It is another hot and humid one today. They are saying that the heat index will be getting intot he triple digits. With heat like that I usually stay in the air since it isn't good for either my heart problem or asthma.
I didn't get to the library yesterday either. I ended up going for lunch with my bestest friend Ella. We had a nice chat and kind of caught up with what is going on in each others life. We went to Texas Corral. It is funny that none of Ella's family likes that place and so that is where you usually go for lunch since Ella is in need of her TC fix! She had chicken ceasar salad with ff ranch and a cup of black bean soup. I had a cup of chili with jalapeno's and cheese (OMG it is to die for!) and a chicken taco salad with ff ranch dressing. It was so good. I remember the days when I could finish off the entire salad with the shell. If Bill was eating with me he would give me part of his shell too since of course that was my favorite thing. I looked at my plate and here more than half the salad was left and I had a couple of bites of the shell. I did eat all the chili and the chicken. Protein you know! lol
I left the restaurant and went and put my application in at a couple of places. One was a natural store. They carry the vitamins and such. They make everything there and other stores buy from them. They needed someone to take the orders from the other places. I wouldn't mind that since I love to talk on the phone. I use to work at a answering service so you know I have the phone attached to my hand most of the time. Bill has always said that he is going to bury me with a phone. I told him not to since I just KNOW it would ring. lol The other place that I applied was at the Portage schools. Ella in a manager at the East High School kitchen and she told me that she could get me into the kitchen in a minute. I am just not one for working in a kitchen. I hate doing stuff like that. I told her that I wanted to be a bus aid. She told me that they do a lot with the little ones but more with the special needs kids. I would love that since I use to take care of a special needs lady for many years. Her name was Georgie and that is how I met my good gf Mary Lou, who passed away about 11 years ago. I am keeping my fingers crossed with those since I really need to get a job. I am going nuts in this house and the money is getting shorter and shorter since the prices are going up and up.
Bill just got done watering his patio garden. Everything there seems to be the same as it has been. The stargazer lily is blooming like mad. Every bloom has bloomed now. It is a beautiful plant. Wonderful color and just so full of blooms. I am glad that we planted one of those.
I guess I had better get going since I have gone on and on. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said through the day for everyone. Special ones are said for those in need of them.
I've not really ever joined the daily post, but I'm going to try to put my self out there more and stop being such a hermit.
I am writing from work, where it seems like I spend 1/2 my time. Tonight I think that my daycare provider/friend & I are going to go do dinner together with the kids. I am planning on sorting out the laundry room tonight. I need to bag up Sophia's (my 2 year old daughter) old clothes that she has grown out of and put them in the closet in the spare room. My husband is still off in Germany, he's due back in 4 days, so the full-time job & keeping the house and spending quality time with my child is not leaving alot of room for decent sleep.
I am on day 4 of not smoking. I am starting to calm down a bit, I don't feel like throwing things as much as I did yesterday. Yesterday I think I was going through withdrawals because I kept breaking out into cold sweats at work and I still can't sleep more than 90 minutes without waking up. But hopefully that will get better as time goes on.
Well, I better get back to work before my desk starts to look like a Cathy comic strip.
Have a great Thursday ladies!!
Ok, confession time.
I haven't been on here much latley- either too busy or headaches. Since my catscan, my head has been killing me. I have constant pain/ache in the left side, sometimes I just have to press the side of my head ( acupressure) and rest.It has been a week, so I am going to call the Dr. & see what he says. I have to admit- depression has roared its ugly head ,big time! I have had times where asll I want to do is cry, eat, sleep, cry, veg out, just do nothing- sitting in the dark ,silence. I don't really want to go anywhere or see anyone lately. I second guess myslef alot, and just rush thru to "get it done". I haven't exercised in weeks, have gained, & hate that I feel a like I am letting everyone down- God, myslef, my Dr. & my friends/family/support. Please,if you are a praying person, would you lift my name up? I know God haers my pleas, and wiull see me thru this.
I have been working more hrs. & just trying to go slowly, so I don't make huge mistakes. We have 2 less employees, & the one gal they hires only wants days,no weekends. Come on- not!! Boy, I sure can tell things have really changed as far as work ethics in the past few yrs. plus, since I had my own business for 11 yrs. it is hard to work for people who don't know what they are doing. I tell you, there are times I have to just walk away, and tell myslef " shut up". They don't need my advice on how to run there business. I wonder if it is time for me to just find something where I don't know the people that run/own it at all.
We are still planning to go to the Oh campout & see all our friends. It is such a good time!!! I still haven't figured out what I'll bring~ any ideas?? DH & I both have to work Fri. so we'll come up afterwards- probably pull in aropund 8pm. Sat. is such fun- and Dana has the "bright lights" for the campfire. Hope anyone who can come, will!!!!!
Got to take care of the twins yesturday- oh gosh, they are growing fast!!! They both can sit up, are trying to carwl, and have 4 teeth. Last weekend we had them while Amy & Tony went out for her birthday, and what fun! We had Penny, Jax, & Willow here ,as well, so it was alot of fun. We had "girltime" ~Willow & I made muffins for breakfast and what a baall that was. She is 5 now, and wanting to do everything herself. She & Jax are coming over after I get off work Fri. for an overnight, so we will have " girltime" again. Pappy will be in chanrge while I'm at work Sat. - oh boy, it's his first time,doing that- say a prayer for him,ok?!I did notice she's very jealous of my time with Bethany, so I had her hold her, and help me. I hope it helps, cause she's been my only grandaughter ofr 5 yrs. and SPOILED!!!! Who's fault is that- yep, MINE!! But I love it!!!
Jo - have a wonderful, joyous wedding- you deserve it!! I will be with you in my heart!!!
Gotta get myslef off here and get the bills paid, get groceries, etc. so have a great day everyone. May you feel the love of God & me surround you.
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Dear sis..this is not called a 'journey' for nothing. Can you say that every single trip that you & Dana have ever taken has been smooth sailing all the way to your destination, while you were there, and all the way home? Of course not. None of us can! Well..none of us who have ever been away from home anyway. So girl, why on earth would anyone thing that no weight-loss journey would ever have a flat tired or a blown motor? Some people just need a little work on their starter when they are newbies. Others, have to have major overhaul work done. Unfortunately my dear, you and I are of the latter (car-speak, I think we're lemons! LOL!). So you gained a few pounds. You know what it takes to lose it and as soon as they get your pain under control, use your tool and lose it!
Sweetheart, someone who has never had any problems is NOT the one I respect. It's those who do...and have had to learn how to overcome them that gains mine. I know you have been through ALOT and you have done a wonderful job overcoming these problems so far..and you will this latest one too! Just don't withdraw from those who love you. Lean on them for help and you will find that their love will lift you up above the troubles. Keep a smile on your face and hope will stay in your heart. I know that others who don't know me are reading this thinking 'boy, is she full of it' or 'you can tell that SHE's never been through anything'. But sweetie, you know better. Every morning I am reminded of my problems just by the simple act of rolling onto my side in bed. Because of all of it, I've also gain some weight back...but I KNOW it IS temporary! Someday, I will be problem-free..and so will you!!
Love you sweetie. Keep your chin up and your heart open!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Take care and know you are definatly in my thoughts and prayers!
I had a wonderful lunch today with Sherri, she had on such a cute outfit. I had a good day yesterday, even getting that b12 shot. och my arm stays sore for a week. I am sooo looking forward to Jodi & Matt's wedding and the camp out next. Who would have guessed that I would turn into a social butterfly. ??!!
I hope everyone's day goes as planned: Happy & Positive. Love to all.
Sending Prayers and Well Wishes to Those In Need.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail

Ellen, can't wait to see you & I always have you in prayers

Imalittlesweetheart: Maybe we can plan a girl's lunch sometime in Sept. I would love to see & visit with you. Maybe we could do lunch at my house.If anyone is interested, hubby's could go across the street to the movies.

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
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