other things. Even if it doesn't kill you, what kind of life does the super morbidly obese have to look forward to? way or another, you need to lose weight in order to have a healthy happy future for your child..and for yourself. If not weight loss surgery, then through a lifestyle change. Actually, for weight loss surgery to be successful, you do HAVE TO implement a lifestyle change as well.

Your questions and concerns are perfectly natural and normal. I would suggest your making a consult appointment with Dr. E and discussing these with him so that you can go into surgery feeling 100% confident that you made the right decision for you.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Linda Kay
on 8/5/08 12:32 am - Mooresville, IN
I'm with Sherri, I agree with everything she said.

 Being Fat ruined my boy's growing up years.. so many things I couldn't do with them...things I DID do with them like treating them (myself) out to dinner for celebrations instead of something more fun and benificial to them... I taught them to eat wrong.. instead of play right.

I had my RNY so I could live to see my grandchildren and get down on the floor and play with them.. and like last night at the fair.. I was the ONLY one small enough (so far) to go up the TALL slide with each of the triplets and go down the slide with her. I am scared of heights but I made the climb 3 times!!! I NEVER was able to do that with my boys.

Vitamins for the rest of my life? SMALL price to pay.. and only takes an hour out of my life in the morning getting them all down before I can have breakfast.

I would do it again in an instant.. I have gained friends that know where I was and help me get where I am going..

Best wishes in YOUR decision,

Linda kay
on 8/5/08 1:03 am - IN
Thanks for the replies....  I think it's a good thing that I will have 4 months to be as well informed and comfortable as possible. 
Linda Kay
on 8/5/08 3:38 am - Mooresville, IN
Yes'm RESEARCH!! ask questions and be well informed!! You are doing the right thing!!  This is a forever life change...

Linda kay
on 8/5/08 4:26 am - LaGrange, KY
Wow Dani! Congrats on your approval hon!!!

Most definitely continue your research. Sherri made some very good points. At some point obesity is like a cancer, it spreads to damage your organs and what not.

I think everything you are feeling is very very normal. You can try to post on the mainboad and ask about people who are farther out and see how they're doing! I've seen a few post recently.
My dad had a WLS procedure in 1980 but did NOT continue his vitamin regime years after and ended up really sick from that you vitamins are absolutely crucial to keeping yourself as healthy as possible.

on 8/6/08 12:03 am - IN
Thanks Misty,  you really inspired me to look into the surgery.  I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your posts on SC
Amy H.
on 8/5/08 11:08 am - Kokomo, IN

Dani, congrats on your approval!!

As Sherri and the other have said, yes, it will affect your health care in that you have to be proactive and tell every medical provider you have that had RNY, and any complications that arose from it (here's prayers there aren't any!).  The vitamins and supplements for the rest of my life are no big deal to me, because even just 3 months out, I am such a different mom to my kids, and more involved and more active in life in general! 20 years from now I'll be 56...I intend to be 56 but looking and feeling more like 46!

Life insurance...if you don' t have the option of getting it through an employer, definitely ask around.  I'm still a SAHM, and the most coverage my husband's employer offers for a spouse is $30K.  So I do have that, but once I hit goal, I will start shopping around for a separate policy unless I'm working and have it through an employer.   Health policies (like those issued by a company) cannot refuse to cover you.  Some individual plans can, but I found one just last week that is covering me for the remaining two months until our insurance through hubby's new job kicks in.  Anthem BCBS offers a term health policy, and I got it for 2 months for $186 total.  Ask around.

Kids...yeah, that was a biggie for my husband and I.  Our girls are 4 & 5, and I didn't want to leave them without a Mommy.   But I also knew that I really trust Dr E, I knew I was making the right choice for me, and I needed to do this to ensure I will be around for their kids.  Totally normal, but talk to Dr E as often as you need to!

Sending lots of luck for a speedy date!

Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)

on 8/6/08 12:02 am - IN
Amy,   I hope you don't mind but I have really been following your progress.  We are similar age and before weight, as well as having Dr. E.  Your progress is really encouraging.
Jenny K.
on 8/5/08 9:27 pm - IN
I had a lot of the same concerns as you before my surgery.
I think that my husband was more scared that something would happen to me in surgery, but Im still here. 
I have gotten life insurance since my surgery. I am sure there are companies that will turn you down, but there are some out there that will give it to you. 
It is perfectly normal to feel the way you are feeling. Just think of the positives of how your life will be once you have this surgery and start losing the weight. It is great! You will be able to get out there and play with your son.
You are in my prayers and you will be fine!
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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