Sunday Morning!
Today is Sunday. I want to try to get to 9am mass with the family, but I have to be at work at Sears at 10:45 am. So that's really, the only time I can go. I haven't been for a while, and I feel like I need to go. To lift up my spirit.
Then for most of the rest of the day, I have to work. Nothing too interesting, just a long 8 hour day at the mall. Last night, when I got home I was so exhausted after the picnic during the day and working at night. I think my hubby wanted to talk, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. I felt bad about it, but what's a girl to do?
Talk to y'all later!
Good morning fellow Hoosier Losers. My stepdaughter will be in from Tampa today, I am excited to see them. They will be staying a week but I havent made any plans for us I figure if you don't make any plans then you won't be disappointed when they don't happen lol.
I think I dumped for the first time, I added a teaspoon of vanilla sugar/fat free pudding to my protein shake and froze it. As soon as it was gone I walked to the mailbox and my heart was racing like crazy, I thought it was probably from the heat. It wasn't long after that here came the poo's. I guess its nice to know the surgery is working but why now?? and why the pudding??
I drove my car for the first time yesterday, boy is it a fun lil thing. We choose red and it is dirty as can be from just sitting in the driveway lol....doh! I went to Walmart and got groceries for when company is here. Actually I rode in the handicap cart and had my son pulled stuff off the shelf for me. It was a good thing for both of us because we got to spend some time together and he said "no wonder you always want help when you shop"! Finally after 23 years of weekly shopping someone understands.
So sorry you had to get up so early... but I guess it is better than cleaning up messes.. Yes I know what you mean about regaining... I regained 16 pounds when I got my new knee.. While I haven't changed sizes in about a year... I just sing praises that I am NOT where I used to be!! But I swear looking in the rearview mirror at my flappy arms is sickning.
Melissa brought the girls over yesterday but I had gone for a ride with my sister in the convertable so I missed them.. Was going to see them at the parade but they decided to go with a friend instead... sigh... mamaw isnt needed anymore.. my baby girls are growing up!!
Im off to church today too...
Linda Kay
Well..a little bit of relaxing before I pick up Chance and us go school clothes shopping. I don't know if Bill is coming along or not..but in a way, I'd like some Mamaw time with just me & Chance. We haven't had that for awhile. He's such an intelligent boy that I find it so interesting to hold a conversation with a 7 yr old! LOL!
Jodi made such a beautiful we all knew she would. ;-) Jodi being Jodi was a little stressed over the little! I hope once that everyone got their fill of food that she settled down some and was able to enjoy the rest of the evening. We left the reception about 7:30. It was scheduled to go on until 11. With it being almost an 1.5 hour drive for us, I didn't want to get too exhaused before driving home. It was close to 9 when we got home and this little girl turns into a pumpkin around 10 most nights! LOL! Oh..Matt looked very handsome, as did Gage. But it was little Quintin that stole the show as far as male cuteness was concerned! He is such a little doll-baby!
Linda...I think we all harbor fears of the sugery not being successful (which is why we freak out on every little pause our bodies take when early out). We also have those fears of regaining. We all know someone *****gained weight a few years post-op. I know one *****gained ALL of his weight back and then some. But...I've also seen the way he eats! It's no wonder he regained! The past month or so has been rough on me weight-wise. 6 weeks ago I was, 161! Actually, 161 is probably about where I should have been all along. When I plumetted to 142, it had everyone concerned. Now to lose these refound pounds..the healthy way! I think it's fantastic that we have this terrific tool! could have been the sugar alcohols in the pudding that gave you problems. Some people are very sensitive to it. Some are sensitive to the artificial sweetners. Gail is totally allergic to artificial sweaters (even Splenda!). A month from now, you might be ok with it..but I would definately try just a taste at first and slowly increase who much pudding you have. I tend to be ok with sf pudding...for the first few ouces. After that?

Linda Kay....I hope you were able to get your car fixed. Jodi had read your post yesterday about it and more than understood.
Emil....if you're lurking...Jodi missed seeing you & Becky at the wedding. She was definately looking for you. We all miss seeing you on here! was great seeing you again. always hon, great seeing you too!
Ellen...I hope today is a good day for you. Are you off of work today? If so, I'll give you a call afterwhile.
Oh..Hope sent me an update on Peter the other day and things are definately looking terrific right now. Please continue having Peter in your prayers.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
After church today, the girls and I are going to Spring Mill SP and going swimming, and possibly the pastor's daughter will go with us. She is 2 years older than Mariah. The girls all sit beside each other at church, and they are "3 peas in a pod" when they get together. It is so funny to listen to them sing, because they can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it! They really try tho, and thats all that is a "joyful noise!"
Hope everyone has a wonderful day! It is going to be beautiful and hot, so get out and enjoy it! I am going to try!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
It is such a beautiful day! The sun shining and so cool! I opened the windows and turned the air so it wouldn't come on. I was actually a little too cool this morning. Broke out the heavy Bath and Body Works robe!
I'm home from church this morning because I had to start the 1 1/2 ozs of phophate laxative for my gallbladder surgery tomorrow morning. And boy does it work! I've had 1/2 a glass of apple juice/laxative and is my bowels a growling! I think I have a bear in there! I had better be sure to run when the time comes! My husband thought it tasted so bad....I didn't think so. Maybe I mixed it a little differently than he did. I crushed ice and put apple juice and the 1 1/2 ozs and started drinking. Didn't taste it at all, just the apple juice.
So today I am staying around inside or just out on the patio. Don't want to overexert (he he!).
I did put on green beans, sausage, onion and potatoes in the crock pot for DH to eat. (I can't have anything but clear liquids). It won't bother me because that is not one of my fondest dishes!
Think of me tomorrow morning around 9:00. That is when the surgery is and I sure hope it goes well and I feel better. Lose that pain! Then on the 18th, my back surgery! I will be a whole new person! No more pain!!!!
I hope everyone has a blessed day with family and friends!
I am sitting here waiting to leave for church. Guess what? Drum roll everyone......I am wearing a dress today! Now everyone can pick theirselves up off the floor! It is the one that I got at a rummage sale. I finally bought a slip and pantyhose that fit. I had to cut the couple of inches of lace off the bottom of the slip and it is still long. It was only 24" to begin with. My God I am short! I think I am looking pretty good if I must say so myself. lol
Bill is gone fishing yet again this morning. He is so addicted to fishing. I wonder if they have Fishermen Anonymous? Hmmmm........can you picture everyone saying "Hello, my name is _______, and I am a fishermanaholic? I bet there would be a roomful of them. I know some of them would come from our family alone. lol
Misty is on the back of the sofa and she is sound to sleep. I know that she must be tired since she didn't come into the bedroom as soon as my eyes opened this morning. She usually knows just when my eyes open in the morning since she is right in the bedroom sitting at the side of the bed staring at me. I just looked at her on the sofa and she is now staring at me. Just laying there staring like she knows that I am talking about her. lol
It is another nice day today. The humidity is down and there is a slight breeze. I still have the air on in here but it isn't coming on to much. I know that the weatherman said last night that tomorrow it is going to be back in the 90's with high humidity again. Oh the problems of summer! But I guess it is better than shoveling Lake Michigan out of your front yard. That is something that we have to do often around here.
I better get going. I am sending love and big hugs and prayers for everyone. Special prayers for those in need of them. Have a wonderful Sunday and don't forget to enjoy yourself.
It's beautiful today....I slept in. wow I hate it went I sleep so late, then I feel I have wasted the whole day. I work at 3;00 Today, I think I might run Bella over to Pioneer park for the festival today. I need to get movin'. I have been a little stalled for about a week and a half, frustration is starting to set in.
Melanie c. from the boards stopped in last night at work to say Hello. Such a sweetie. I love it when I get visitors from my friends on OH, Keeps me in that frame of mind....Ya know!
Have a great day, only 5 more days and a wake up til the campout! one of my girls last night, her mom brought her in a bean dip from their cookout for me to try, I loved it, I am going to make it for the campout. The only problem is we are tenting, we don't have a camper so I have to make it Thursday night and refrige. it. It should travel fine though.
Have a great day :)
xoxoxo SHanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Well I hope you all have a great day! Also I want to tell Jodi "CONGRATULATIONS" I am glad that she had a nice day for her wedding and sounds like it was beautiful! SO TTYL!
Good Afternoon All,
I have been up for hours and just getting on to say "hello". I was helping my youngest daughter get ready for her BF 30th birthday party is giving. She starting to be like her mom everyday. LOL.
Jodi looked so beautiful !!!!!!!!!! The whole bridial party looked great. Jodi & Matt's smile's were just awesome. You could feel the love . I had a wonderful time. I went with Cindy & hubby, daughter. Cindy's daughter wanted me to come home with them & have a sleep over, I think I have a friend for life. LOL.
We all sit together with Sherri & Bill. I always enjoy visiting with my dear "OH" family.
And yes I Cried
when Jodi & Matt said their vows.
I need to get busy and try to help with yardwork. LOVE to all.
Special Prayers and Healthy Wishes to Those in Need.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail
Have A Sunshine Day Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
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