Monday, Monday!

(deactivated member)
on 8/3/08 3:28 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Well, here it is 1:15am, and I'm up again with the durn dog. I don't really mind that much. It gives me a chance for some quiet time in the apartment to myself. I don't get that too often.

I have been writing down everything I'm eating since August 1st. I keep reading that people who do that have more accountability and lose more weight, maintain loss better. So I'm going to try that. When I woke up for real yesterday and weighed in I was actually at 150 lb. Sigh. I'm hoping I will have inched back into the 140's today. I had a pretty good eating day yesterday. I was reading a book with an interesting perspective, one that I can't disagree with, for myself. The idea was that I will always suffer from the disease obesity, even if it's in a 'remission'. I will always have to take care of myself to keep the disease under control. I think that's so true for me atleast. I may not qualify as obese by BMI charts right now, but I still have to be careful. I guess I see it as having an obese person's brain. No matter how thin I get, it will be wired that way, and so I need to take extra efforts that a naturally thin person might not have to take.

Well anyway, today I go into Indy/Carmel much later this morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Huse for a recheck on my perforated ulcer at noon. Then in the afternoon, I have an appointment with the neuropsychologist who did Mikey's recent testing last month, to get the results. We had applied for SSI for Mikey and were denied. We have an appointment with an attorney on the 13th, to get help with an appeal, and I just hope this testing helps us rather than the opposite. I am curious as to what they will say too. This will probably be the most thorough evaluation he's ever had, and up till now, everyone else seems to have different ideas of what the problems are. I hope it helps us in that way too, to know how to best help him.

Later tonight, from 6-9:15pm, I will be working at Sears again. I'm not supposed to be available on Monday nights there, but I told a girl I would take her shift for her. She helped me out a couple of times this summer, when I have had need.

Take care all,
on 8/3/08 9:04 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning all!

I slept in some today. I have to leave here at 7:30 to head for St. V's on 86th to have that dye/x-ray done. I so hope it shows what's going on! I know my stomach was trying to cooperate for it yesterday. It was an 'uncomfortable' day! Gail..I was 40.5" by NOON! I don't know what I ended up at. All I know if that people thought it was sweet seeing me, Bill, and Chance together. I'm quite sure they thought I was carrying Chance's baby brother or sister! I saw a reflection of myself and I looked a good 8 months pregnant! Anyway, school clothes & supplies are gotten. And today is the test! I do have a good book to bring with me and that's what matters. LOL!

Well..I better make this short so I can go get ready. You all have a good day today!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 8/3/08 9:44 pm - Martinsville , IN
My stepdaughter finally got in from Tampa yesterday.  The kids are so big, it has been two years since we have seen them.  Papaw has gone to get some bait because the grandson wants to fish gator free lol.  Its going to be a hot one today and the pool is always closed on Monday's so I suppose we may have to swim the lake (well not me ).  I fixed dinner for everyone while they went to a little league baseball game and it was so weird to have all that food and not be hungry.  The kids wanted to know "how did you cook and then not eat" I just had to say "I guess my surgery is working because it doesn't even sound good".  This whole experience could never be learned from a book or on the internet its something you definatly must live to understand.  I even have skipped a couple of meal simply because I forgot to eat....yes me the one who lived to eat, forgot to eat!!!!

Sherri I hope you get the answers you have been looking for today.

Brenda R.
on 8/4/08 12:42 am - Portage, IN
Jeannie, I just wanted to make sure to let you know that it important that you eat your meals. I was told that your body could go into starvation mode and then start storing the fat because it thinks that it won't get food. I know that my poor body thought it was in starvation since I would do that on a regular basis when I thought that my diet should be one meal a day! lol Make sure that you eat something for each meal and get your protein in each day.

You are doing fantasti****ep up the great job.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Brenda R.
on 8/4/08 12:50 am - Portage, IN
Sherri, I really hope that they find some answers for the problems when they do this test. I am keeping you and Bill both in my prayers. Please make sure you keep us posted on results.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 8/3/08 9:46 pm - IN
Good morning everyone!
This past week has been so hectic at work.  I am glad last week is over, needless to say.

Hopefully this week will be a little better and not so hectic.
I am 1 lb. under goal so I am trying to eat a few more snacks thru the day to maintain and it seems to be working.

Sherri-I hope you get some answers as to what is going on with your stomach swelling up.

Linda-I hope your appeal process goes smooth and you get that SSI.

Everyone have a great day!
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 8/3/08 10:23 pm, edited 8/3/08 10:27 pm - Thorntown, IN

Hi everyone,

Today is my late shift then a meeting. I have to get my laundry put up- it is piled so high on the dryer that it is tumbling to the floor.  What a mess- time to try to get my home back in some kind of order. I just haven't felt like doing anything after work~ by the time I get home 8-8:30, its eat, read mail/paper, and clean up kitchen /get ready for the next day. I don't know how I would have done it if I had a house full of little ones!!! I sure admire Shanna ,Jenny, & Robin, & anyone else with them!! I know my head would be exploding more than it already is- hee, hee! 

Had the 3 younger grandkids (Jax, Hunter & Willow) for a sleep-over Sat. & we went to a Memorial Walk for Jordan, the young boy who died from a head injury.He was a fellow football player/classmate with Quintin, and the team put on the walk. It was very moving and I know the family appreciated it. The team alone raised $15,000 towards the left-over expenses the Ins. didn't cover- which were tremendous. Between dog tags,tee shirts, face painting, lumenaries( which we made)goodies,lunch,raffles, etc. my pocketbook was empty when we left, but we did have such a good time & it was for a wonderful cause!!
  I am going to give my  2 week notice at work today.DH & I talked and I have had the same symptoms I had 6 yrs. ago when my health was bad & folks came here to have me care for them at the last stages of their illness. This time tho, they are worse and the headaches have become a major problem.  I just hope they will understand & find someone to replace me quickly. My hubby is so loving & supportive, and knows it is hard for me 'cause I love working/being with the public. It is going to be volunteer work from now on for me. I have several things that i do at church, plus with the grandkids, I am sure I will be BUSY!! DH job will be over for the season soon, so maybe we will have some time to get a few things we've wanted to do together, PLUS hopefully spend some time with you all! Sounds good, huh Sherri/Gail,whoever- we gotta do lunch sometime!! Just say an extra prayer for me, if you will.
Sherri, I hope they find out what is going on this time! I will call you later tonight ,ok? 

Linda V. I am praying that the Drs. can help Mikey figure out what is going on & help him,quickly! I am keeping you in my prayers,too. Fight for your rights,girl!! Don't get hung up with numbers on the scale- it can cause you more stress. Just be sure you are doing everything you know to do. What is the name of the book you are reading? Sounds like a good one!!!

Jenny, you are doing fantastic- just be sure you get enough protien in daily.
Gail- sending you-smooches!!!
Again, thanks for the prayers & support everyone. Life is a journey,with many twists & turns, but made sweeter with friends, and I'm glad you are mine! Got to get busy,I am sending out my love & support to you all!!!!


  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Gail O.
on 8/4/08 12:14 am - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning All,
I have been up for hours,I should have left my computor on and most likely be walking with Lori about now. We plan to walk on Wednesday. I had a great week-end, full on love and rest !!!!
Linda, I am glad you are appealing, Mikey and you, and rest of your family are in my prayers. I was taking our dog out about the same time you took yours !!!!!!
Sherri, I am praying you get ANSWERS this time. If you can give me a call between testing times. 
                             Jennie, I am so happy for you on your journey and can't wait to visit with you again. I don't have the need to eat either but I do sometimes feel a little tried, I get food and protein in and I feel much better. You and family have a awesome day.
Jenny, I would love to see you, "WOW" moment to you on meeting your goal. Big Hugs, I miss ya. 
Ellen, I always have you in my prayers and love you bunches.
Can't wait to see you, HUGFEST !!!!
Special Prayers And Healthy Wishes for Those in Need.
Love to All, Hugs & Blessings, Gail
ps This is the 3rd time I tried to post, so if there's type "O" or missing words its just me trying
Amy H.
on 8/3/08 10:44 pm - Kokomo, IN
Morning everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend...we sure did.  Took the girls to the Children's Museum in Indy on Saturday, and they ran all over the place for 4 1/2 hours! They were exhausted, and sound asleep within 10 minutes of getting in the van.  Darrell and I took some time driving around the city, checking out things that have changed since we moved last spring (2007).  We were both floored at the new stadium! I-70 to the east side, our old neighborhood, was a big change.  We lived at 10th and Emerson for almost 10 years before moving, so 70 was a major route for us.  We wrapped up our "hometown tour" with a trip up Keystone on the east side of Carmel...boy was THAT eye opening! Glad I'm not driving in that traffic anymore.

As of this morning, I'm down 50 pounds on the nose...almost half way to my goal.  I am so excited.  Hair loss is still happening, but I've been taken 2000 mcg of Biotin daily, and really trying to keep my protein up around 85-90 grams a day, and I think it's starting to slow the loss a bit.

In big news, I have a job interview tomorrow.  I've been a SAHM for 5 years now, but with Emily starting kindergarten and Molly starting preschool, I'm ready to dip my toes back into work.  This is for a part time sales rep position with Market Day, handling the school fundraisers here in Howard County.  It's 10-12 afternoon/evenings a month, setting up sales and attending PTA meetings and things like that.  I'm not letting myself get too excited about it, as I cannot attend the training sessions next week in Indy; they are the same as Emily's first day of kindergarten, and I refuse to miss that! 

Saying prayers for Linda, Ellen and Sherri with all you have going on...hope you all get the answers and relief you are looking for!


Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)

on 8/3/08 11:43 pm - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone.
I did little of nothing yesterday but the next 3 days are full again.
We had our last family get together saturday for the summer.
I found a recipe for bananna split pie and my hubby and boys are in heaven and its with sugar free Sherry i found something that flipped my
We have visitation tonite for my dhs best friends mom who passed this friday and funeral tomorrow..Linda i hope things work out for Mikey,Sherry hope they find out whats going on with your belly.
Ellen i hope you get feeling better.
Everyne stay safe and take care..

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