Its to hot Teusday
Was on my way to bed and thought id post its 3:22 and i couldnt sleep..
Its suppose to be hot and humid today so i think im staying in.
Its gonna be one of those days your glad you have air conditioning..
I had a weight limit on my gazelle and now im under that and im gonna work my butt
I hope everyone has a great day and stay safe..
on 7/28/08 6:27 pm
hot one today so be careful if you have to be out in this weather, on days like this I am thankful
I have a desk job with air.
Hope you all have some wow moments today, and I will keep counting my days until surgery 92,
I keep telling myself that October 21 will be here before I know it

Even after 3+ years I get the feeling I need something protien and go get some cheese and the feeling goes away..
Today I have another interview downtown... wish someone would just HIRE me!! Then I go to VA with h ubby... he has a colonoscopy..poor boy this is the FIRST evasive test he has ever had that didnt involve his spine... he is having trouble dealing with the prep and the thought of what they are going to do to him.. I have had 3 and I have had the upper endoscopy too... thanking GOD for the drugs!! He is at the stage he doesnt think the drugs will work and he will have to go thru it.. Poor baby is 58 and this is his first.. It's a bear getting old...He had his prostrate checked last week...he doesnt like that test either.. Well I told him they weren't looking for my prostrate but I have had the same type exam.... Yep... its an experience..hehehh
C Ya!
Linda Kay
I had a class yesterday. The morning was long....lectures...but the afternoon was the practical so it went quick. That class was for 'packing columns' on an instrument called an AKTA. Today's class is for those who never worked on an AKTA. Doesn't it make more sence that today's class should have come before the packing one?

I bet Jodi is a bundle of nerves about now! Saturday is her big wedding. For you new folks on here...Jodi is the most successful lap-bander I know! She has done terrific. Jodi had one son...a young teen. Then she met Matt and they fell in love. About a year ago they were blessed with another son. With the pregnancy came the suspicion of cervical cancer. After she gave birth, that was confirmed. Jodi had to have a complete hysterectomy and then because the testing showed the cancer still there, she also had to go through radiation & chemo. She's only been done with that stuff for what..2-3 months. Jodi & Matt are getting married this Saturday. Jodi is on the directory if you'd like to drop her a card or something and won't be able to make it to the wedding. Since Jodi had set up house many years ago, I plan to give the gift! It usually works real well for those who already have a toaster & punch bowl! LOL!
I sent out an email to those that have expressed interest in the Camp-out the weekend of 8-10th. If you didn't get it and plan to participate (especially with the pitch-in Saturday night), drop me a note/email and let me know that you are coming, how many people will be coming, and what dish you plan to bring. Bill & I will be supplying the meat and we want to be sure there is plenty for everyone. I'll forward the email to you that I sent to everyone else. It looks like we're probably going to have a pretty good turn-out. That is fantastic!
Well...I guess I better get going on that darn PM. You all have a great day!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Other than that not a lot going on. I was hoping to hike the wild life refuge with my nieces today but from what I hear it's supposed to be a real doooozy temperature wise sooo we may not do so after all. Soo now we have to find something else FREE and close by to keep them entertained that is indoors. Oh well.
I'm thinking I am going to run to the store to get some stuff to make some whole grain pancakes. Sounds good for breakfast!
Last night I watched Steel Magnolias, and cried at the end. I always do. I don't know why I torture myself! Hehe.
I also went to the TH support group meeting. I didn't end up staying the whole time, as it was very hot in there. We had to use the armory's gym, instead of the nice airconditioned room we usually have, becuase FEMA was using it, I guess. It was still good to go though. I got to see some friends.
Good Morning All!
Yep Sherri.... I'm a huge bundle of over emotional raw nerves. I want Saturday to hurry the heck up so I can get this over with. Like the song says, "The waiting is the hardest part..". Damn that Tom Petty! Hahahaha!
Today I'm finishing up a few small details. I'm minus a bridesmaid, as my best friend Steve called and his new boss recinded the vacation approval that his old boss gave him. He even kept telling her that he wasn't just viewing the wedding but was actually in the wedding, and she just blantly told him she didn't care and that she wasn't giving him the vacation time. He's so upset it's not funny. He asked if I was mad at him and I'm like "How can I be mad at you, it's not your fault." He's just such a sweetheart and it really sucks that he won't be here for my wedding cuz we are such close friends. But I understand so ..... Thank gosh that another one of my friends bought a bridesmaid dress just incase something happened so I have a back up.
It's suppose to be almost 90 F degrees Saturday... HOLLY COWS!!!! Thank Gosh I have hand fans for people.. lol. Thank gosh I also asked the officiant for a ceremony that would last no longer then 20 minutes.. lol.
So yeah I'm busy this week cleaning house and finishing up the last details to the wedding.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Love & Blessings
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"