Happy Tuesday!!!
Geeze did we get it last night. It was pretty darn bad around here, I got kind of nervous and I usually don't. We got some bad beating rain with a lot of thunder and lightening. We had tornado warnings and so we got ready to go into the bathroom. I got flashlights, the phone, a big comforter and of course Misty in her carrier. Usually she lets us put her in the carrier and it is alright but not last night. I got her in fighting tooth and nail and it took both Bill and I to get her to stay in long enough for us to zip the zipper. She was in ther screaming at the top of her lungs. I told Bill that told me that there was some tornados around here since their instinct is to run and when we put her in there she couldn't. It ends up that we did have tornados around here. I guess one hit near South Haven which is about a couple of miles from us and where our nephew lives. I guess we had winds at about 80 miles per hour. I know we got some more during the night but I was so exhausted I slept through them. Bill heard them and said they were bad. I know that the electric went out. I guess we are going to be getting some more of them this morning. It is thundering and lightening and it is dark. It is raining but not storms~YET. lol
Nothing much going on here today. I am staying home again today and getting some of this crap thrown away. I am getting a dent in it. I got some clothes closets done earlier so they are done. So 2 closets done and 3 more to go. lol I hate cleaning closets and the one in the hallway is going to be a bear. It is so full of junk it isn't even funny. That is our catch all closet and it shows. I am picking stuff up around the apartment and just tossing and that makes me feel good. I have never been able to do that before so I must be doing something right.
I guess I had better get going. I have such a headache I can't stand it. I am hoping that it goes away really soon. I hope that your day is good all and I am sending love and hugs to all with prayers too. Special prayers are being said for those in need of them.
Since I didn't work yesterday, I've been pretty busy today. And since I'm taking of Thursday & Friday...and my runs take 44 hours, I'm having to get it in gear for them to be far enough along before I leave tomorrow for the week. And then...I was suppose to have an instrument repaired tomorrow. The service guy swapped it and a job near Notre Dame because of the weather so now I'm going to have him to deal with this afternoon. And then...I really need to find some time to get on our system and get some stuff ordered! And then...my boss & I are suppose to sit down and get the paperwork done so I can go to four 10 hr days. And then...my boss has lots of stuff left over from the class last week and I'm gonna distribute some of them. Enough and thens, huh?!?! Ah well..what I don't get done today, there's tomorrow and what I don't get done tomorrow, there's next week! LOL!
But first..had to take a break to say good morning to my buds! I am waiting for a sample to get completed so don't worry y'all

We're having dinner with some friends of ours tonight. It's gonna be so good to see them!
I'm getting excited about the camp-out this weekend! I know those of you who are joining us are too! Woo-hoo!!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...

It was pouring like crazy at 9 when it was time to leave for the Y, but I figured I was gonna get all hot and sweaty anyway, so who cared if I got wet? Loaded the kids and headed out. Getting ready to shower and go over all my references for my interview this afternoon at 2pm. Keep your fingers crossed!! If the training thing can be worked out, this would be a fantastic opportunity!
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)
Wow my sleep schedule is all crazy again... I'm just tired all of the time.
Congrats to Jimmy for the job promotion.
Jodi - It sounds like everything was really amazing, Congrats again.
Ellen - Still praying for you darling!!
Well I don't know what else to say really. I'm still battling this chest and sinus gunk. It's been over 3 weeks now and I'm really over it. I'm finishing up my 2nd prescription of steroids in that time too and since I've decreased my dosage back down to 20 mg, my chest is going nuts.
I have my dental stuff on Monday. I am very nervous and terrified actually but I'm ready to have a new smile. After that I have my appointment with Dr. C on next Friday too. I'm even more nervous about that truthfully. I just can't shake the disappointed feeling.
Anyways I think that's all.
Good Evening Everybody,
I was able to pop in this afternoon while at work to check out posts but couldn't post.
Well today was a very EXciting day for me....
I was 169.5 this morning...That means I no longer qualify for WLS!
I hate it when I stall because I cannot believe how unmotivated I get. I start to graze really really bad and then I I start thingking about food alot! I am a very very BAD food addict, stuff starts talking to me. I walk past the refigerated cookie section at the grocery store and they call to me, " hey SHHHAANNNAA, eat one of us. You can stop at just one. You know you can"
Well Ty's football practice was moved to this afternoon so no running around tonight. OMG I am actually home for the entire evening with nowhere to go
I fixed Turkey spaghetti w/ Barilla pasta plus. Very high in protein. I figuered about 30 grams for the 6 ounces.
Other than that, just counting the days until the CAMPOUT :) Jan tell me more about the AMish restaraunt. That souns wonderful.....XOXO SHANNA
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.