I sure am up early. And starting the thread too.

Well ,I think i will hop in shower and get some protein in. I wish everyone a positive day. Love To All.
Prayers & Healthy Wishes to All in Need.
Hugs & BLessings, Gail

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @

Good morning everyone!
It was so nice to see you starting the daily thread Gail! I hope all goes well at the doctors & they are able to only have to stick you once!
I never made it into the chillroom yesterday so I gotta do that today. Brrrr!
I'm looking forward to the weekend!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Im hanging out my boys and their friends today (in other words im drivin).
We went to childrens hospital yesterday all day,but im telling you that i always say a prayer after ive been there and thank God that my children are healthy.So many sick little ones there but they are happy little ones.
We went school shopping on the way home kmart has some awesome deals jeans 60% off and if you spend 50.00 you get a coupon for 5.00 off a later purchase up to 15.00..then stopped by fashion bug awesome sales for
Gail good luck at the dr and have fun with Linda Kay, sherry dont get to cold. LeeAnn honey hang in there.Everyone else have a safe day..
Had to get up at 2:30am to walk the dog again last night. She wanted to play more than pee. D'oh. We're going to have to get out of that habit.
My parents are coming to Terre Haute tomorrow, so we can go on a picnic for lunch. I think that will be nice. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks. Then after lunch, we can come back to the apartment and either go swimming, or play cards, depending on the weather and heat. We like to play pinochle.
Have a great day all!
I am also going to the wedding tomorrow.. Hubby will visit with his sister and I will be coming to wedding alone I guess.
Good Luck with the Doc...
Love, Linda kay
My mom drove me to take two of my dogs to the groomers today. They needed to go so bad, I cant wait to kiss their cute lil clean faces.
My step daughter and her family will be up from Tampa to visit with us on Sunday and staying until the following Saturday. Its such a treat to visit with them, because it happens so rarely.
Shanna if you ever want to hang out for the two hours you are stuck in Martinsville just let me know. I have a peddle boat you and Bella may enjoy or the pool. Beats the heck out of trying to shop while your here as we have NOTHING.
Have a great day
I am up and at it this morning~ working tonight then grandkids comeing over for sleepover with us. I am getting them from Dad after work, since he has the late night shift.My daughter is in Nebraska for a seminar- she is going to be a "Purse Diva"- it's purse, jewelry ,accessories that look like the big name brands( coach, Prada, D&B, etc) but cost 1/4 of them. I am going to host a party for her in Sept.- a "open house" and will post later the details -if you want to come on up and party with me!
Last night we went for a walk - had to cut it short cause the humidity is so high my head was pounding. (Usually we walk 2-3 mi. at a time in an hr.) Still waiting for the Drs. office to call. I feel better now that I vented and let it out yesturday. Thanks Sherri,Gail & MaryAnn for your support. Don't know what I'd do with out my 'Sisters".
Gail, you are doing fantstic- girl you rock!!!! I am so proud of you and happy for you!!! it won't be long till we can have our ((((((hug fest)))))). Have fun at Jodi's wedding- give her & Matt a big ((HUG)) from me, ok?!!
Jo, the day will be busy for you, but remember to take a few minutes for yourslef. Love you and am sooo happy for you!
Sherri- don't freeze you lil bottom off in there today, girl! It was GREAT talking to you last night- thanks, I needed that!!!! Kick up your heels at the wedding for me ( or flats , in my case) and pass out the (((hugs))) to everyone for me. I'll see you soon! Love ya!
LaChelle, congrats on the day shift! Now you'll be able to enjoy your family, relax and rest!
Linda, I know what you mean- paydays are the best. Just hate it goes so quickly. Get your hair done girl, you deserve a little something/treat for yourself!!!!
Brenda & Jan, can't wait to actually get to meet up at the campout. It is going to be so much fun!
Jeannie, you are doing great girl, it gets easier each week. and you'll feel stronger before you know it!
Have a great day everyone!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Hi y'all!
I just woke up. Bella didn't sleep well at all last night. I am meeting a friend from the WLS community on Youtube today for lunch. Slimmingsongbird...she will be in town for the Ladies of Faith conference and she is supposed to call me so we can meet up for lunch. I am super excited, I have watched her videos for almost a year now and She is such a sweetheart!
Ellen, I hope you are feeling better! Darn depression can really creep up on you. I walked out of work last night and that humidity was UNREAL! I am surprised I didn't have a headache. You could almost cut it with a knife.Hang in there and remeber you have such a huge support base that we are here if you need us!
Jeannie...Thanks for the offer. I am on nights this week so Terry has been shuttling Ty to Drivers Ed. Luckily tonight is the last night for 7-9pm. Next 2 weeks he drives 3 days a week from 430-630. Then we are done! Yeah
Jodi....Good Luck tommorrow! We will all be thinking of you and Matt!
Gail...sweetipie! you rock....Way to go, Keep up the great work, but remember to eat you protein :) xoxox
Sherri, BRRRr. I know how you feel. Out big freezers are minus-18 degrees.I hate having to stand in there and Organize Makes me freeze my tushie off!
Everyone else have a Fantastic day....xoxox shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Thanks for the empathy! The chillroom are kept at 4-8 degree C so not nearly as cold as your freezers. It's not too bad if I don't have to be in there all day and/or I don't have to do anything that gets me wet. Yeah right! Like I won't have to do either of those! LOL! Ah makes me trouble shoot my instruments a little quicker! haha!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...